FOX news. Foxes! They got lying on the news insttutionalized. They even won in some court. I'd be wary listening to folks like that. Bu tif you like some massaging...
Posts by hurt
Liberals have lost the Iraq argument, so please stop whining...
by dolphman innothing you said was going to happen has actually happened.
the iraqis have welcomed us with open arms.
we have not decimated baghdad's infrastructure.
Moses had four stone tablets? Mordecai Esther's COUSIN? Who's Balshazzar?
My! I'm meat for Armageddon.
JWs At My Door This Morning
by Francois ini was standing on my front porch talking on my cell phone when three car loads of them pulled up down the street.
by the time i finished my conversation, one of the jws was standing on my sidewalk waiting for me to get off the phone.
i eventually did.
The JW in Francois' post certainly knew about the "heavy stuff". He had a ready defense. But if we assume he knew nothing of this heavy stuff, he would've asked. And some discussion would've ensued. I doubt that Francois would've shrugged him off had he claimed ignorance. We can't always hide behind the we-were-also-always-like-that curtain, not every JW is arrogant and unlistening. I had an encounter a few weeks ago. It was in a taxi. We got talking about some elections. And some man just said "I will never vote for anybody..." His arrongance shone through. I asked his religion, and he was simply JW. I couldn't resist, threw UN and Bulgaria and blood at him. I was kind some, but he said he couldn't, wouldn't believe it, but promised to do some "research" still. It's a question of reception. Did brother Jones show humility? No he didn't. And he lost a chance at learning some good stuff that could save him from his slave drill.
help what bookstudy book are we in?
by lostandnotfound ini am new here and i usually dont come to these type of places as they are rampant with apostates.
i still belive in most of the teachings but its the people in the org.
that have turned me away.. the reason that i am posting though is this, i have been inactive for a few months now but i have been holding out telling my parents, friends etc.
Farkel Quote:
"Why has an organization who claims to exclusively represent Jesus not printed a SINGLE book with the name "Jesus" or "Christ" as part of it's title, even though they've printed countless books devoted to praising themselves to the high heavens?"
Incredulous! Even an elder didn't realise this. He's searching his archives (poor guy hasn't discovered the beauty of the WT-CD ROM) and will get back to me. I can see a dub explanation about why not playing on his lying lips already...
Major WTS Prophecy goes down to defeat !!!
by Amazing inmany here may recall that the watchtower society has published much material on the prophetic role of the united nations ... specifically, the united nations is the scarlet colored wild beast, the "image" of the worldly 7 headed wild political beast ... it would be given life by the two-horned dual world power of britain and america, the "lamb-like beast spoken of in revelation ... this "image" beast would be given power to rule one prophetic hour over the nations as they subordinate their national sovereignty to it ... and so on ...
then ... after the creation of the united nations in 1945 in san francisco the wts interpreted revelation regarding the demise of the old league of nations to apply to a statement in revelation that this "image" beast would be revived in the form of the united nations ... seemingly, the wts was on to something ... and for the next 45 years (until about 1990) the watchtower published anything and everything they could to make their interpretation stick with respect to how deep in the time of the end they believed we were living in ... then, about 1990, the watchtower society joined the un as a member ngo ... a significant departure from their previous stand on political neutrality ... and ... hatred of satan's old system of things ... certainly, since we are nearly 90 years into the last days of this wicked system we would expect the un to be in control or at least taking the lead ...
so, now ... where do we stand as of march 19th, 2003?
much as I know, I'm not Freeman. And what you suggest destroys the intent of the post. Sincerely, I have this incredible gift of being able to assume the personality of a guy who studied with me. I can imagine him answering the question under discussion; it's an inspiration sometimes. And it makes it totally impossible to talk with this man. The answer was definitely legitimate, it isn't just nonsense; I see many JWs nodding vigorously to those comments, like they're inspired. Can 6 million men, women and children be rong? And, after seventy posts, I'm still invisible. Now, that's simpy amazing...
