Hi I'm Wednesday and born and raised in JW.-inactive several years. I have had a number of iincidents that appear to demonic've had spirit beings sit on my bed at ight and talk to me I've been literally touched by things unseen. Now i know the JW are big on demon stuff. I was raised on it. Since becoming inactive i have even consulted psychics-which is just generally a waste of time and money. I am not bothered contstanly-but these things still happen. I swear I'm not nuts. Anyone else have these things happen? wednesday
Anyone still bothered by the demons?
by wednesday 124 Replies latest jw friends
If you are nuts, would you admit it to yourself and us?
The demons stopped bothering me when I stopped believing in them.
While I usually am a bit skeptical of such claims, I try to keep an open mind that there are things that occur that are not explainable by the knowledge of science we have today. I have had things happen to me that I cannot explain. I would rather not go into detail about it though. I don't know what it means. I don't think you are crazy. Just that you had an something unexplainable happen. It may be demons. It may be a cultural (JWs) trick of a suggestable mind. I do find it interesting though that while many non-JWs claim to have encounters with ghosts and aliens, JWs have encounters with demons.
Whatever it was, I'm sure you found it as disturbing as my event was to me. (((Hugs)))
Oft times when I review a post i have made, I'm horrified to find that demonic forces have tampered with my impeccable spelling!
I was never bother by Demons, never, NEVER experienced anything out-of-the-ordinary.
My younger brother was bothered by a few instances of "sleep paralysis", wherein the brain is caught between the world of wakefulness and sleeping.
Sleep paralysis is often accompanied by:
- feelings of dread
- apparent apparitions (ghosts, goblins, the Old Hag, aliens, depending on the sufferers state-of-mind
- inability to move or speak
It usually occurs when the sufferer is in bed (or on their couch), because that is where people usually sleep, and that is where you will likely be when suffering from a sleep disorder.
My brother spoke to a phsyician (rather than a psychic, which I agree is a waste of money) and explained the symptoms; before he was half done explaining, the Doctor finished the list (i.e. he had a textbook example, although everyone is a bit different).
The Doctor advised that in most cases, the episodes disappeaer when the sufferer attains a regular sleep pattern (i.e. go to bed, and wake up, at the same time). That advice proved correct, and my brother was not bothered after that.
Just a friendly suggestion: speak to your family doctor about it. Even if it isn't sleep paralysis, there might be some other mundane medical explanation.
Tammy and others,
yes it is disturbing when these things hapen. It does not always hapen in bed while sleeping-there have been times things happen i the stark light of day. And yes i know about sleep paraylis and do beleive that it does expalin a LOT of 'demon attacks". And yes Jw do slant the unexplained to demons wheras others slant it to aliens and the ghosts. I think the JW foster an unhealthy interest in therse things. I think hat is probably why i was intrigued enough to consult a psychic. but all i found out is basically they are tluly a waste of time and money. I've had people at work tell me about encounters they had with angels. Once while working , a coworker and i both saw "something" cross the hall at he same time. We felt. glad we'd both seen it. As i said-i hear less alien or ghosts stufff and more angel storries now. Maybe it runs in trends. wednesday
Why not talk to a professional about this? Maybe, it's not demons.
Hi Wednesday,
I don't have problems with deminz anymo................ARRHGJHJHJ!
*severed head falls onto floor*
PS Seriously, I too had sleep paralysis attacks when I was a young Dub and I thought I had deminz after me.! Sometimes it felt they were sitting on my chest or holding my arms, and I tried to call out but couldn't! Its REALLY REALLY terrifying. But it don't happen no more. I can certainly empathize with your experiences.
No encounters with anything not natural. No spiritual feelings at all.
Ken P.
Are we still bothered by demons?
Once and only once I saw what apeared to be a small dark shadow quickly move across a hall from one room to another. I saw this out of the corner of my eye. My daughter said she had seen this before also.
Since this was in the house of my ex wife "a true demon" I shruged it off as only natural in that house.
Nothing before that or since.
If you are sure it is not sleep paralysis I would advise seeing a psychiatrist. It could be from some extreme forms of mental stress.