Many here may recall that the Watchtower Society has published much material on the prophetic role of the United Nations ... specifically, the United Nations is the Scarlet colored wild beast, the "Image" of the worldly 7 headed wild political beast ... it would be given life by the two-horned dual world power of Britain and America, the "Lamb-like beast spoken of in Revelation ... this "Image" beast would be given power to rule one prophetic hour over the nations as they subordinate their national sovereignty to it ... and so on ...
Then ... after the creation of the United Nations in 1945 in San Francisco the WTS interpreted Revelation regarding the demise of the old League of Nations to apply to a statement in Revelation that this "Image" beast would be revived in the form of the United Nations ... seemingly, the WTS was on to something ... and for the next 45 years (until about 1990) the Watchtower published anything and everything they could to make their interpretation stick with respect to how deep in the time of the end they believed we were living in ... then, about 1990, the Watchtower Society joined the UN as a member NGO ... a significant departure from their previous stand on political neutrality ... and ... hatred of Satan's old system of things ... certainly, since we are nearly 90 years into the last days of this wicked system we would expect the UN to be in control or at least taking the lead ...
So, now ... where do we stand as of March 19th, 2003? ... The United Nations has for twelve long years dilly-dallied with world issues, specifically not properly enforcing its resolutions with respect to weapons of mass destruction in the hands of various difficult nations or frightening dictators like Iraq. So, did the lamb-like two-horned wild beast, the dual world power of Britain and America breathe any life into the United Nations, its image, thus surrendering any national sovereignty, and causing the UN to have actual ruling power? ... EVEN for just one little prophetic hour? (Some JWs like to calculate a thousand years for a day in to an equivalent prophetic hour equaling 41.7 years) ... and it could have made sense if the end of this system had come by 1986-1987 (1945 + 41.7). This could also have somewhat corresponded to the lifetime generation of 70 years between 1914 and 1984 ... but no.
Instead, what we find is that the British and American super powers have opted to ignore the United Nations as a weak and ineffective agency that has no teeth in its function and proclamations ... and these two nations have moved on and engaged in their own actions and enforcements ... just as NATO did when they invaded Serbia-Kosovo under Clinton, and so on ... the USA and Britain have basically killed a major Watchtower prophecy in one decision after another ... deep in this time of the end over 58 years since 1945, the beginning of the revived image, the United Nations.
Yet again, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society proves to be a false prophet, a fake and fiat religion that, at best, does not deserve the label Christian ... and in all reality is just another little cult that needs to eventually disappear, or moderate to be like mainline religions. My departure from the JW religion eleven years ago is more and more justified each year ... and with this recent demise of another WTS prophecy, I have no remaining questions, doubts, or fears about my chioce to be free. It is simply Amazing!!!