Thanks for the replies to my question. Some of you seem to feel just like I do.
Here are some specific points:
ISP... If Jehovah is not 'active' as you put it how do you explain the fact that you and I are here and breathing. It says somewhere in scripture that all things exist because of God's Will..(Rev 4:11) If he was not consciously willing all the things that he created to exist wouldn't everything just fold up as he stopped willing them to exist? I don't know ?
DOUBLE EDGE... I think that you and I were probably formed out of the same 'lump' of clay as you seem to express exactly the way I feel... all the mountains and the valleys.... I hate the valleys don't you.
ELSEWHERE... You need some therapy!
NAKED MVISTAR.... I think that it's a wise person who takes out the insurance before the disaster arrives. I agree with you. paradise could be great... but if it never happens I still think that having my understanding of 'The Truth' in my life has made it bearable. And if this is all there is it won't matter one way or the other when I turn to sand, will it.
Tzu... Thanks for the comments... You and I feel the same way. As far as being angry at Jehovah....
Perhaps a little story might cast some light on the subject...
A few years ago now my daughter had a son - our first grandson - he was beautiful and his name was Liam. My daughter took Liam on holiday to Sussex in Southern England... ( I live in the North near Manchester) Three days later I was called and told that they had found him dead in his cot (SIDS) I travelled to Sussex and bought a tiny white coffin and brought liam home for burial. I carried that coffin for three hundred miles on my knee. All the congregation came to the funeral it was a devastatingly difficult time for us all. But for me personally what made it worse was that just a few weeks before my step mum had died from a sudden and catastrophic kidney failure followed just five weeks later by my dad who died of a broken heart I think.
Just as we got that out of the way I started a bible study with my deputy manager at work, and she took the truth and was baptised. She was a very special lady. Sadly she was walking her dog in July of that year and she and her husband were hit by a runaway truck. She (Marie) was killed as was her husband (Rod) and their litle dog. An old lady was also hit and died, as did the driver who had suffered a heart attack at the wheel..
And then just a few months ago my sister ( also in the truth ) fell down the stairs and had a massive blood clot on her brain. We turned the ventilator off ten days later and she was dead within two minutes.... such a precious soul... I can hardly bear to think about it.
On every occassion I 'raged' at Jehovah like a madman. What had my grandson done? He was only five months old! My step mum was only 52 and my dad was.... well he was just my dad.. and I loved him. Marie was a different matter... She loved the truth and was planning to become a pioneer.. full of hope full of love for Jehovah and by sheer chance she happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time...
And my sister..... She had just come home from a circuuit assembly and was preparing for the groups study when she fell.... She loved Jehovah so much.. how could he let such a thing happen to her?
I'll tell you in truth I have raged to hard at Jehovah that it hurt....
But back to your comment about the wisdom of such a thing. I really believe that Jehovah would expect no less from us. We are dust ... dying and diseased dust at that.. and am sure that I am closer to him now because I have been open and honest with him about the way I felt.
So do I think it's wrong to be angry at Jehovah... No I don't... He has broad enough shoulders to handle any human's raving when they are broken in spirit. Well that's what i think anyway.
TR... I think that you too need therapy !
OUTSIDER FRIEND... I concur with your comment... why spit out filth when all I did was ask a reasonable question. ITR and ELSEWHERE should put their sense of decency into gear before they open their mouths perhaps. Mind you I would defend to the death their right to have their opinion and express it... but some sort of decency would be nice boyz!
Anyways... that's about all I have to say for now. Thanks for the comments so far.