Yes! This site helped me immensely. In the order of help, Ray Franz's two books were the most influential, followed by JWFacts, and then you guys. No offense, but from years of mental conditioning I just didn't trust you but I was willing to peer in with my guard up to do an honest investigation. Aside from the occasional troll, I found you to be legit and rational. Terry's massively long posts helped me out more than he'll ever know. (So thanks Terry for helping free my mind.)
Currently, I still have one foot in the door, but the rest of me is out. This year, I've only had to sit through three meetings and a one day assembly and no service. I haven't really received any pressure from the elders for this year. My fade is going strong, but I'm still waiting on the fallout from when the rest of my friends and family realize how bad (or good) it's become. The only one that knows is my wife, and she's been silently supportive, missing all the meetings and service I miss. I guess now it's been close to a year and a half since I've knocked on a door.