Non smoker. Always have to leave when some flatmate begins to smoke. I wonder at people who smoke in enclosed places when they know they shouldn't, and don't even bother when others who don't like it begin to leave.
Posts by hurt
Smoker or Non Smoker?
by JH indo you smoke?.
would you live with a smoker, if you are non smoker?
i wouldn't be able to smell cigarette smoke at home nor in my car.
Is politeness out of style?
by JH inmany years ago people seemed more polite to woman, by tipping their hats or holding a door open to let them in.
even in busses, men gave their places if a woman was standing.
does a person look stupid if he is too polite today compared to years ago?.
I'm usually polite, and hold the door for anyone *anyone* coming. But a few minutes ago, this lady entered the door behind me, it's the second time I'm holding the door for her in two days, and there was no sign of a thank you, no word, no nod, no sign of anything wahtsoever. I guess virtue is its own reward, but it must suck being perceived a weasel.
Under what circumstances would u or did u shun?
by wednesday inwe talk a lot about df and shunning ,and our hatred for these practices.
thinking back on your congregation, were there people that u felt deserved to be shunned?
under what circumstances would u have "marked" an individual?
Ha. I never shunned. I didn't have the courage then to talk to them openly, but I always gave a wink, which was almost always replied with a smile from the reccipient. Shunning never made sense to me.
What Happened To All Your Friends???
by minimus into become a witness, you must leave everything behind and associate only with jw's.
did you think that you really were going to only associate with jehovah's witnesses and no one else???
---------- after you left or got df'd, did you regain your past "worldly" friendships or were they forever lost?
I didn't burn my bridges. Much as the Witnesses tried, invoking the "friendship with the world is enmity with God" scripture all the time, I still kept my (wordly) friends. Some of them left quite alright, or, we driftd apart, somehow, but the bulk of them remained my friends. We still darnk together, even while I was a JW. There were things I didn't allow dub life to take away froem me. And I made new 'friends' in the Org. But of course, they're weren't friends. If I was under any illusion that they were real friends, that evaporated the moment it was clear that I couldn't actively support Witness teachings again. They simply stopped talking to me. A few still do some polite talk; but it's clear, in a practical way, that having a friend who "sticks even closer than a brother" within the org is a trully rare thing. With 'friends' like that, no one needs enemies.
Jehovahs Witness congress foiled in Georgia
by Rado Vleugel inmore than one hundred people in the former soviet republic georgia foiled a congress of the jehovah's witnesses.
they were stirred up by parliamentary deputy guram sharadze, known for his religious intolerance.
read the whole story on
A sad development. But this piece of information in written in unclear language (well, english isn't my L1 anyway). What does "More than one hundred people in the former Soviet republic Georgia foiled a congress of the Jehovah's Witnesses" mean? What is the meaning of " a congress of Jehovah's witnesses"? Jehovah's Witnesses, like every other religion, deserve a right to practice their religion, as long as fair State laws allow.
Grafittis... Art or Vandalism?
by JH in.
when you see a grafitti on a wall, do you consider this to be art or vandalism?
although some grafittis are nice, how would you feel if this was made on your property?wonder why no one ever thought of making one on a kindom hall.
Some graffittis are great art.
Most graffittis are simply annoying.
What Do The English & Australians Think Of Americans On This Board???
by minimus init seems to me that this board's force comes mainly from our english and aussie friends.
i've read comments that some have gotten annoyed that the society and gb seem to only stress the "american" english in their style of writing.
i'm just curious as to what you think of your american brethren.
So as I'm neither American nor Aussie nor Brit, I can't say nada on this thread? Mini, if you want a thread for guys on the axis of bombing, just write so straight.
New Light on the United Nations (U.N.) (Scarlet Beast)
by UnDisfellowshipped inthere appears to be "new light" in the latest watchtower magazine (june 1st 2003 issue).
several watchtower publications for the last 50+ years have said that the united nations (u.n.) organization ("the scarlet-colored wild beast" of revelation) would definitely be the organization that will carry out jehovah's judgment on "babylon the great" (false religion), and then, under satan's [gog of magog's] direction, the united nations organization would become "greedy", and try to attack the remaining remnant of the "anointed" jehovah's witnesses and their companions, the "great crowd" of "other sheep", and then jehovah and jesus would destroy the united nations organization, along with everyone else who was not a jehovah's witness.
here is a quote that shows this: .
From June 1 2003 WT (as posted by undisfellowshipped)
16: Stand still: Jehovah's servants will not try to save themselves but will place their implicit trust in Jehovah. Only he is capable of rescuing his servants out of world chaos, and he has promised to do so. (Isaiah 43:10, 11; 54:15; Lamentations 3:26) Trusting in Jehovah will include trusting the modern visible channel that he has clearly been using for decades to serve his purposes. As never before, true Christians will then need to place their confidence in fellow worshipers authorized by Jehovah and his reigning King to take the lead. These faithful men will direct God's people. Ignoring their direction could end in disaster.--Matthew 24:45-47; Hebrews 13:7, 17.
Now these guys're raving mad. What's the difference between this nonsense and placing one's trust in "mere men", the same men who've messed up the lives of witnesses for decades. Blatant liars, hypocrites, bastards. Placing trust in "fellow" worshippers? Faithless men? This is beyond shocking. And, for the avoidance of any doubt, new light now teaches that the "the king of the north" will be the one to attack God's people. They need not say that in many more words than they've already done. These Writing guys 're going to rot in Sheol.
Would you change user name?
by JH in.
if you had to choose another user name, what would you choose?.
Time heals a few wounds, and wounds a few heels. The hurt gets healed.
My response to Gerhard Besier
by Jerry Bergman inall creationists liars?
to professor dr. dr. gerhard besier
Dr. Bergman,
Abaddon has raised some critical issues. You should address them. From what he's written, there's no clear indication that he is bent on putting you down. Perhaps you perceive that to be what others want to do. You can do no better good to your position on the issue than to address his points.