Major WTS Prophecy goes down to defeat !!!
by Amazing inmany here may recall that the watchtower society has published much material on the prophetic role of the united nations ... specifically, the united nations is the scarlet colored wild beast, the "image" of the worldly 7 headed wild political beast ... it would be given life by the two-horned dual world power of britain and america, the "lamb-like beast spoken of in revelation ... this "image" beast would be given power to rule one prophetic hour over the nations as they subordinate their national sovereignty to it ... and so on ...
then ... after the creation of the united nations in 1945 in san francisco the wts interpreted revelation regarding the demise of the old league of nations to apply to a statement in revelation that this "image" beast would be revived in the form of the united nations ... seemingly, the wts was on to something ... and for the next 45 years (until about 1990) the watchtower published anything and everything they could to make their interpretation stick with respect to how deep in the time of the end they believed we were living in ... then, about 1990, the watchtower society joined the un as a member ngo ... a significant departure from their previous stand on political neutrality ... and ... hatred of satan's old system of things ... certainly, since we are nearly 90 years into the last days of this wicked system we would expect the un to be in control or at least taking the lead ...
so, now ... where do we stand as of march 19th, 2003?
Me was such a brother.
But could it be that we sometimes take a post too seriously.
dmouse correctly called it an attempt at ironic humour. Freeman said it was a Troll post. Bluesbrother got it some; the super part's tough, though.
Azalo, no, I didn't do a 180 degree turn. Sometimes the spirit comes upon you and you feel like you're one of those Writng Department guys. They're so very good at the stuff they do. I could picture some of them laughing their dub asses off as they spew out this crazy stuff, wonderign how the rank and file buys into it. Some of them, they'll actually begin to think it was God's spirit doing it through them.
Major WTS Prophecy goes down to defeat !!!
by Amazing inmany here may recall that the watchtower society has published much material on the prophetic role of the united nations ... specifically, the united nations is the scarlet colored wild beast, the "image" of the worldly 7 headed wild political beast ... it would be given life by the two-horned dual world power of britain and america, the "lamb-like beast spoken of in revelation ... this "image" beast would be given power to rule one prophetic hour over the nations as they subordinate their national sovereignty to it ... and so on ...
then ... after the creation of the united nations in 1945 in san francisco the wts interpreted revelation regarding the demise of the old league of nations to apply to a statement in revelation that this "image" beast would be revived in the form of the united nations ... seemingly, the wts was on to something ... and for the next 45 years (until about 1990) the watchtower published anything and everything they could to make their interpretation stick with respect to how deep in the time of the end they believed we were living in ... then, about 1990, the watchtower society joined the un as a member ngo ... a significant departure from their previous stand on political neutrality ... and ... hatred of satan's old system of things ... certainly, since we are nearly 90 years into the last days of this wicked system we would expect the un to be in control or at least taking the lead ...
so, now ... where do we stand as of march 19th, 2003?
Mrs. Shakita quote:
Crawl back under the rock you came from. It truly amazes me how JW's salivate at the destruction of the "wicked" 6 billion men, women, and children on the planet who don't belong to the JW cult. Truly a loving god."
***I live under the rock. There was goingto be this landslide, or whatever it is they call it when rock slides, so I'm notgoing back in there. JWs don't salivate about it. At least not all of them. I'll tell you, there are some brothers I know, when they talk about the destructionof the wicked, it is withthe joy of the coming New Order of Righteousness; it fills them with joy that their deliverance is near. Are they simply salivating at the destruction of the wicked and the potential for them owning all the treasures of 'Egypt'? May be , may be not. But there are other brothers, they tell of the destruction of the wicked and shed a tear, you know it's breaking their hearts. It depends on what you're focussed on: the coming New World, or the Destruction of the wicked. But all in all, everyone should be happy that deliverance comes quickly for all lovers of righteousness.
Ashitaka quote:
Hurt! Go hurt yourself! Please. Find a tall bridge and do us all a favor.
***I was hurt. I wouldn't hurt a fly, me. Now, I should say I don't understand yourtall bridge statement. Whya bridge, and why a tallone. I mustthink you're using a figure of speech as a manner of speaking. In any case, I would be proud t do yuany favour. A broken reed I will not crush. Namewitheld quote:
Even if it should delay, it surely will not be late
LOL! Delay = late. Dum@ss. Check a dictionary next time you want to regurgitate WTBTS crap.
