Those guys in Writing 're still crazy 'bout using the exclamation mark! They'll break their hand trying to pat themselves on the back...
Posts by hurt
JWs brag about using the web to convert people
by jschwehm inhi gang:.
i got the following off the jws' media site.
i think it is a riot that they are bragging about how well their website is doing considering that not too long ago most jws did not even believe the wts had a website because they were so critical of the internet.
Cain and Abel..... why the disagreements?
by anti-absolutism inwhen i was quite young, (about 8 years old) and i was told about the abel being favoured by god, cain getting jealous and killing abel story, i couldn't help but wonder why god was so hard on cain.
i am certainly not condoning cain killing his brother, but since god made both the animals that abel was offering and the veggies that cain was offering, why was cain looked down on?.
also, why did it seem better to god to kill an animal that abel offered, as opposed to thinking, well at least cain is only wasting some food.
The bible isn't so much clear about why, except that it was clear that God did not look with favour upon Cain's offering. God would know why he felt that way. But there have been tattempts at expanations, many tending towards the story being a myth, or some tale to teach some lesson, albeit one that's simply confusing. If it was about murder being wrong, or anger being a terrible feeling when fully expressed, there are simpler way to make the story hit home. From the thought that it's archetypical of quarrels that have plagued the human race from time immemorial, to the ridiculous allusion that Cain and abel were both attracted to Eve, several theories abound. But that God was no pleased with Cain's remains a mystery, at least by the bible's account. Cain took over the tilling of the gorund, work which his father did, and for which God got the human race cursed. He was the first man born of woman, his birth being celebrated by Eve. Abel's was not. A strong indication to some artfully contrived story is that Abel got a name which meant "breath that vanishes", or something like that. Did the writer of the story know the end from the beginning? The bible doen't tell why...
If Jehovah's Witnesses Weren't So "Cultish," Would You Have Remained A JW?
by minimus ini see that millions of people belong to a religion yet may be non-practicing.
there are home baptists, catholics that go to church just once a year, and others that are not considered "devout" but still are members of a certain religion.
if the witnesses were much more relaxed in their approach as to how they enforced their views and gave people more "normal" rights so as to believe or not believe certain things, could you see yourself totally out of this religion?
Even now that I'm still, technically, a Witness, it's hard to attend meetings. I get physically sick at the meetings. It's true. It's all about the lying and deceit. After all's been said, the JW religion isn't much more different from several others, except that I've come to know and associate with the religiona nd can't help but be baffled at their capability for deceit, and their consistent claim to the contrary. A house of cards. If the hearts of the leaders of the JW religion could be caged, and the key kept under the pile of lies they've written and told, it's never be found. The key that is.
What does the WT fear the most?
by Gerard in.
i think it is wmi: weapons of mass instruction, such as the internet.
They fear everything that's not them. Mostly the other side of any argument. They fear independent thinking people, even if they're of their own fold. They fear 'clean' apostates, that is, those disfellowshipped for 'offences' of principle, those who disagreed with them...
Bodily Fluids
by Farkel ina consenting single man puts his tongue in a consenting single woman's mouth.
bodily fluids are exchanged.
it feels pretty good.
The great Farkel misses the point, again.
It's all about threshold. Threshold of pain and pleasure. It's the same bible based principle. Some have engaged in illicit sexual behavior even to the point of climax, said the great GB. Operative word is 'even'. Even. Easier to argue with the threshold of the pleasure of the mount to mouth thing, than the thingy in thingy thing; easier, and, well, cheaper. It's more than just fluids. Life get's more complex than that. To start with, fluids have different colours and thicknesses. While the one flows like the milk and honey of the promised land, the other is salty, like plentiful ocean waters. And closely examined, the two can't be correctly called exchanges. In the one, one receives more than they give, in the other, well, it is usually an exchange in the Dutch version. Not much, but there's more joy in giving than in receiving. That, too, is bible based. We move to more important matters. What about the compisition of fluids. Won't even touch that. How about the manner of exchange. Shall we say this has no importance....
I should leave this dark place for now... I return, after some dignifying exchange...
Vikings, Hell, and Temperatures
by hurt init's been great weather on viking planet.
it's cold and raining.
snow's melting, and everyone's doubling over while walking on ice; friction is king.
It's been great weather on Viking planet. It's cold and raining. Snow's melting, and everyone's doubling over while walking on ice; friction is king. I'm looking out of the window and wondering where all the warmth have gone... but we've seen worse days. Gud bless the Vikings...
+15C / 59F This is as warm as it gets in Norway, so we'll start here. People in
Spain wear winter-coats and gloves.
The Norwegians are out in the sun, getting a tan.
+10C / 50F
The French are trying in vain to start their central heating.
The Norwvegians plant flowers in their gardens.
+5C / 41F
Italian cars won't start.
The Norwegians are cruising in cabriolets.
0C / 32F
Distilled water freezes.
The water in Oslo Fjord gets a little thicker.
-5C / 23F
People in California almost freeze to death.
