This was the song that was sung on the South Park episode. Not my own.
JoinedPosts by crinklestein
Crossing Over,with John Edwards !
by Blueblades in.
do you know someone who had this experience?.
Television shows that you could not watch.
by shamus instealing someone elses thread about music..... what were some of the television shows that you thought were just too horrible to think of watching, or were conseled on watching?.
i got reamed out for watching the simpsons.
i just laughed at the ms who freaked on me.
Our hall was told not to watch Friends and Seinfeld because they both displayed people of loose behavior living together and having sex with each other. I was roomates with an MS for a little while (he was a freakin studdering spaz) but he would "council" me on watching R rated movies and then he would go watch a football game. I reasoned with him about the violence of a football game and the idolizing of its players is wrong and he said "it's a matter of conscience and I have deemed it ok for me to watch."
So I told him that I have deemed these R rated movies ok for ME to watch based on MY conscience and to mind his own damn business from now on.
When Friendship turns to Hatred
by JH inhave you ever had a good friend that you shared so much with, and with time things changed and you've become enemies?
should good friends let certain misunderstandings destroy a friendship?.
why is it that too often friendship turns to hatred?.
Well, it seems that Valias has revealed themselves as the annonymous person you were refering to. I can see the love you were talking about. He called you "friend" and then tells you to get laid or get a life. Friendly indeed.
I just wonder who he thinks he is by saying that HE doesn't feel you appologized to OTHER PEOPLE properly. As if he sets the definition of what a proper apology is... Oh well. Just know that you did what you did, whatever it was, you've made amends with those who were wronged and moved on. I take it that the others you appologized to accepted your appology, correct? If so, then what's his problem?
I didn't think my JW family could find another way to hurt me but...
by Ghost of Esmeralda inbut i was so wrong!
my daughter just got home.
you all know i dressed her up, painted her nails, curled her hair, and sent her off to my favorite cousin's wedding.
As far as the statement that JW's will do anything to get an unbelieving child into their grasp I have to say it's TRUE!
My ex friend, Dennis (I posted about him earlier today), has a sister named Candy and she was/is a tramp and had herself 3 of the most ugliest kids you could find. But that's beside the point. :) She, like Dennis, would float in and out of the troof never really commiting and when Dennis finally got his lazyass baptised he started getting these thoughts of taking her son away from her and raise him as his own in, in the troof. First off, this idiot can't even govern his own life let alone a childs but the absolute GALL to even think this just blew me away. He would talk to Candy directly about it and she told him to F off. He would talk to his mother about as well. He even talked to an elder about it and the elder was AGREEING with him and giving him legal options available to him!!! I just couldn't believe this! This elder was actually helping someone steal a child under the guise of spirituality!
But, like all things Dennis gets involved with, he lost interest and never seriously proceeded. But I just imagine if he DID succede in taking her kid. He would be the legal father and, like everything else, he would eventually get sick of him and wish he never did it and complain about his burdone and want to give him back.
GOD!!!! These people infuriate me!!
Kingdom Hall talk about 9/11
by anti-absolutist ini was listening to a talk on where this circuit overseer was discussing the impact that the events in n.y.c.
had on the brothers at bethel.
the major reason it was on the site was different than this point but i found this appalling enough for it to stand out in my mind.. it amazed me that this person, in discussing what happened, constantly encouraged the listeners to imagine the effects that the "brothers in bethel" must have felt to have to see such horrific events.
I've been out for about 3 years when 9/11 happened so I never got to hear of any stupid things they had to say about it. If anyone is interested, I have a tribute site called that is devoted to showing the scenes from movies that have the twin towers in them. I have hundreds of pictures and a few video clips with alot more to be added soon. This is my pride and joy and I wanted to share it with you. Come on over and visit.
Crossing Over,with John Edwards !
by Blueblades in.
do you know someone who had this experience?.
Honestly if you were dead and floating around, wouldn't you have much better things to do than stand around talking to this idiot!!??
