I resolve to finally enroll in school
I resolve to get out more and have fun
and last:
I resolve to learn to drive a stick shift
it may be a little early for this, but i am kind of new to all these things.......... so what are your new year's resolutions??
here are mine: get fit, get organized, and to see some of my life goals acheived this year.
last year i dedicated the year to having some fun, giving myself time off since just leaving the borg.it was all good , but now i am ready to not just work on clearing my mind, but healing my body as well.
I resolve to finally enroll in school
I resolve to get out more and have fun
and last:
I resolve to learn to drive a stick shift
me and my man are off on our very first holidays tomorrow (saturday 14th december).
we are going to spend 7 wonderful nights down the coast about 2 hours from melbourne.
i am really looking forward to having a break.. the only down side is that i will probably not be back on the board until january 2nd when i am back at work .
sounds fun! have a wonderful holiday!!!
everyone knows how the jws teach you must be a jw in order to survive, well look at this qoute from the seventh day adventist:.
everson, charles t., the mark of the beast, reprinted from bible lectures by permission of pacific press publishing association, owners of the copyright; washington, dc, hagerstown, md, review and herald publishing association.. this booklet is being circulated in the seventh-day adventist church, and is a clear explanation of a seventh-day adventist doctrine, namely, that people who worship on sunday have the mark of the beast of revelation, and will be lost eternally.
hereby, the seventh-day adventist church sets herself apart and makes the claim that only she contains true christians.
My mother is a dub, and the whole paternal side of my family is seventh day adventist. They're both crazy.
karla and i came home for a quick shower and a change of clothes.
we ask that you keep our mother and our family in your prayers.
we posted a few weeks ago that our mother had been diagnosed with pancreas cancer and was given 6-18 months with chemo.
My prayers and thoughts are with you!
not going to the meetings anymore, do you still feel the need to read god's word?
edited by - jh on 5 december 2002 14:52:45.
No, I don't. I believe the bible was written by a bunch of men, in an effort to control and scare people. I think that God created all of us, and loves us all unconditionally. The bible seems to show that God's love comes with a LOT of conditions. My opinion is that is ridiculous.
they are coming up soon, how many besides me?.
i was supposed to be born on december 25th and my mother wanted to name me merry.. instead i was born december 19th and my father named me mildred.
some punishment!
I will turn 21 on December 21st!
what is your personality type?
take one of the tests below and then post your results.
i have taken this type of test many times.
Seems LyinEyes and myself are the only two here!
remember going to conventions during the mid 80's?
sisters all dolled up in lolly-wrapper dresses of sparly taffeta with balloon sleeves and brothers strutting about with shiny grey siuts with narrow lapels and black leather ties?
ooooh what a look that was!
I was still under the age of 10 by the time the 80's ended(thank god!), but I do remember those awful clothes. My mom used to make me wear the most awful outfits to the dc every year. Very bright, lots of ruffles, and puffy sleeves. And hats. Oh, those awful, scratchy, big-brimmed hats. Gag!!!
i'm making it official.
i'm addicted!
someone once said to me that admitting it is solving half of the problem, and i can live with the other half... lol.
Barq's Root Beer. Weird, I know.
I drink usually about 5 cans per day, and if at my disposal will drink an entire 12-pack a day.
Also, The Sims. Oh so fun!
i have been wondering, .
before, while in the borg, many of us were under intense indoctrination of ideas like; "live for god", "look to the new system were everything will be perfect.." .
--not in those very words but you know what i mean... .
thanks! now i have that tune running through my head!