something that gets little attention or not enough is the what kind of social behavioral people were the ones who started the watchtower corporation ?
c t russell was someone who got divorced from it would appear a lack of love and attention to his wife and the supposed attention he gave to a younger woman who had lived at his home together with his wife .. j rutherford built a lavish home in sunny and warm san diego and lived with his mistress and personal assistant, separated from his wife.
apparently hoarding and drinking alcohol as well when it was illegal by law to do so.. would either of these men qualify to be even elders in today's standards ?
lve been researching the early days of the jw"s and found some very damning information which needs to be discussed at length.according to my research it is claimed that early founders used the pyramids to work out important biblical dates that are now dates set in stone according to the beliefs of the sect and can not be changed as it would rock the very foundation upon which their beliefs are built.l was hoping for somone with a precise understanding to please elaborate whether this is true or not.
I think it was russell.....i may be wrong.....but yeah....he's burried in a masonic cemetery next to a pyramid with the inscriptions.." Watchtower Bible and Tract Society".
So they cant deny that shitππππ
on a previous post mamacita29 pointed up the low quality of new jw converts.. is the quality falling even more as the society use lower than low meeting, talks, broadcasts etc.. when i was active initially the organisation and standards seemed totally different today.
i have seen hard working intelligent elders fall by death or exhaustion.
the younger generation that came along never really grasped responsibility hence shortage of good elders, never mind the watered down to almost nothing quality of meetings.
Its not converts......or people wanting to be dubs.
Its born - ins being bullied, and coaxed into being baptized.
Like morris saying get baptized before getting a license!!!!
Lots of parents took that the wrong way, and well....kids are payin the price to be accepted by parents. Its nice when a parent says they are proud of their child, but only when its for the right reasons. Blackmail at its ugliest.
Mad Puppy
hi everyone, i have been lurking for some time now and decided to open the box (hence pandora).
about a year ago i became aware of child abuse within the org, out of curiosity (just like pandora) i opened the box and the evils have been pouring out ever since regarding the org.
anyway, this came to a head last summer with the arc.
HI ......n stuff.βΊ welcome ....we like long posts. And newcomers are encouraged to tell it like it is.
Mad puppy
this has ....got....to.....be....the stupidest broadcast yet!!!!!
Keep em coming!!!! I call em "wake up sessions".
Mad puppy
i can't see another thread but maybe i missed it:.
so it's official, i am happy to report that we merged with another congregation having the same problem.
why is it good news???
because people are either waking up, fading or just not buying into this organization any longer or walking away.... i think many young ones are just not buying into it as much, i see many in the congregation i go to very depressed and some i know personally going thru major depression especially the young "sisters" in their early 20s.... .
It has ALOT to do with splanes explanation of the overlapping generation bullshit, that has people heading for the doors. Common sense is overriding stupidity. Keep it up gb......your doing a wonderful job.
Mad puppy
what scripture if any is the organisation using now to validate the changes they have made regarding new light?
has anyone heard any more on this and do all the brothers and sisters now know about the changes.. just curious
Isnt it crazy, how 15 years have passed....and there still are some who dont know about new light changes?
Old timers especially..its very sad.
crofton wins key role on jehovah's witnesses campus.
6 may 2015 | by yoosof farah.
engineer lands role on scheme that will predominantly be designed and constructed by volunteers.
I thought "the end" was soooo close..
I guess they dont even believe their own crap!!!!
i have been lurking on the site for a few months and thought it about time i plucked up the courage to step out of the shadows and say hello.. i am in the process of fading after realizing all is not right with the organization i had trusted implicitly for over 40 years.
there have always been 'truths' i have struggled to accept entirely, even as a child, but was confident that trusting in jehovah, building my faith and remaining patient would be enough to settle any nagging doubts that remained, so i pushed any inconsistencies to the back of my mind and concentrated on being the best witness that i could be.. over the last few years, however, i have been preoccupied with a number of crises in my family and stepping back slightly from 'theocratic' activity has allowed me to re evaluate a number of concerns and research sources other than the sanitized wt publications.. my eyes are now wide open - i found things which have appalled me and left me feeling extremely let down and disappointed by people i had really trusted.. i tried gently raising a few subjects with my mum (who was baptized early '70s and still remains a staunch wt supporter) but she will hear no criticism of the organization.
i understand this because the best part of her life has been invested in the religion and to acknowledge it may have got things wrong would be to recognize the last 40 years have been a vain waste.