"There he is. The biggest douch in the universe. You have reached the top. The pinacle of douchdom. Good going douch. You're dreams have come true."
How Judgemental Religions Wreck Lives
by metatron infor an example of how judgemental religions wreck lives, take a good, hard, politically incorrect look at islam.
you, as a muslim, believe that you are favored by god and all others are cursed infidels deserving death and hellfire.. ...... but there's one problem.
your life sucks.
If these two are so spiritually strong in the WTS then why are they visiting this site? Oh how we cower before the allmighty Condement Spreader of God and his little cohort. His wit is strong it'll eat you up like acid?? HAhaha That is classic! Truly a perfect witness from perfect witnesses. Full of themselves and thinking they're vocabulary is so superior. Jackasses.
When Friendship turns to Hatred
by JH inhave you ever had a good friend that you shared so much with, and with time things changed and you've become enemies?
should good friends let certain misunderstandings destroy a friendship?.
why is it that too often friendship turns to hatred?.
Oops. Did I stutter? My bad. :)
When Friendship turns to Hatred
by JH inhave you ever had a good friend that you shared so much with, and with time things changed and you've become enemies?
should good friends let certain misunderstandings destroy a friendship?.
why is it that too often friendship turns to hatred?.
I had a friend that became a JW. Actually, his family was always floating on the outskirts of being JW's and his brother was a full fledged one. But my friend Dennis was never baptised and his parents were DF'd. He was the type that changes his tastes like he changes underwear. One day he would be so into something and the next day he would hate it and be into something else. It was the same with "The Truth". He'd be all gung ho and pious acting and then a month later he'd be cursing like a sailor. I got sucked into the religion by him and his brother but as I detailed in my first few posts here, I left it about 5 years later. I slowly fell away and never really told Dennis. It was none of his business.
But anyway, we remained good friends for about 10 years. One night we were chating online and he invited this girl into out chat room and we all were chatting for a while and then he had to leave. Well me and this girl, Jenni, stayed and chatted for the entire night. She is now my fiance! Well we continued to chat with each other and then we were talking on the phone. I took my vacation week and visited her and we just fell in love. We decided that we would move in together and be together forever. So I e-mailed Dennis and told him that my address would be changing and explained to him in a very cordial way that we fell in love and that I would be moving to be with her and thanked him for inviting her into the chatroom that night. Jenni did the same.
He responded with the most hatefilled replies I could ever imagine! They were never together but he would try to preach to her and get her to convert but she said it just made her faith even stronger. They would debate back and forth but he would be so insulting to her and then try to get her to convert. Personally, I think he wanted her to convert so he wouldn't feel guilty about trying to get a relationship going with her. But she wasn't falling for that. This person is so racked with guilt over everything he does and it's all thanks to the JW's. He is the most conflicted person I've ever met. He replied to me with a list of insults about her and how stupid she is and all of this and this was all just a big master plan of his to dump her off on me so he wouldn't have to deal with her anymore. My reply was, "Thanks. So if this was all your big master plan then why are you pissed off that it succeeded? Could it be because it WASN'T part of your plan? Could it be because you are pissed off that I have decided to have a life and not be trapped in a soul sucking religion that deprives its members of any pleasure and semblence of normal life?"
That sent him over the edge. I had a bunch of stuff that he was storing for me and he e-mailed me and said that he burned it all or sold it on E-Bay. I just replied, "That's fine. What a fine Christian display. Do you think Jehovah approved of that? Do you think the elders would approve? What a fine testimony to what the Witnesses are truly like: A den of vipers with no real love for anybody. You have just proved everything I said right. Thank you for that."
I never heard another word from him until I tracked him down on the net on a message board and started antagonizing him for fun. But I think he was just pissed off because my life was moving forward and he is forever trapped in the same frame of mind, body and spirit: never changing. He also was pissed because I would have access to information about him that he tried to keep hidden from me. Things that he talked to Jenni about that he never mentioned to me. I never even knew that the two of them were talking for 2 years. So he was pissed that I found out about a side of him that he tries to hide from everyone. He tries to be human and have a life but then the JW guilt kicks in and he rebels against whatever he was into and regresses back to his JW ways. Back and forth back and forth.
