He seems to be saying, "Pull my finger"
AHA!!!! And that's what's causing GLOBAL WARMING!!! Genius!
often we see pictures in books or on the net or even in jw magazines of what jesus may have looked like.
i googled jesus and found these pictures of what he may have looked like.. here are a few pictures i saw that didn't match what i expected jesus to look like.
for me, jesus should like like this below .
He seems to be saying, "Pull my finger"
AHA!!!! And that's what's causing GLOBAL WARMING!!! Genius!
my brother is giving a public talk today.
my mom is acting as if the pope has arrived.
she planning a bbq afterwards.
The BBQ ????are they going to sacrifice him to Jehovah after >>> ( that was crass!!Sorry)
Crass or not, that was hilarious!
often we see pictures in books or on the net or even in jw magazines of what jesus may have looked like.
i googled jesus and found these pictures of what he may have looked like.. here are a few pictures i saw that didn't match what i expected jesus to look like.
for me, jesus should like like this below .
i have a heeler/australian shepard mix, male, 10 months old.
he is a great dog other than the fact that he digs like crazy!!
he dug up 6 trees, several holes in the yard, and all the bark in our landscaped areas.
misspeaches spoketh thusly:
"Maybe you should get rid of your dog altogether. Its going straight to hell according to this fine article...
Do Pets Go to Heaven?
Dear Pastor,
I am 8-years old and I am so sad now cause my dog, Scruffy is awfully sick..."
Good one!
i was just at my sis for supper...it came up in conversation that when they (her and hubby) were on the last circuit assembly programme - relating an experience - he had to sign a declaration specifying that the experience was true.. i was completely taken aback by this...the irony etc...they were surprised that i was unaware of this.. funnily enough the reason it came up was that in a different talk an experience had been acted out that is almost certainly untrue..given that it happened to a girl who is seeing a psychiatrist for constant lieing...her father had the assembly part and must surely have also had to sign the declaration... had anyone else had to sign such a declaration or know someone who did.
troof! I the aforementioned undesigned do solemly declare infront of God, his Son, the angels and the 144 000 that the story I told about shoving a tract up a kangaroos bum, a burglar stealing the kangaroo and eating it, but finding the tract and becoming a Jehovahs Witness, and then returning the price of a kangaroo plus compound interest to me was the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, as viewed through the 'new light spectacles' issued by the faithful and discreet slave in the 2006 Yearbook. So help me god.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! That about made me loose bladder-control! I am LMAO at the above. What a great way to start the week. Great story.
Thanks Katie Kitten (MEOW....) for the laugh. You are a gentlewoman and a scholar.
<<just look at the case of the apostate in afghanistan who converted to christianity and who was up for a death sentence.
then, after all the nations of the earth applied pressure on hamid karzai, he got spirited away.
this is the reality under islam: you take your life in your hands for criticizing the faith.
That is such a good and thought-provoking book. I read it last year and had little snippets on my tongue for quite some time afterwards!
Theres nothing short of perfection about 6. Factors of 6: 1, 2, 3 1 x 2 x 3 = 6 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 How can you get more pefect than that???????
Add a 9...?
sometimes i wonder how something made it into the bible in the first place.... genesis 38, the story of judah and his daughter-in-law tamar.
background judah's firstborn son er was bad in jehovah's eyes, so jehovah put him to death.
genesis 38:6. so judah being the good father that he was gave tamar to his second son to have sex with and have children in the name of the fallen er... we pick up reading in genesis 38:9.
The story is illustrated here: http://www.thebricktestament.com/genesis/er_and_onan/gn38_01.html
Did you see the size of the "deposit" Onan left in that "Brick Testament" illustration? Wow, he was almost super-human!
i always had trouble with answering that question.
if there is a god why is there so much suffering?
so i looked up the offical explanation of the wts in the bible teach book chapter 11 paragraph 12 says: let us consider an illustration.
Let us consider an illustration. Imagine that a teacher is telling his students how to solve a difficult problem. A clever but rebellious student claims that the teacher’s way of solving the problem is wrong. Implying that the teacher is not capable, this rebel insists that he knows a much better way to solve the problem.
Let us also consider another view. What if the rebellious student is right? What if his answer is the correct one and is a better resolution than the teacher's?
If the teacher is worth a damn as a teacher, he/she would view the student's solution with an open mind. And if it truly is a better answer, then the teacher would (or should) congratulate the student on fine work and work this new solution into his teaching for the future. How do people think improvements in the real world occur?
We'd have no microwave ovens if that technician hadn't walked in front of a radar dish with the candy bar in his pocket. Before that happened, this guy's teacher would have had a whole different "take" on microwaves and radar dishes. His old teachings wouldn't have included radar-like devices being used for cooking. Would his student (the technician with the candy bar) have been called a "rebellious student?"
In the example given by the WTS I guess the rebellious student's only fate would have been to be ostracized, thrown out of the classroom and/or be killed for going against the teacher.
Glad I didn't go to that school!
found this interesting snipit from a website.
actually makes sense.
the god of the ot is very violent, no matter how many ways you cut it.. religions fail to understand that jehovah is not the peaceful god that jesus called "father.
This is something I had posted a while ago. It's somewhat relevant to this thread:
Why is satan supposed to be so bad? What did he actually do? He gets the blame, sure, but what does he explicitly do? Can’t explain why you did something bad? Blame the devil! An excuse.
He tempted Adam & Eve by telling them the truth! If they ate from the tree they would be the equal of god. Is this true? They ate from the tree. God got pissed and threw them out. (Now, did they possess the same knowledge, attributes, etc. that god had? I don’t know that part, it’s all about them getting tossed from the garden. But I digress.)
If they did have all god’s attributes, why could he so handily bounce them from the garden? Why didn’t they fight back? There were two of them. In any case, god said if and when they ate from the tree they would die. But they lived another 900 or so years. So who lied? Not satan...
And the bit about tempting jesus. So what? He tempted him, jesus declined the offer, no-harm-no foul as far as I can see. What does satan actually do that makes him so bad?
Tell folks to slaughter women and children (but keeping the more attractive women for wives)? Destroy whole towns or civilizations? Kill 70,000 people because some guy took a census and a myriad of other nasty things? No, it was god (the one who supposedly loves everyone) doing this! Not satan...
God does all the reprehensible things but satan gets blamed for stuff only because he seems to be a handy scape goat the way I see it. Gotta have someone or somewhere to place blame. It seems satan is just a convenient excuse for not taking responsibility oneself. And just for trying to make people more aware that the being they worship is an egomaniacal, self-focused, jealous, petty, vicious, capricious, mysoginistic, racist who insists that you live your whole life, without question, by his rules exclusively or he’ll kill you. Some choice. One lies yet says it is impossible for him to do so and one doesn’t lie but is called the "Father of the Lie." Say what?
So I guess it does make things a bit murky...