''...both Jesus and Paul were saying that a good Law, even a Biblical law, SHOULD be broken when the letter of the Law results in harm''- Gilgamesh
this is my first post.
please forgive its length, its bad timing, its preachiness, its prejudices, etc.
it's just one more opinion that i feel obligated to add.
''...both Jesus and Paul were saying that a good Law, even a Biblical law, SHOULD be broken when the letter of the Law results in harm''- Gilgamesh
and for those reasons, coj wanted in the beginning, to stay with the organization, just like bill bowens.
that is all carl wanted.
yes, as members of the governing body, they knew full well, exactly what carl's writings meant.
what discipline is Relogion?
many people claim that the god of the bible loves children and fetuses.
but what does the bible say?
according to god's law, children are not persons but the property of their fathers, who may sell them as slaves.
the bible is God's word and reveals God's ways. Is it possible to understandGod's love from the record in the bible? The answer is difficult if based on the inspired word. The examples cited above, for instance, make it difficult to understand God's love. I will not now question why God did what he did with the children in the old testament, but will say it makes it difficult, from the human standpoint, and especially in our day, to understand what kind of love that is. Perhaps you may want to explain that aspect of the issue.
It's raining blessings...
how do you respond to stupid questions?
do you honor them with an answer or do you just ignor them?
Yeah, no question may be said to be stupid!
i have just added an audio tape on mental illness among jehovah's witnesses by jerry bergman.
it is interesting to hear the reasons why jehovah's witnesses have a much higher rate of mental illness than the normal population.
It may be true that the JW religion attracts those with 'problems' (we all have them!) int he first place. It may be true. But I have also found quite a great number of mentally healthy, emotionally sound, and intellectually okay people being attracted to the JW religion. If the JW religion attracts a disproportionate number of emotionally challenged people, there are probably no numbers to prove that. Or are there? But one thing seems to be clear: people experience a change with their JW experience, it is like a slow death, a change so subtle that it goes unnoticed until it has reched its fullest potential. Most JWs gradually withdraw from the rest of the world, their seclusion becomes a shield for others recognizing the problems. When the problems are recognized, people are quick to attribute it to just the religion; there's a more profound rot going on on the inside.
Until they tear themselves away from the meetings, field service, do-more-all-the-time routine, they'll never see the light. A first step will be the recognition that they might have a problem. They don't see it. Many who left didn't either. Until they left.
if baptism washes away your sins, as taught by jws, what prevents a disfellowshiped person who has moved to a new area and is not known in that area in attending meetings as an interested person and getting baptised within 6 months.. has anyone ever done that?
if so can the person be disfellowshipped a second time?
what would be his status.
It's been said: even JWs do not teach that baptism washes away sins. More like baptism being a request to God for a clean conscience (of course, there are spins on that in the JW fashion). That the candidate got baptized is an indication that that request was granted. But we know this is not necessarily so, even according to JW tradition. A baptism may be nullified if the conditions for nullification are fulfilled. A person requesting a clean conscience may be involving in acts betraying a soul in search of a clean conscience. In the JW world, a disfeloowshipped person is in no position to request for a clean conscience until he is reinstated by a ciommittee of men. He is dead. Hiow can the dead seek forgiveness? Only those who have previously not fallen away from the way of the truth can correctly do that, and DF persons are not of that class. Ideally. But I have heard of someone who did just that: moved; attended meetings; studied again; got baptised; and 'progressed'; I don't know how it all turned out though. It is difficult to understand how the elders, chosen by and under the influence of the holy spirit, could have been deceived in this way...
So, it could be done, but will still be interpreted as illegitimate by the JW community. He would have a status of being in 'good standing' until what had happened gets known. From then on, anything may happen. He may be forgiven if extunuating circumstances are cited, he may get punished for making the lie of God's princes, the elders...
i am quite sad and confused...
how important is it to be truthful and completely truthful about ones past in a relationship?
is it unusual for one to be severely hurt after discovering that a mate has not said everything about a past relationship even thouhg they calim to have?
I want to say I appreciate everyone's comments. I'm particularly thankful to those who've spent their time and all in communicating with me on email. Thanks. I think it's quite more than a small thing to drop into the chatroom and mention a problem, and get instant offers for help. Xenawarrior, you were kind when I mentioned a problem in chat, but I couldn't mail you because your email's locked. I appreciate your reaction all the same.
Let me try to say a few more things, for the sake of completeness, and to get some of us open: I don't, didn't, demand the details of past relationships. Those details were given without me asking. Now, what gives if I find they have been lies? Is not saying something the same as offering what's not true? I think if one's decided to go into details, then they should at least be true. I find it difficult too to say everything, and I don't demand that. But I won't tell a lie about such things if I have to say them. It's the way it is with the past; it's a foreign place, the past, and things happen differently there. We're all 'captives' of our past. Even God cannot change the past. To tell the truth, which, more often than not, has only one version wrt past events, is the best policy, I think. Liars must have very good memories.
So, Kingpawn, I didn't demand details, only concerned that the details offered have been something like lies. A follow-up on Englishman's second comment - the situation here's a bit more like: "I was friends with X for a while; it wasn't something serious, we were just friends", but it turned out that you'd lived with X for a while (don't know how long), and that 'a while' was more than six months...And, all the time we'd been talking, X is presented like he's been coming to visit, until another friend mentioned in a discussion about X living in...Am I alone in thinking this is not honest?
i am quite sad and confused...
how important is it to be truthful and completely truthful about ones past in a relationship?
is it unusual for one to be severely hurt after discovering that a mate has not said everything about a past relationship even thouhg they calim to have?
Thanks everyone.
Mimily, Vivanus; I think you have mail.
i am quite sad and confused...
how important is it to be truthful and completely truthful about ones past in a relationship?
is it unusual for one to be severely hurt after discovering that a mate has not said everything about a past relationship even thouhg they calim to have?
I am quite sad and confused...
How important is it to be truthful and completely truthful about ones past in a relationship? Is it unusual for one to be severely hurt after discovering that a mate has not said everything about a past relationship even thouhg they calim to have? How does this affect trust, and commitment? What is the best way to handle such a situation, especially if ones partner is very sensitive to anything resembling criticism, or accusation?
I can do with some advice. If you can, please help.