And one other sad effect of the Scientology / Tom Cruise / South Park feud is that Issac Hayes, himself a Scientologist, quit in protest. So much for any more "mature" advice for the kids or steamy, sexual-oriented songs of explanation by "Chef". How disappointing.
How could such a talented musician and performer who always seemed (to me, at least) to be one hip, intelligent, street-wise dude get sucked into this sci-fi insanity? Damn, I'll never be able to listen to the movie "Shaft" soundtrack (one of my favorites!) the same way again.
What a sad day...
JoinedPosts by robhic
Sout Park Scientology-episode online
by Hellrider inhere it is, the whole episode: .`s one of the funniest sout-park-episodes ever, i laughed till i dropped.
Tom Paines...letter to a Christian friend...(it's good!)
by upside/down inon may 12, 1797 while living in paris, france tom paine wrote the following letter to a christian friend who was trying to convert paine to christianity.
paine's response fits perfectly with what's often discussed here on jwd.. .
"in your letter of the twentieth of march, you give me several quotations from the bible, which you call the word of god, to show me that my opinions on religion are wrong, and i could give you as many, from the same book to show that yours are not right; consequently, then, the bible decides nothing, because it decides any way, and every way, one chooses to make it.
Very interesting reading the thoughts of Tom Paine. Thanks for posting this letter.
JWs and Nazis in WW II
by robhic ini know there is considerable info on jws and the nazis during wwii.
i happen to be reading a book on "auschwitz" and other nazi death camps.
i wasn't looking for this but found it interesting.. heidrich himmler (sp) (i believe he was hitler's #1 death-camp officer) thought using jws for servants in the living quarters of the german ss troops manning the camps was a good idea.
Thanks to all who elaborated on my initial premise. Leolaia, special thanks for those scans! Fascinating in its ghoulishness.
But I have a question. In the book I am reading it uses the term "Bible Students" as the name along with "Jehovah's Witnesses." I know the BS morphed into the JWs, but by the start of WW II when these camps really got started, weren't the BS already using the name Jehovah's Witnesses? I wonder why the author used the BS name at all. I thought the change was in 1935?
I also find it amusing that the JWs used the Jews killing Jesus as such an outrage that they would condone (to any extent) the persecution of Jews by the Nazis. Seems in all the publications today (read most any of Blondie's reviews) Jesus gets short changed and is generally relegated to a secondary character.
This would be funny if it weren't such a horrid and serious subject.
JWs and Nazis in WW II
by robhic ini know there is considerable info on jws and the nazis during wwii.
i happen to be reading a book on "auschwitz" and other nazi death camps.
i wasn't looking for this but found it interesting.. heidrich himmler (sp) (i believe he was hitler's #1 death-camp officer) thought using jws for servants in the living quarters of the german ss troops manning the camps was a good idea.
I know there is considerable info on JWs and the Nazis during WWII. I happen to be reading a book on "Auschwitz" and other Nazi death camps. I wasn't looking for this but found it interesting.
Heidrich Himmler (sp) (I believe he was Hitler's #1 death-camp officer) thought using JWs for servants in the living quarters of the German SS troops manning the camps was a good idea.
He said the JWs were "steadfast and trustworthy" and also wouldn't get involved in military or political interests so they would be ideal to use as servants, freeing up the normally used death camp inmates or German soldiers / citizens who could be utilized elsewhere.
The point I found a bit scary was that the author of the book, who had interviewed a German JW lady who did this duty, said that this lady felt the Jews were guilty and more or less agreed they should be punished.
NOT that she agreed with the genocide and wanton killing of Jews and others but she (and the inference was there) and the other German JWs didn't care for the Jews and had a somewhat passive, tacit agreement with punishing the Jews on some level. It was a result of their (the Germans in general and German JWs in particular) being taught this propaganda like brainwashing.
Not necessarily a slight against JWs because they are portrayed as steadfast and trustworthy people, but it also sheds some light on their (the JWs) going along (at least in spirit) with some of the program. It was also mentioned that Himmler used the JWs' zealous conviction in their beliefs as an example of how the Nazis should embrace their own philosophies!
That's kind of a back-hand compliment, eh? It was a tiny, yet interesting little bit of info from this sad and depressing book.
"Turned aside after Satan."?
by scout575 inthe nt contains several references to christians abandoning christianity.
they are referred to as having "turned aside after satan" ( 1 tim 5:15 ), as being like "the dog that is turned to his own vomit.
" ( 2 peter 2:22 ), as being the "enemies of the cross of christ" ( php 3:18 ), and as being "not of us" ( 1 john 2:19 ).
