I didn't suffer the pain or abuse that many did but I still feel harmed to a certain extent.
Others have mentioned and I totally agree that growing up worried that you would be killed if you didn't comment at book study enough or get your field service hours in...that was harmful.
Having a wonderful family who then shunned me for several years when I DA'd. They later were told by a CO that since I was their son they could associate but just not discuss spiritual matters which then allowed 12+ years of contact only to be destroyed by the recent new light which told them I must be shunned again. It was a blast trying t oexplain to my sweet boy who was 5 at the time that daddy can't visit nanny and poppa anymore...no daddy can't talk to nanny on the phone. I have since adopted the attitude of screw them...it is their rules not mine..so I go to their house and call them all the time and can only hope it makes them uncomfortable. Especially like telling them hot news that they don't know yet ! LOL
Having my parents tell me that they could not listen to the facts I had for them because if they left the org now they would lose everything. Everything ? They have a son, daughter in law and two increadible grandchildren who visited them several times a week...they rarely attend meetings (use a phone hook up because of my mom's disability), no field service, dad is not an elder any more ( because of me), they rarely are visited by FS groups who need a place to pee....but losing them was worse to my parents than losing their own family.....even though they know in their hearts it is not the truth... THAT is hurtful.
Its funny...I was in for 20+ years and out now for over 14 years and I feel fairly "over it" most of the time and then I read what my parents said to me on a post like this and just want to cry. I know they love me, but how could they choose that over me and their grandchildren ? I will never understand how you can turn your back on your family.