***You miss the whole pointof scripture, the whole essence of prophetic wording. those words are the translation/transliteration of the inspired expression. It could delay, it will not be late. You cannot impose on the Hebrew/Aramiac text the deficiency of our English language. When the deliverance of the faithfull comes, we all shall speak the pure language, and then there will no more be confusion. Utopian Reformist quote: I read the post from HURT. Of course, after laughing I began to think, what if this is a regular member who is bored and seeking to stir a little controversy? It is possible. I have thought about it many times. Imagine pretending to be a loyalist, defending Fred Hall or the WTBS just create some digital drama! *** You laughed! A laugh of derision, I think. I am a regular. And I could be bored. But stirring controversy? Do you know the value of truth? Or some legitimate objection as raised inmy post? Why don't you address the issue and not take issue with me? I like the expression"digital drama"; on emust give even a vile apostate his due. Francois quote: Hurt, you have a vivid imagination and should be in Hollywood writing scripts for the Ring series and for Harry Potter. You have put your faith in a man-made organization and are receiving your full reward: a mouthful of ashes. ***Thank you for the many compliments. You are a fair man; youeven look it! I saw the Twin Towers. It was a great movie. But many who have miss the demonic bent of the title alone. there is to be only a (watch)Tower; not two. Obliquely introducing a rival to the sole dispencer of truth and a duplicate watchman is acovert attempt at undermining the source of truth. I hope you get this point quite clearly. Now, as to reward: many are waitingpatiently for it, and it is more than ashes. even you know that inyour heart. Valis quote:they have full control of the Image of the Wild Beast,
*LOL* dipstick if that were the case the coalition would be much larger and the equally oil hungry French, Russians and Germans would even be fighting because the whole UN would be trying to enforce 1441...BTW, why are you using Satan's greatest tool to prove your just plain delusuional? The Internet is full of lies, as evinced by your post...Go read the Awake...
***Your remarks are indeed vile. Must vicious apostates resort to the use of vile words? The scriptures make no mention of a coalition more than the Anglo-American world power. the French, Russians and Germans have lost their place. Can you not clearly see that? You must pay closer attention tot he prophetic word. When the hand of the wild beast is weak, it's heart will move it to action.
rocketman post:
Here's my problem with Hurt's post:
If the UN would have acted, and the US and Britain would have waited for a second resolution authorizing force, jws would be saying 'look - the nations give their power to the Scarlet-Colored Beast and they submit to it, so the FDS is correct!' But instead, the US and Britain moved ahead without the UN, and they still think the FDS is correct. Always trying to have things both ways.
***You are clearly ahead of your time. The prophetic word must be fulfilled regardless of the efforts of man. The nations make themselves a willing tool. They cannot agree amongst themselves. Don't you see that? The nations are cornered. All their actions race swiftly to the fulfillment of the prophetic word. There is clearly no escape. This very fact fills all lovers of righteousness with the joy that their deliverance is trully near. Iron eagle quote: hahaha @ Hurt !Its funny, you say the Faithful Slave is great, yet you totally disregard what they warn you about : the dangers of conversing with us WICKED APOSTATES!
I was just like you Hurt ! See the real truth
***The Slave does say that. But it is for the protection of those who might get carried away by the vile reasonings of wicked apostates. Even a son does not altogether obeys it's Mother. Do you doubt that? Or have you not been a kid before? that you got carried away is your doing. But if you are trully sheep, you will return. Freeman quote: You know some of you people are so quick to judge and make fun that you miss the big picture. Did it ever occur to any of you that Hurt just may be on to something?Hurt IMHO I think you have brilliantly analyzed the current situation with the UN but some of these fools who post here have no appreciation for theocratic principles so they just refuse to see it.
If I understand this correctly, what we are now seeing before our very eyes is an atypical fulfillment of the antitypical King of the North’s struggle with the modern symbolic fulfillment of the symbol representing the Wild Beast.
You folks can laugh and make fun all you want,only Jehovah’s Faithful Slave can truly understand it all. But I wrn you all, just as in the days of Noah, no one took notice until it was too late. So just keep watching the news because the end is very near, you just wait and see. ***You have been Freed, dear brother. Apostates laugh at all sorts of things, and they see the truth not. A full explanation of the curent situation is at hand. And I am mst surprised that you mention about the most important angle in your third paragraph. You are ahead of your time. But then, even Nebuchanezzar was referred to as Gods servant. Is there anyone seriously taking issue with the major matter under discussion? We willl now sit back and watch the foaming we have come to expect.