But I have washed my hands of him and my life is SOOOO much better now than it was. And after going back to my home town last year I tracked him down and he is still living in the same shack and working at the same dead-end job. Almost 4 years later and he is still the same exact person. It's very pathetic. Only death will open his eyes but then it will be too late for him. To quote his favorite scripture, didn't we perform all these great works in your name? And Jesus will say, "Get away from me you worker of lawlessness for I never knew you."
When Friendship turns to Hatred
by JH inhave you ever had a good friend that you shared so much with, and with time things changed and you've become enemies?
should good friends let certain misunderstandings destroy a friendship?.
why is it that too often friendship turns to hatred?.
I had a friend that became a JW. Actually, his family was always floating on the outskirts of being JW's and his brother was a full fledged one. But my friend Dennis was never baptised and his parents were DF'd. He was the type that changes his tastes like he changes underwear. One day he would be so into something and the next day he would hate it and be into something else. It was the same with "The Truth". He'd be all gung ho and pious acting and then a month later he'd be cursing like a sailor. I got sucked into the religion by him and his brother but as I detailed in my first few posts here, I left it about 5 years later. I slowly fell away and never really told Dennis. It was none of his business.
But anyway, we remained good friends for about 10 years. One night we were chating online and he invited this girl into out chat room and we all were chatting for a while and then he had to leave. Well me and this girl, Jenni, stayed and chatted for the entire night. She is now my fiance! Well we continued to chat with each other and then we were talking on the phone. I took my vacation week and visited her and we just fell in love. We decided that we would move in together and be together forever. So I e-mailed Dennis and told him that my address would be changing and explained to him in a very cordial way that we fell in love and that I would be moving to be with her and thanked him for inviting her into the chatroom that night. Jenni did the same.
He responded with the most hatefilled replies I could ever imagine! They were never together but he would try to preach to her and get her to convert but she said it just made her faith even stronger. They would debate back and forth but he would be so insulting to her and then try to get her to convert. Personally, I think he wanted her to convert so he wouldn't feel guilty about trying to get a relationship going with her. But she wasn't falling for that. This person is so racked with guilt over everything he does and it's all thanks to the JW's. He is the most conflicted person I've ever met. He replied to me with a list of insults about her and how stupid she is and all of this and this was all just a big master plan of his to dump her off on me so he wouldn't have to deal with her anymore. My reply was, "Thanks. So if this was all your big master plan then why are you pissed off that it succeeded? Could it be because it WASN'T part of your plan? Could it be because you are pissed off that I have decided to have a life and not be trapped in a soul sucking religion that deprives its members of any pleasure and semblence of normal life?"
That sent him over the edge. I had a bunch of stuff that he was storing for me and he e-mailed me and said that he burned it all or sold it on E-Bay. I just replied, "That's fine. What a fine Christian display. Do you think Jehovah approved of that? Do you think the elders would approve? What a fine testimony to what the Witnesses are truly like: A den of vipers with no real love for anybody. You have just proved everything I said right. Thank you for that."
I never heard another word from him until I tracked him down on the net on a message board and started antagonizing him for fun. But I think he was just pissed off because my life was moving forward and he is forever trapped in the same frame of mind, body and spirit: never changing. He also was pissed because I would have access to information about him that he tried to keep hidden from me. Things that he talked to Jenni about that he never mentioned to me. I never even knew that the two of them were talking for 2 years. So he was pissed that I found out about a side of him that he tries to hide from everyone. He tries to be human and have a life but then the JW guilt kicks in and he rebels against whatever he was into and regresses back to his JW ways. Back and forth back and forth.
But I have washed my hands of him and my life is SOOOO much better now than it was. And after going back to my home town last year I tracked him down and he is still living in the same shack and working at the same dead-end job. Almost 4 years later and he is still the same exact person. It's very pathetic. Only death will open his eyes but then it will be too late for him. To