The Norwegians have their final barbecue before winter.
-10C / 14F
The Brits start the heat in their houses.
The Norwegians start using long sleeves.
-20C / -4F The Aussies flee from Mallorca.
The Norwegians end their Midsummer celebrations. Autumn is here.
-30C / -22F
People in Greece die from the cold and disappear from the face of the earth.
The Norwegians start drying their laundry indoors.
-40C / -40F
Paris start cracking in the cold.
The Norwegians stand in line at the hotdog stands.
-50C / -58F
Polar bears start evacuating the North Pole.
The Norwegian army postpones their winter survival training waiting real winter weather.
-70C / -94F
The false Santa moves south.
The Norwegian army goes out on winter survival training.
-183C / -297.4F Microbes in food don't survive.
The Norwegians cows complain that the farmers' hands are cold.
-273C / -459.4F
ALL atomic and subatomic particle movent halts.
The Norwegians start saying "Faen, it's cold outside today."
-300C / -508F
Hell freezes over, Norway wins the Eurovision Song Contest.Edited by - hurt on 19 December 2002 12:52:25
by Yizuman inseems that the page view out number the posters who actually reply to the thread.. my guess is that there's alot of active jws who are still active within' the so called "truth" are visiting this forum and reading all the threads.
i don't blame them for not wanting to reply for fear of being found out.. how many of you were still active when you found a forum like this one and lurked around for a long time?
how many of you left the organization as a result of reading this forum or other forums like it?.
I have been on the fringes for about two years. I'm still a JW in the books. I stopped doing field service more than a year ago. A few of the elders know I have issues. I've told them I'm disturbed and troubled and spiritually weak. One or two of them have been 'supportive'. I still get parts in the school. Sometimes I accept to do it, at other times, I decline. Since I've always been solitary, somewhat, I believed I wouldn't miss people. But I do. May be I was happier when an active witness; that'll be true if the pressure of field service were removed. I loved the 'ordinary' people, those innocents who're doing what they simply believe to be true. When I think of the friends I've met in the witness clan, I'm sad I'm going to miss them. I found one or two true friends; friends who, while they saw what was happening to me, stood like a rock. They're exceptional as witnesses come. But I feel a greater joy at being free from the shackles of the Watchtower. I am undecided on how to place the two on some scale, and where the balance tilts. It's a mixed bag. But a man must do what a man must do. To continue to actively support an organization that's been shown to be what the WTS has been shown to be desecrates something in my humanity. That, I can't compare to anything else.
My Mother &" The Faithful & Discre...
by minimus inlately, my mother keeps talking about how so many are appreciative of the "faithful & discreet slave class".
we got into a discussion that prompted me to tell her that there is no such thing as the faithful slave class and that it was all an invention of rutherford because the first "faithful slave" was dead.
so now everthing is a slave.
I'd been having a discussion with an elder along these same lines. He'd said everything the Slave Class have taught have been from Jehovah, so I challenged him to let's look at historical facts from the Society's own literature. I thought this was a fair way to proceed, and sought to establish that if we could find things that have been taught as truth and are no more seena s such, the God would have been made a liar. Specifically, I was interested in which would be more agreeable to him: that God is a liar and have been the source of untruth, or that the Slave Class have fouled things up and sold their own ideas as that of God. I hit a brickwall, and got labelled as "headstrong" and "given to controversial discussions". But I've seen signs it got him thinking a little. He's become less asserive when saying things he's heard. May be that's the beginning of better things...
We never know how far reaching those discussions could be. The good thing is to not stop talking about them. May be someday, Min, your mother would face what she has to face. Whether that is really good for her at her age is another matter. And I think you shouldn't be selfish about that fact.
WT goofie phrases.
by Pepper ini used to get into trouble for making light of the these phrases that some elders have told me are to be used only gods people.
lol that you all may know maybe:.
"well, brother that is very "commendable," just before the meeting ends the po says to those in attendance "brothers the time left is reduced," i once heard a co say to those seated during one of his talks "well now, we don't want to die at armageddon now do we, well of course not.
whatiloveaboutwater wrote:
One elder just last week asked me why I had missed the book study. "Not feeling well?" he suggested after a moment of silence. "No, I was fine, I replied" and just looked at him straight in the eye for a few seconds. That was kind of awkward, but it was over soon enough and then he said that he would see me later anyway. Don't know what he must have thought.
Right on! That eply is stunning, I've seen. Poor elder brother won't know what to say. I'd been asked the same way, elder brother trying to make an excuse for me. Welcome back, he said, you've been ill? No, I've been fine, I answered.. Too much work? Er... no, I answered again. He held my gaze and said to talk together later. Fine, I said. He hasn't attempted to want to talk yet. When you begin to reach the point of feeling you don'thave to answer to anyone, when the madness of the JW world begins to get to you, when you begin to feel the legitimacy of the doubts you have and the decisions you have to make, and have no desire or ambitions in the JW world, the elder losses his power over you. And then you know that the power he had you gave to him.