Lets see.....smoked fairly heavy when I firtst got out...mainly because I had a high stress job and everyone else smoked too....then all the smoking rules and laws changed and I couldn't smoke at work anymore....so I quit.
A few years ago i started smoking cigars...first because they really annoy people...next because they take awhile to smoke and it gives me a chance to relax a little, slow down after a hard day and relax....and lastly because, if youg get the good ones, I like the taste and smell of a good cigar.
Now...I dont smoke at home, in my car or around my kids....I live where it is freezing or below outside from November to April and I can't legally smoke in most public places like bars and eateries....so the times when I can actually have a cigar now are few and far between.
RandyW (of the I got em but can't smoke em class)