I'm not married, but i personally would not wear a wedding ring...Like I said, there are many rituals and customs that are based on paganism. I try not to pick and choose which I will or will not follow. But when it comes to celebrations that knowingly deceive then no, I will not follow. In EASTER for instance, your paying homage to IShtar. Easter eggs are TAMMUZ's ..ahem, (BALLS!) Once you know all this stuff, it's difficult to celebrate it without tosing your lunch, if you know what I mean!!!
JoinedPosts by nakedmvistar
Should I have a Christmas tree?
by scuba99 inhi folks,.
i'm rather new here, only posted a couple of times.
although i have been visiting the site daily for a good 2 months now.
Should I have a Christmas tree?
by scuba99 inhi folks,.
i'm rather new here, only posted a couple of times.
although i have been visiting the site daily for a good 2 months now.
well it's all in the intrepretation. The fact that Satan hides many of the pagan aspects of these holidays so well may give credence to it's importance. We can dissect each and every holiday and i'm sure we'd find pagan origins to all of them. The fact that we celebrate them under the auspices of God is disturbing to say the least. obviously, most of our traditions have pagan origins. like the wearing of the wedding band and even the names of the days of the week are just few exmaples. But once you become aware that certain rituals that originally payed tribute to satanic gods now seem to glorify God, then it's time to put an end to that celebration.
Should I have a Christmas tree?
by scuba99 inhi folks,.
i'm rather new here, only posted a couple of times.
although i have been visiting the site daily for a good 2 months now.
You really are harboring sooooo much anger and pain! If you aren't a believer in god, then by all means.....live it up! Your absolutes are dictated by the "valis God" Fine, good. But for us God or how did you put it, dog believers, well we have some reservations about all this christmas stuff. Christmas and it's origins are VERY IMPORTANT to us God believers! The fact that it was a celebration to honor Nimrod or Tammuz as he was later called is very important! Once again, valis has missed the point. These celebration are used to degrade God and deceive mankind. If you don't believe in an all powerful creator, then nothing more can be said. All of us low-life God...opps, I mean dog believers beg your forgiveness. We all appologize for our ignorance.
I suggest you deal with all that hatred you have for God or dogs or whatever it is that's bitin' at that sub-conscious....
Should I have a Christmas tree?
by scuba99 inhi folks,.
i'm rather new here, only posted a couple of times.
although i have been visiting the site daily for a good 2 months now.
You really are harboring sooooooooooo much anger and pain! If you aren't a believer in God, then by all means....Live it up! Your absolutes are dictated by the "VALIS GOD" Fine, good But for us God or how do you put it, dog believers, well we have some reservations about all this christmas stuff. Christmas and it's origins are VERY IMPORTANT to us God believers! The fact that it was a celebration to Honor Nimrod and not Jesus is very important! Once again, valis is missing the point of it all. These celebrations were created to degrade God and deceive mankind. If you don't believe in an all powerful creator then nothing more can be said. All of us low-life God ..oops, I mean dog believers beg for your forgiveness if we've offend you valis......
I suggest you deal with some of that HATRED you have for God or dogs or whatever it is that bitin' at that sub-conscious....
Should I have a Christmas tree?
by scuba99 inhi folks,.
i'm rather new here, only posted a couple of times.
although i have been visiting the site daily for a good 2 months now.
I am new to these forums and I expected to see many different things while here but.....
geez!!!!!!!! I too am no longer with the JW's but come on!!!!!!!!!! You all know christmas is PAGAN! Heck even many mainline religious orgs are at least acknowledging this fact. If you have a belief in God and understand that satan is the adversary then what's with all this ..."gee, I want to be just like the mindless drones out there. At least with most of the population, they have ignorance as their excuse! But trying to convince yourselves that christmas is okay is a bit foolish don't ya think?? I understand many of you have been controlled all your lives because of the jw's but unless you no longer believe in god I think you should have a bit more control.
