I'm sure there's probably not, but on JWMatch, which I subscribe to for laughs, I got their usual email today saying they found the perfect match for me, He's in Hawaii, I'm in NYC, he's 40 and I"m 18 years older, perfect so far, right? ANYWAY below is the first line of his narrative introducing himself
I am disfellowshipped and likely won't be reinstated until I retire from the military in three years.
That certainly caught my eye, but then he writes so much more, I'll just share a few more sentences and you tell me if there's some new light about serving in the military or this guy needs some more studying with the most pompous elder available.
I'm looking for a woman that tries to put Jehovah first in her life
I try to keep Jehovah and forever in perspective when thinking about what could be possible. I'm working on building the strongest relationship possible with Jehovah before his great and fear inspiring day, and hope that I can be productive in helping people build a relationship with Him also!
Amazing how he hasn't forgotten Almighty Jah while voluntarily serving this country.