Just read that he has been removed as head of the mosque is served in...don't have the link yet. Now, the Brits can ship him back to.... Where in the world would he be shipped to????
JoinedPosts by BadJerry
Shuttle Disaster.....Gods Punishment
by ISP intuesday february 4, 02:07 am
mytravel to cut jobs
latest video clips
Yes, thanks for posting this. Sometimes it helps to slow down the spoken words by reading them so one can really feel them....
Do you wish you could like them, but you can't?
by JH indoes there come a time, when you would like to be at peace with the jehovah witnesses, and try to forget what they done to you, but then all of a sudden you remember the way they treated you, and then you start to get angry again at them?
does this happen to you?
Be at peace with them....never! I really don't care how they reacted to me or my family leaving, but my dear wife has been in touch with some young girls whose lives have been so ruined by the shunning that I really do see them now as "THE ENEMY", their organization and the individuals who still cling to all the lies. So much of what I've read here and have seen personally would, if not associated with a religious organization, but considered downright crminal. Peace, no but I do look forward to justice!
Maybe this is just a reflection on a stressful workweek, but I'll read others' thoughts before making that my final defense...
Stop Credit Card junk mail
by BadJerry intired of all the credit card apps you have to deal with.
i know i am and now someone has come up with a great idea to let them know it: http://maddox.xmission.com/junk_the_junk.html.
i'm looking forward to receiving the magazine offers i'm going to forward to bank of america and citi!
Tired of all the credit card apps you have to deal with. I know I am and now someone has come up with a great idea to let them know it: http://maddox.xmission.com/junk_the_junk.html
I'm looking forward to receiving the magazine offers I'm going to forward to Bank of America and CITI!
Gulf War 2!
by Xander in.
kinda dark humor, but funny.
play through the whole thing..... http://www.idleworm.com/nws/2002/11/iraq2.shtml
I enjoyed the game. Wonder when part three _Har-m*&^(@#)+)en, will be released??????
We aren't mistakes
by BadJerry ingot this from a friend - thought it might be good for some of us to think about:.
you can make good decisions.
you can make choices that are right for you.
Got this from a friend - thought it might be good for some of us to think about:
You can think. You can make good decisions. You can make choices that are right for you. Yes, we all make mistakes from time to time. But we are not mistakes. We can make a new decision that takes new information into account. We can change our mind from time to time. That's our right too. We don't have to be intellectuals to make good choices. In recovery, we have a gift and a goal available to each of us. The gift is called wisdom.
Melody Beattie, The Language of Letting Go
Are you confident about blood?
by eyeslice inthe issue of blood remains a tricky one.. personally, i think that the ot prohibition of blood is more of a statement of respect for life and in particular respect for the life of the animal that lost it life in providing food for man.
similarly, it was prohibited for a calf to be cooked in the milk of its mother.. with blood transfusions, no one actually dies and, therefore, in my view blood transfusion is more a matter of personal conscience than centrally dictated law.. undeniably though, it is clear that risks are associated with blood transfusions, particularly hepatitis c.. if an alternative were available, would you not choose this every time over whole blood?
would this not then justify the current jw stance?.
I'm afraid the one's at the hall (when we went) that were the hardest hardliners were the one's who had seen a loved one die because he/she refused a blood transfusion. With that kind of twisted devotion ("my dad gave his life by refusing to take blood, and I'll do the same thing, even my children will!), I don't know how you would break this cycle. Even as the GB gets more lenient, I have still heard those of the above type refuse to even consider the fractions. I hope they get some type of reward for their mixed up devotion, other than a broken heart when they sacrifice another loved one on the bloodless alter!
Dinosaurs, Aliens and the Watchtower
by figureheaduk indoes anybody know what the watchtower's teachings on dinosaurs are (except for the ones that make up the governing body!
I like the picture of the dinosaur in the old green WT Bible. Just looked again to make sure it hadn't vanished. Don't know why its on the map, but it is there!
British swingers "grounded"
by BadJerry in.
talk about the "man" overstepping his boundaries - eu may be the next wbts.
Talk about the "man" overstepping his boundaries - EU may be the next WBTS
What is your job/career? Like it?
by ashitaka ini'm a deskside support guy working for a service company, at one of their contracts.
i enjoy fixing things, although some of the customers could use a good knock on the skull sometimes.. i make pretty decent money for what i am doing.. for me, it's what i've wanted to do my whole life.
i had a computer from the time i was born, and love it since then.. what do you guys do to bring home the bacon?.
Try again - I really do still work...
OK - I'm a software development manager (not the pointy-haired Dilbert type) for a major cable billing/provisioning company. Coach and mentor a group of 12 professional programmers aging from 23 to 50+ years. Major purpose in life lately is to help these guys keep their job (making them appear indispensible keeps the "bean-counters at bay) and get them home to their families after 8 hours of work. Spend time teaching them the new approaches to producing great, bullet-proof code (test first, paired coding, design by contract, etc.) Life is good but still pay into my pension (lotto) twice a week.