Major WTS Prophecy goes down to defeat !!!
by Amazing inmany here may recall that the watchtower society has published much material on the prophetic role of the united nations ... specifically, the united nations is the scarlet colored wild beast, the "image" of the worldly 7 headed wild political beast ... it would be given life by the two-horned dual world power of britain and america, the "lamb-like beast spoken of in revelation ... this "image" beast would be given power to rule one prophetic hour over the nations as they subordinate their national sovereignty to it ... and so on ...
then ... after the creation of the united nations in 1945 in san francisco the wts interpreted revelation regarding the demise of the old league of nations to apply to a statement in revelation that this "image" beast would be revived in the form of the united nations ... seemingly, the wts was on to something ... and for the next 45 years (until about 1990) the watchtower published anything and everything they could to make their interpretation stick with respect to how deep in the time of the end they believed we were living in ... then, about 1990, the watchtower society joined the un as a member ngo ... a significant departure from their previous stand on political neutrality ... and ... hatred of satan's old system of things ... certainly, since we are nearly 90 years into the last days of this wicked system we would expect the un to be in control or at least taking the lead ...
so, now ... where do we stand as of march 19th, 2003?
Ha! Apostates are at it again.
Rather than point at a failure of prophecy, the recent events in Satan's word have confirmed the correctness of the interpretation of the Faithful and Discreet Slave with regard to prophecy. The anglo-American world powers have pressed on to assert their authority in world events, effectively showing they have full control of the Image of the Wild Beast, the United Nations, successor of the demised League of Nations. what more proof would vile apostates need to see this than the current events in relation to the emerging King of the North? The prophecy trully races to it's fulfillment. Keep in expectation of it. Even if it should delay, it surely will not be late. All these should reaffirm our conviction that the Faithful and Discreet Slave is dutifully watching the world events and feeding the truth to the flock. When the destruction of the wicked comes, you surely will see it.
Origins of SHOCK AND AWE
by chachasmum inthe basis of hitler's blitzkrieg, march 14, 2003 .
reviewer: a reader from langley, va, united states shock and awe were the foundational concepts put forth by hitler's military leaders as a new and lethal way of rapidly overwhelming opponents.
setting aside considerations of the violence visited on civilians and non-combatants or the damage done to infrastructure, hitler suggested that inducing "shock and awe" through his "lightning war" system would lead to rapid military victories.
"Shock And Awe were the foundational concepts put forth by Hitler's military leaders as a new and lethal way of rapidly overwhelming opponents. Setting aside considerations of the violence visited on civilians and non-combatants or the damage done to infrastructure, Hitler suggested that inducing "shock and awe" through his "lightning war" system would lead to rapid military victories. WWII showed that, at least at the level of individual battles, he was right. The authors suggest this is a powerful strategy for any nation that wants to absolutely and rapidly overwhelm its opponents, and doesn't much care who gets killed in the process. Interesting reading, although it rambles a bit and blitzkrieg is often misspelled. Good instruction to any military that wants to undertake fascistic extranational adventures."
***This would only make some sense if a fair tranlation of any of Hitler's wars would throw up the above words, elsewise, the writer would only be fishing. Military tactics can be the same, there's no real problem with that. The same methods might work over time, and get repeated by different armies. What is at issue here, I perceive, is the use of the same words used by one of history's vilest rulers. I would give the US administration the benefit of the doubt, but given their love of catchy captions, who knows. The writer would do a lot of good if (s)he could come up with references to Hitler, or any of his men, who used the expression "Shock and Awe", not simply as a military strategy, but as a descrition of what they'll do.
10 Steps to Apostasy
by teejay injanh posted this over at kent's.
i think it's pretty funny... and accurate.
ten phases in the development of an apostate
Many of the JWs I know may never make it past 6. It's some gulf between 6 and 7. And 7 's only thinking you'll write. when a JW begins to think he'll write, then he's meat for Armageddon already.