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JoinedPosts by wordyword
Fed up with the way JWs treat those who can no longer believe
by hotspur inmy favourite uncle died about two years ago (non-witness) and my mother couldn't tell me .
earlier today i went round to the cathedral square of the city where i work for some lunch and i had the misfortune to sit near to an ol'boy witnessing to some people who were too polite to respond.
he kept going on about truth.
Fed up with the way JWs treat those who can no longer believe
by hotspur inmy favourite uncle died about two years ago (non-witness) and my mother couldn't tell me .
earlier today i went round to the cathedral square of the city where i work for some lunch and i had the misfortune to sit near to an ol'boy witnessing to some people who were too polite to respond.
he kept going on about truth.
By the way, hotspur, your story is very upsetting. Very emotionally damaging. Take care m8.
Fed up with the way JWs treat those who can no longer believe
by hotspur inmy favourite uncle died about two years ago (non-witness) and my mother couldn't tell me .
earlier today i went round to the cathedral square of the city where i work for some lunch and i had the misfortune to sit near to an ol'boy witnessing to some people who were too polite to respond.
he kept going on about truth.
Hi crazy guy, thanks for your comments. You see, my parents are fully committed. They are 82 and 83 respectively and have been witnesses for over 60 years. I don't want to destroy an old man and woman's faith. My mother said "your father is only trying to do what the society says, that we want you back" but how can I go back to something that I'm having doubts about? I may well be wrong. Very wrong. But blackmailing me is not the way to truly win over hearts and minds.
Fed up with the way JWs treat those who can no longer believe
by hotspur inmy favourite uncle died about two years ago (non-witness) and my mother couldn't tell me .
earlier today i went round to the cathedral square of the city where i work for some lunch and i had the misfortune to sit near to an ol'boy witnessing to some people who were too polite to respond.
he kept going on about truth.
Hi Larry, thank you for your reply. I'm disfellowshipped. My ex wife cheated on me and I started smoking. I do know that this wasn't the right thing to do. Of course I do. But when your emotions are in shreds, you don't always act in a rational way. My parents knew my circumstances and because of my mams failing health, dad used to apply the "necessary family business" in my case. This all changed back in January, about the time a new watchtower came out which delt with disfellowshiping. Things have slowly went down hill since. Another thing I failed to mention in my last post, is that during my judicial comittiee meeting, I was genuinely sorry. I was disfellowshipped because I was using nicotine patches, even though I was using these to get off smoking.
You know, there are some things I can't easily eradicate from my thinking. There are MANY good, positive things that the witnesses teach. But over the last 10 years, I've noticed a pattern. The old school, nice, genuine "Dutch uncle", three square sheparding visits a year elders are dying off and being replaced with Ministerial training school zealots who are just not in the same league. Even governing body members, for example, Dan Sydlik and the like are dying and being replaced by what seems to be very controlling, business like people. Even the magazines, the whole style is "power point presentations" just printed out - bullet points and cliches over real meaty subjects of years ago. I understood that elders would visit a disfellowshipped person once a year, I take it this is no longer the case?
I don't think I can do what you suggest. I now feel quite scared to go back if the truth be known. I am concerned about my mother. I am really missing her.
Fed up with the way JWs treat those who can no longer believe
by hotspur inmy favourite uncle died about two years ago (non-witness) and my mother couldn't tell me .
earlier today i went round to the cathedral square of the city where i work for some lunch and i had the misfortune to sit near to an ol'boy witnessing to some people who were too polite to respond.
he kept going on about truth.
I will do, thanks fella.
Fed up with the way JWs treat those who can no longer believe
by hotspur inmy favourite uncle died about two years ago (non-witness) and my mother couldn't tell me .
earlier today i went round to the cathedral square of the city where i work for some lunch and i had the misfortune to sit near to an ol'boy witnessing to some people who were too polite to respond.
he kept going on about truth.
I am literally about to crack up. I was a witness for 40 years. I left around 3 years ago. My parents are both elderly and my mother is in very bad health. After the latest round of articles dealing with disfellowshiping, my father has told me that unless I go back to the meetings, he never wants to see me again. I have experienced / viewed so much injustice, heartache and emotional bullying to last a lifetime.
He went down the "your not in it for the people - but for Jehovah" path, but when I told him it wasn't just that, he started fishing.
i said that I had a number of doubts, things were not adding up for me at all. What doubts? Blood, 1914, 607, governing body, the way child abuse cases are handled, to name but a few.
I also said that I still believed the main core that J.W's teach, ransom, condition of the dead, etc and didn't want to throw the baby out with the bath water but needed time to think.
I apparently am now an apostate and was told to leave the house and never come back until I repent and return to Jehovah's organisation. My mother is ill over all of this and quite frankly, so am I. The latest disfellowshiping article in the Watchtower says you can't even send an email to a disfellowshipped family member and dad is sticking to his guns.
What on earth am I supposed to do? I know that they are committed, been witnesses for 62 years and are normally quite balanced people. This black and white, Jehovah's table or table of demons with no room to manoeuvre mentality is quite frankly insane. However, I go to bed every night wondering if I am ever going to see my parents again and this is totally wrong. If anything, god forbid, happens to mam, I know I'll get the blame.
Can anyone offer any advice please?
by wordyword inhi all, came across this website, ran by steve searles.
i believe he comes from carlisle, england.. it contains all sorts of "goodies" - talks, dramas, district conventions, old watchtower publications, videos etc.
he charges a "membership fee" for folks to download ripped off youtube videos etc.
This joker is simply hiding. If the elders knew what he is doing, he'd be in real trouble.
As soon as you question him, he becomes very aggressive and bans you for life!
by wordyword inhi all, came across this website, ran by steve searles.
i believe he comes from carlisle, england.. it contains all sorts of "goodies" - talks, dramas, district conventions, old watchtower publications, videos etc.
he charges a "membership fee" for folks to download ripped off youtube videos etc.
The Society charged for mags etc "to cover the cost of printing"
The real reason why the Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society no longer charge is nothing to do with "receiving free", but the Jimmy Swaggart court case.
What on earth happened to the magazines?
by slimboyfat infor the first time in years today.
to say that it took me five minutes to read the whole thing would be to flatter the rag.
it doesn't even seem to contain actual articles any more, just headings and bullet points and pictures.
If you want some real "meat" visit this website, ran by Steve Searles.
It contains all sorts of "goodies" - talks, dramas, district conventions, old Watchtower publications, videos etc. He charges a "membership fee" for folks to download ripped off youtube videos etc. He is very rude by the way if anyone dares question him!
The password for this site is "loveneverfails123" ;)
I thought we "received free, give free?" Do the Governing Body approve of selling copyright material?
Full back catalog of Watchtowers, Golden Ages, Photodrama, talks, EVERYTHING!
by wordyword inhi all, came across this website, ran by steve searles.
i believe he comes from carlisle, england.. it contains all sorts of "goodies" - talks, dramas, district conventions, old watchtower publications, videos etc.
he charges a "membership fee" for folks to download ripped off youtube videos etc.
Hi all, came across this website, ran by Steve Searles. I believe he comes from Carlisle, England.
It contains all sorts of "goodies" - talks, dramas, district conventions, old Watchtower publications, videos etc. He charges a "membership fee" for folks to download ripped off youtube videos etc. He is very rude by the way if anyone dares question him!
The password for this site is "loveneverfails123" ;)
I thought we "received free, give free?" Do the Governing Body approve of selling copyright material?
Comments please?