Anyone still bothered by the demons?
by wednesday inhi i'm wednesday and born and raised in jw.-inactive several years.
i have had a number of iincidents that appear to demonic've had spirit beings sit on my bed at ight and talk to me i've been literally touched by things unseen.
now i know the jw are big on demon stuff.
well this is where the problem lies, valis. No matter what anyone says or does no one can PROVE that any of these "beings" exists. Heck, how do you prove the existence of an all powerful creator for that matter! As part of my studies as well as my undying curiosity with all things spiritual, I did "experience" many unusually things in my observations of these rituals. From Santeria and Voodoo to the infamous gardian angel ritual, all of these produced phenomena which cannot be written away by Jeung or Joseph campbell. I was not on hallucinagens or drugs of any kind. My field of study necessitated research into all aspects and rituals associated with god, God or gods. Tangible proof, as you know, is quite impossible. Could we possibly entertain the idea that demons and spirits exists? Why not. For thousands of years Shamans have been journeying to other realities (imagined or not) through the use of mind altering substances. Is it all just fantasy? Or was a doorway opened. Are these real entities or are they universal archetypes from our sub-conscious? most cultures have good and bad deities in there "mythologies" Are these myths from a factually based timeline? Most cultures have a Flood legend. What do we interprete from that? etc, etc.... Demons, devas, jinns....They all seem cause havoc with a specific goal in mind. If your a believer in God, then you understand their nature and purpose. If not, then I guess they could be anything.....
by Mary infor those who have left the organization, have any of you gone to another church?
or did being a jw simply turn you off religion altogether.
i feel i would like to still belong to a religious group (that's just in my personality) but of course, i would feel really guilty at first going in to "babylon the great".
logical, well written articles. only a click away...
Anyone still bothered by the demons?
by wednesday inhi i'm wednesday and born and raised in jw.-inactive several years.
i have had a number of iincidents that appear to demonic've had spirit beings sit on my bed at ight and talk to me i've been literally touched by things unseen.
now i know the jw are big on demon stuff.
all hail the all knowing valis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your hatred of God is apparent. You may of had it "rough" while in the jw religion but let go already!!!! This person may or may not have a mental condition but to ASSUME this can also be equally as dangerous! Just because you lack a faith in God doesn't mean we all do. I have seen many strange things in some of these rituals and to assume that it can be easily explained or can be attributed to a mental condition is a very narrow point of view to take valis.
Anyone still bothered by the demons?
by wednesday inhi i'm wednesday and born and raised in jw.-inactive several years.
i have had a number of iincidents that appear to demonic've had spirit beings sit on my bed at ight and talk to me i've been literally touched by things unseen.
now i know the jw are big on demon stuff.
Demons are real and they can cause havoc in our lives. It's foolish to assume that "it's just all in your head" or their just hallucinations. Just because you leave your faith doesn't mean you throw away your faith in God. If there is a battle between God an Satan then we can assume that we are targets of satan's anger. your flirtation with psychics will only exacerbate this intrusion! These demons, which are NOT the fallen angels, have a hunger for the negative energy we produce. They have the ability to manipulate different areas of our lives to achieve the desired effects. Consulting psychics only further opens the "gateway" allowing more of these beings to "SEE YOU." The fact that you are inactive further irritates the problem because now you have absolutely no protection against them. There are other things which can also attract these beings. Music with aberrant lyrics or repetitive drum beats will also attract the "gods". My major was Religious philosophy and many a times I sat in on different religious rituals which tended to attract some not-so-nice beings. repetitive chanting, and drum beats and offering of animal sacrifices (the blood opens the gateway) were all in the mix. But once you "invite" them in, it's very difficult to escort them out. My suggestion is to resolve your inactivity with God and abandon your flirtation with the spirit realm.
Occult symbol in the WTS literature?
by Nordic in.
here is a link .
www.bigwig.net/knots/nightmares/occult.htm try it.
In the occult, when an object or symbol is hidden onto an image, like in a logo or drawing, it transfers a form of energy from the person observing it to the person who invoked the symbol onto the drawing. This is well known to the initiated. So they're not just silly little fun images...