@OUTLAW dude i totally digg all your groovy pics.
so as many know....ive been df'd goin on 19 years already.
i drive pops to meetings, and drop him off on saturdays for fs.. well yesterday, the elders ask to speak to me, and tell me that if i plan on returning to jehovah, i had better shave my beard off..
@OUTLAW dude i totally digg all your groovy pics.
is anybody aware of any kingdom hall builds going on or any kind of ldc activity?
i've been wanting to ask this, and committeechairman's question at the end of this thread, http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/289353/ldc-semininar?page=4&size=20, moved me to go ahead and ask.. i've kind of wondered whether the org leaders got rid of rbcs and instituted the ldc arrangement because they wanted to be able to stop or slow down construction without it being obvious.
if the rbcs were still in existence, it would be obvious that there's nothing (or almost nothing) going on (if that really is the way it is) because rbc personnel would be idle when they were used to being busy.
Nothin here magnum, seen a congo go from 55, to about 20 publishers on sundays.... Weekday meetings are just hillarious.
so as many know....ive been df'd goin on 19 years already.
i drive pops to meetings, and drop him off on saturdays for fs.. well yesterday, the elders ask to speak to me, and tell me that if i plan on returning to jehovah, i had better shave my beard off..
so as many know....ive been df'd goin on 19 years already.
i drive pops to meetings, and drop him off on saturdays for fs.. well yesterday, the elders ask to speak to me, and tell me that if i plan on returning to jehovah, i had better shave my beard off..
been one for the past 16 years!!!!!!
Yes!!!! A professional!!!!!
hello people.. i'm tired and a bit sick at the moment but i can't let anyone think that this is going to go away.... i am able to tell you a few things in order to prevent any confusion in the minds of those who are thinking that nothing will come of this arc;that nothing will effect the wtbts in america and other places.. i have been there and given my testimony.
helen milroy and her assistants were there along with another group of people who are there to lend assistance if you crack up at any time during or after the hearing.
i did not crack up but can see how this happens.. security is tight and anonymity is sacred to them as they want to protect all who come forward.
as i mentioned last week i'm a covert fade.
it dawned on me that i had the watchtower bible and tract society in my will.
i just changed it.
so as many know....ive been df'd goin on 19 years already.
i drive pops to meetings, and drop him off on saturdays for fs.. well yesterday, the elders ask to speak to me, and tell me that if i plan on returning to jehovah, i had better shave my beard off..
I can make anyone an unbeliever for about a year , or so...until they kiss elder ass and REPENTππ
TELL YOUR ELDURR BUDDIES , THAT YOU VISIT, AND POST ON THIS SITE !!!!! Yay ....your an unbeliever....in their eyes.
But my friends.....here.....you are a friend, and a thinking person, looking for asnwers. Dont be shy......ask questions.....something you cant do in a kingdom hall.
Mad puppy
so as many know....ive been df'd goin on 19 years already.
i drive pops to meetings, and drop him off on saturdays for fs.. well yesterday, the elders ask to speak to me, and tell me that if i plan on returning to jehovah, i had better shave my beard off..
Jw chicks......totally digg the bad boy!!!!!ππ
Put that in your book bag mark!!!!!!
Or your jw cart!!!!!!!
Or penny loaferz!!!!!!!
Or ..........ππππππ im just laughin tooo hard to type......!!!!
so as many know....ive been df'd goin on 19 years already.
i drive pops to meetings, and drop him off on saturdays for fs.. well yesterday, the elders ask to speak to me, and tell me that if i plan on returning to jehovah, i had better shave my beard off..
Vidiot !!!!! Hell yeah!!!!!! Its probably marks girl!!!!!πππππor ex!!!!!
Most likely ex...cuz shes lovin me n stuff.....actually she , and other sisters have admitted, to liking my beard...!!!
i'm sure there's probably not, but on jwmatch, which i subscribe to for laughs, i got their usual email today saying they found the perfect match for me, he's in hawaii, i'm in nyc, he's 40 and i"m 18 years older, perfect so far, right?
anyway below is the first line of his narrative introducing himself.
i am disfellowshipped and likely won't be reinstated until i retire from the military in three years.
8 years honorable discharge, USMC......THATS RIGHT!!!!!!!
HOOOOOOO...what????? RAAAAAAAA yaaaaauuuugh!!!!!!!
For the rest of my green brothers......much love.ππππ