What is God doing?

by Kagloo 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Kagloo

    First of all...

    This is a genuine question... I mean no disrespect to ANYONE...especially to my Heavenly Father....but I have this gnawing question in my head that just wont go away.....

    Okay... with that out of the way...

    Let's take the Holly and Jessica story that hit the headlines in the UK recently...two innocent kids, murdered and left to decompose in a filthy mud trench....;or worse than that, the story about the two people in the USA who have been busted for running an internet child porn site that features pix of children...babies as young as five months... FIVE MONTHS!!!!!!!.....being sexually abused....

    If I start to think about what these poor kids went through it drives me mad! And then if I start to think about what some kids are still going through even as I write..... wellI can hardly bear it!

    It's as if the whole system is becoming like a gigantic land of Canaan.

    But how it is possible that my tender, caring, loving Father allows these terrible things to go on... and thing probably much worse...hour after hour....day after day.. month after month... year after long year ?

    Oh I know about 'The Issue'of God's right to rulethat has to be settled.. but why do we, seemingly the weakest part of the creation, have to bare the brunt of all this satanic activity? Why is the world so HARD when we are all so soft and vunerable and easily hurt?


    I know that everything that is wrong will, one day be put right, in God's due time... but people have been hurting for so long.....why does it not end?

    If I were God I feel that I would have to do something... anything to stop the madness.

    What are your views... positives would be nice... I have enough negative thought of my own and don't need any more... come on... give me some answers that will satisfy and encourage me to continue to believe and understand.


  • ugg

    no words of wisdom here,,,,just wanted to say hi and welcome.....

  • Tzu

    Hi Kagloo,

    I don't have the answer, but would certainly like to hear some views, as I also question this.

  • ISP

    .......Nothing. He is not active. Anyone that says God is active.......is making it up.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I too believe that our Creator is a wise, benevolent and all powerful Heavenly 'Father'. Having said that, I too question why all the negative crap is allowed....in a way, the more I live, the more I kind of understand how 'no answer' is indeed an 'answer' (although not one that I undersand).

    Life is full of spiritual mountains and valleys. When I'm in a 'valley', nothing really makes sense..but, like most people, I keep plugging along taking it a day at a time...just filling out that part of my creation and just living life...the good the bad and the ugly. Just doing that for a number of years seems to bring with it its own wisdom.

    However, when I'm on one of the "mountains" and can look around and appreciate all the beauty and wonderousness of His creations, I know that there is indeed A Plan in place. I kind of look at it like a 1,000 piece puzzle that's just been started. I have several of the edges in place, can sort of make out a couple patches of pieces that have been put together, but the puzzle itself....nope...nada, except, that I do know I have all 1,000 pieces, they all fit, and when put together the whole picture will be revealed. Every year I live on this earth, I collect a piece or two and try to put them together, knowing that it won't be until I leave this mortal coil that I'll collect the remaining pieces.

    For God, not only does he know where all the pieces go, he has the box cover picture to see what we can't.

    Edited by - Double Edge on 16 September 2002 19:44:28

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    .......Nothing. He is not active. Anyone that says God is active.......is making it up.

    Of course, that is you speaking from your experience (or lack of ) with Him. Others experiences will speak otherwise.

    Edited by - Double Edge on 16 September 2002 19:53:48

  • Elsewhere

    God is in the closet masturbating with a condom on... so he doesn't spill his seed.

  • Solace


  • nakedmvistar

    It is that hope for a perfect world that keeps me at least semi-sane! Whether it be overpopulation or satan or whatever, it's quite apparent that were headed for destruction. I personally choose to cover my ass by having faith in an all powerful creator who promises a return to an edenic paradise. If I'm wrong, then so what!!! What's the worse that can happen? Death? As long as I'm not sent to a place thats really, really hot then....

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    You are so poetic.

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