JoinedPosts by brandnew
The scared little girl in the basement
by brandnew inim kinda mad, its hard to shake off the look of that little girls face...standing in someones basement, scared.. why the hiding?
if these people werent in this basement, would they be killed?
all them years of studying and being loyal, and its come to this.......being scared in a basement....all bad !
The scared little girl in the basement
by brandnew inim kinda mad, its hard to shake off the look of that little girls face...standing in someones basement, scared.. why the hiding?
if these people werent in this basement, would they be killed?
all them years of studying and being loyal, and its come to this.......being scared in a basement....all bad !
In relation to todays watchtower study picture on page 26.....sorry ! ! -
The scared little girl in the basement
by brandnew inim kinda mad, its hard to shake off the look of that little girls face...standing in someones basement, scared.. why the hiding?
if these people werent in this basement, would they be killed?
all them years of studying and being loyal, and its come to this.......being scared in a basement....all bad !
Im kinda mad, its hard to shake off the look of that little girls face...standing in someones basement, SCARED.
Why the hiding? If these people werent in this basement, would they be killed? All them years of studying and being loyal, and its come to this.......being scared in a basement....ALL BAD ! ! ! !
Acts 8:14 - Apostles are governing body - was this ever taught before?
by berrygerry intoday's wt study (nov 15, 2014 page 4, par 4.. the governing body in jerusalem sent the apostles peter and john to these samaritan converts, and they laid their hands on them, and they began to receive holy spirit.
(acts 8:5, 6, 14-17) .
there are multiple references to acts 15 whereby "the apostles and older men" were the governing body.. i have never noticed this applied to "the apostles" only in acts 8:14 before.. is this another new item to reinforce the concept of the governing body?.
G B trying to validate themselves -
21 Years as an Elder, 5 as an MS, I will never be that guy again.
by James Jack ini was deleted as the cobe after i let my adult child move back home and he admitted that he fornicated under my roof while my wife and i where away on a rbc project.
of course the elder mode in me kicked him out of the house.. the elders moved quickly to remove me because i was too involved in "theocractic activities", i had neglected my adult son.. i accepted this primarily because i didn't want to serve with a boe that did not want me.
i was devastated however because it was the only life i knew.
UBER - DUBS........HA HA HA HA......i will never get tired of hearing that......welcome my man.....its a place alot of us need.
JW life takes so much from a person, that we overlook precious PEOPLE, go get that boy back. ! ! My dad never shunned me, and i love him for it.♡♡♡
oh i love this, girls,
by sowhatnow in1st timothy 2 vs 14 .
14 and adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.
oh, ok, so adam wasn't deceived by the woman, lol so hes so innocent?
Craziness -
Acts 8:14 - Apostles are governing body - was this ever taught before?
by berrygerry intoday's wt study (nov 15, 2014 page 4, par 4.. the governing body in jerusalem sent the apostles peter and john to these samaritan converts, and they laid their hands on them, and they began to receive holy spirit.
(acts 8:5, 6, 14-17) .
there are multiple references to acts 15 whereby "the apostles and older men" were the governing body.. i have never noticed this applied to "the apostles" only in acts 8:14 before.. is this another new item to reinforce the concept of the governing body?.
I was wonderin the same thing......first time seeing the gb, puttin it in print. Them dudes are gettin mighty bold in their old age. -
New Kindumb Halls in a neighborhood near you
by suavojr innew kindumb halls in a neighborhood near you.
notes and highlights from todays meeting.
opening statement about this meeting being a historic event, over 100k elders under the us branch together live from nyc..
80,million saved in a year??? So i guess we arent goin in the basement for 2015... HA HA HA ! ! ! !
New Kindumb Halls in a neighborhood near you
by suavojr innew kindumb halls in a neighborhood near you.
notes and highlights from todays meeting.
opening statement about this meeting being a historic event, over 100k elders under the us branch together live from nyc..
Yeah, brand new flatscreens, and computer monitors, to take into the basement ! ! ! ! Ha ha -
GB says, "Our way of worship will soon be altered."
by Separation of Powers inmy mom called me yesterday to ask how i was doing.
i hadn't seen her in a while, so it was nice to hear her voice.
we went through the motions of jw small talk and then she started telling me about her co visit from last week.
Yeah, settin aside your donations for their bail.