I think some of the ideas expressed here - through Corboy and 1009 - are the 'new' jehovah's witness.
They're still involved because of family and friends. They pick and choose what they want to participate in. They are selective about their associates in the congregation. They have doubts and questions and know it's better to keep this to themselves. They stick with the big 'doctrines' and rules ( blood, neutrality, meeting attendance, regular field service, etc.) but ignore the 'little' stuff. It's no biggie to drink too much, watch 'bad' movies or listen to 'debasing' music, have a 'worldly' girl or boy friend (secret), etc. Just so you show up for service the next morning. They pose as ones 'reaching out' for congregational responsibility. They pioneer (and live at home) so they don't have to get a job. They volunteer for building and remodelling projects. They always have their Watchtower and Jeremiah book underlined.
The 'new' Jehovah's Witness is about appearances. Looking good. Looking right.
As a "new" Witness, I agree. I have a very clean appearance, if not schizoid appearance in the Hall. I do a watch "bad" movies and listen to "bad" music, but not the booze (I do not believe in alcohol) or a girlfriend (too risky). After learning TTATT, I just stopped caring and right now, I am in a spiritual limbo. Just getting on by. I do not pioneer, but I still go to field service for appearances. It was a time when I would answer and study ALL of the WT articles, and many saw me to become the next BIG thing, but I fell off. As I have gotten older, I started to care about doctrine and started to actually THINK and question. Everytime I go to the meeting, I find myself falling into the illusion again, but I KNOW that this religion is false, but I am now living a life of appearances, an inauthentic life. It's not fun. I consider myself an existentialist, but Christ, it just sucks to still be in.