Label licker.....What's funny is that they did it on the wrong time... Monday the 14th on sundown would be in Jewish time the beginning of Nisan 15 which is when they ate the Passover So Sunday the 13th on sundown is when Nisan 14 starts which is called The day of preparation,or as Mathew calls it the day of unleavened bread... which is when the lamb is slaughter in the temple...the New testament says Jesus was nailed at 9.00 AM ...third hour jewish time...and died at 3.00 PM ...nineth hour jewish time which is when the Jews would go to the temple to have the sheep slaughtered, which gave them a three hours time to prepare and roast there lamb for the passover meal, that would start around sundown, which came around 6:00 PM. So what that tells you is ....that Jesus did not eat passover because that night he would be taken...and die as the lamb....what he had was a regular last evening meal with his prepare them for what was to come, so it was in that setting that he did the ritual of bread and wine with them....on the 14th of Nisan the day of preparation or the day of unleavened bread. not to be confused with the FEAST it was on Nisan 15 is when the FEAST of unleavened bread began and at the same time on the first day of the FEAST they ate the lamb counting seven days from the 15 to 21 .to eat unleavened bread.
Just in case some one out there says wait the New teastment is wrong in John 19:14 it says sixth hour jesus was already hung but in Mathew 27:45 it said the sixth hour the darkness something is wrong here ..No in john Gospel the sixth hour is 9;00 am he using Roman time.. in Mathew he using Jewish time so sixth hour would be around 12:00pm.