I read an Awake! For the first time in years today. To say that it took me five minutes to read the whole thing would be to flatter the rag. It doesn't even seem to contain actual articles any more, just headings and bullet points and pictures. It looks like it has been prepared for and by 15 year olds with a severe case of attention deficit disorder. There's absolutely nothing of any substance in it anywhere. I'd like to do a word count and compare it with a typical Awake! from the 1990s or earlier. I wouldn't be surprised if the new Awakes! have a tenth or fewer actual words. What must old timers make of "spiritual food" they are getting these days? It's an absolute farce. They have some brass neck at Brooklyn to even publish such poor quality trash, expect people to donate for it, and spend their time distributing it. Ugh.
What on earth happened to the magazines?
by slimboyfat 73 Replies latest watchtower bible
Isn't wonderful how the organization simplifies things for us? Jehovah's chariot is certainly speeding up!
Sir82...I just puked a lil in my mouth...
There'll probably be an "article" about Jehovah's chariot in the next magazine, consisting of a heading, ten bullet points, and a recycled picture: word count 200 words. All hail Watchtower progress, hail the theocracy ever increasing.
I have to say, even as a JW I was disappointed at how lightweight the newer publications were becoming. There were rarely any deep discussions of anything in any book or magazine. I get wanting to, as my JW brother used to say, 'dumb it down', but...at a certain point you're left with vegetables-for-brains. I mean, how are you so much cooler than 'Christendom' if you're spoon-feeding your own people, who are presumably supposed to reach some sort of maturity at some point? Then again, seeing as it was rare in my congregation to find someone who could actually read, it does make a certain sense.
All hail Watchtower progress, hail the theocracy ever increasing.
I can't help LOL on this one! I started to hear the old song all of a sudden.
Welcome to the new World of the Watchtower!
Attend a Sunday meeting. The new series of talks (they're all manuscript now) are just a elementary.
The dramas in the past decade have increasingly become sooooo ... simple.
It's all geared toward adults who (must) have the attention span of a 2nd grader. The attitude being transmitted is that the average publisher is just like a child. "You can't even trust yourself anymore."
slimboyfat: Why the hate my brother? Don't you know that feeding on jehovahs table is the best that happened to you?
Here is the Truth in all its glory, for you dear brother, to understand. Watchtower concepts for Absolute knocked-on-the-head-Dummies:
≠ . += Governing Body.
+= Spiritual food
If disobey > by J.
But! by J. ≠
= = by J.
+ =Apostate (Oh no, that is how we see us at JWN!) Wrong explanation by WT standards. Sorry for that.
There you have it - the absolute simplest WT magazine EVER! Is your faith stronger now???
Excellent summary, ha ha ha!
When I was first associating with the witnesses, there was an actual bibliography in the back of each Awake! And I would head off to the library to see what I could find. I guess they don't want me to waste my time checking out the references anymore.
that should have been a tipoff, stupid me