I wouldn't have joined Christianity back then or if I were born into it, I would have soon left, because of the same reasons why I don't believe in Jebus today. He was a man that claimed to have walked on water, was born from a virgin and could turn water into wine. Think about it.
I bet that if jeebus had offered to teach people how to do that stuff, too, there'd be a different take on it!
Can you imagine taking the shortcut over a body of water and turning regular old water into wine? Man, you'd get invited to more parties than Paris Hilton!
"Turned aside after Satan."?
by scout575 inthe nt contains several references to christians abandoning christianity.
they are referred to as having "turned aside after satan" ( 1 tim 5:15 ), as being like "the dog that is turned to his own vomit.
" ( 2 peter 2:22 ), as being the "enemies of the cross of christ" ( php 3:18 ), and as being "not of us" ( 1 john 2:19 ).
...Had you have been one of those disillusioned Christians ( as I suspect I would have been ) what reason would you have posted on the site, as to why you lost faith in Christianity, and felt that you had no choice but to walk away from it?
In reality it would be difficult to say. Back then when all the knowledge wasn't available to make a good assessment, I don't think my reasons would have been the same. Probably all the violence would have turned me off enough to not even join in the first place.
But today, after reading, studying and researching so much material, I'd have to say the utter preposterousness of the whole thing was enough to shake me of any firm beliefs in christianity and any religion at all, for that matter.
They're all a "snare and a racket" to quote the judge...
'Whoever changes religion - kill him.'
by Gill inthis morning's times had a article that reminded me a little of the jw view on apostates, or people who change their beliefs.. 'whoever changes religion - kill him'.
ruth gledhill (religious correspondent).
the koran is contradictory on the fate of those who deny the truth of islam.. fourteen passages refer to apostasy and, of these, seven refer to punishment, generally to be given in the next life.. sura 40 says that those who reject the scriptures will have iron collars and chains placed around their necks, be dragged into scalding water and burnt in the fire.
... Several other passages in the New Testament condemn non-Christians to eternal punishment. Mufti Barkatullah cited the Inquisition as an example of Christian intorlerance.
Sounds good in theory but the Inquisition (and I am assuming here he means the Spanish Inquisition) was hundreds of years ago and not current practice. Christians today don't burn and torture suspected (and that's a key word, also) violators!
Yep, medieval christians had some violent activity but it ended hundreds of years ago along with witch burning. They aren't flying jets into office buildings of suspected heretics and apostates!
Nope, in my opinion most muslims get the old .
Should we evaluate satan's thoughts, to see if we agree or not?
by DavidChristopher inshould we just take others word, and blame everything on him, without seaching and trying to see if there was a reason for what he did?.
is there a chance, he could have been doing what jehovah wanted him to do?
or was he meant to be a "fall guy" for us?
I don't no where to start. Gangs are taking over various American cities. Things are not getting better, they are getting worse day by day.
Sorry, but that has a very familiar "JW Party-line" sound to it. Sure things are bad and probably will get worse in time. Dwelling on only the negative will give you that perception.
But there is so much positive today that to not add that into your thinking could prove suicidal. There is bad and there is good. What's new?
You've got so many things people even 25 years ago didn't have. I know 25 years seems like a huge amount of time to you (a lifetime?), but to an old fart like me it isn't so bad! Give it a chance and try to view things from both sides...
Should we evaluate satan's thoughts, to see if we agree or not?
by DavidChristopher inshould we just take others word, and blame everything on him, without seaching and trying to see if there was a reason for what he did?.
is there a chance, he could have been doing what jehovah wanted him to do?
or was he meant to be a "fall guy" for us?
GodisRight says:
Me: Tell folks to slaughter women and children (but keeping the more attractive women for wives)?
GiR: Not quite accurate.
Not quite accurate? OK, then what about this:
Hosea 13:16 their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.
In any case, the god of the OT is a bad-tempered, mean-spirited, jealous genocidal maniac. What a great guy!
GiR:You have no idea of the chaos that would erupt upon all of exsistence if God did not put his foot down. God sees things we do not. God has experiences and knowledge of the human race that we can never gain during our brief life on earth.
Really? And you know this for fact? Did he whisper it in your ear? Specific examples that prove it was the intervention of "god" that averted some catasrophe and not explainable circumstances would be nice.
Did Satan lie?
by moomanchu ingod said ,.
you shall not eat from it or touch it,.
the serpent said to the woman,.
Whenever I read these "satan threads" he always comes out looking pretty good. Makes you wonder about all the negative reputed to be his domain or influence.
Satan is getting a bad rap because people just won't take responsibility. Hmmm...