When Friendship turns to Hatred

by JH 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Have you ever had a good friend that you shared so much with, and with time things changed and you've become enemies? Should good friends let certain misunderstandings destroy a friendship?

    Why is it that too often friendship turns to hatred?

  • freedom96

    I had a friendship that turned. Pretty rare for me, as I enjoy people, and make friends fairly easily. I would say that most friendships that I have now will last, and those that I have in the future will last, for I pick whom I hang with more carefully.

    In my situation, I was more of a friend of the mans wife, knew her for years, he ended up treating her like shit, I took her side, therefore our friendship ended. No loss there.

  • StinkyPantz

    My best friend of 15 years (I'm only 24) betrayed me to the elders. The bad part was that she was doing far worse things than I. Since then, she has never told me why. I now hate her with a passion.

  • DFWnonJW

    My good friend of some 25 years and g/f of about 3 yrs just turned on me one day. I can only hazard guesses what the real reason was. She's done that to others including many in her own family for no real reason whatsoever so I know it wasn't anything I did. In fact, her mother told me it just seems to be her pattern. I saw her (the x) just today. She ignores me and it's just as well because there would be no end to me telling her off if we were to speak. It hurts terribly but some people are just that way.

  • NaruNaruChan
    Have you ever had a good friend that you shared so much with, and with time things changed and you've become enemies? Should good friends let certain misunderstandings destroy a friendship?

    My best JW friend of 4 years, when I came out of the closet at her house, even though I did everything with her, and for her... she was the meanest and cruelest to me... "Get out." and then she went out the next day with all my JW friends and bashed me.

    Why is it that too often friendship turns to hatred?

    Funny thing is, I don't hate her. I pity her. At least I get to be myself for whatever length of time I live. ^_^

  • DFWnonJW
  • Maverick

    Funny, I was thinking about this the other day. I sent a letter last Monday, to this 'brother' at my old Hall thanking him for all he did to me. In my letter I told him that in large measure it was his two-face, backstabbing gossip that got me thinking that God was not with these people. Between him and my very best friend, (the EX), and all the lies and deceit they perpetrated with impunity I had come to know that God had no more interest in overseeing that organization than my cat. I also mentioned that when I wrote the CO about all his gossip, no action of any kind took place. I stated that he had a very important function in the Society and that gossip is the media used to spread lies and denigrate poeple they can not offically slander. He opened my eyes to "the fraud of God's people."

    I have written letters about this guy to others that he gossiped to me about. My spies tell me these ones avoid him now. I'm not done with him either.

    I wrote a little saying after dealing with him: "There is no greater enemy than a friend betrayed!" Maverick

  • JH

    The brother that gave my bible study many years ago was a good friend of mine. We knew each other even before joining the JW's.

    As he grew important in the Organization, his friendship decreased at the same rate. In no time, we weren't even friends anymore. We just shook hands entering the KH.

    He never phoned me once since he became an elder some 8 years ago. He knows that I am inactive and never go to the meetings, but still he never even tries to get close. In a way, I'm happy that he leaves me alone, but on the other hand I know his responsibilities as an elder.

    Now, if he sees me on the street, he won't even look at me, although I'm not disfellowshipped.

    Definitely, our once friendship has turned to hatred, and the JW organization is to blame.

  • Dansk


    At this moment in time I despise every Dub that walks the earth - and I shall continue to despise them until they leave all the garbage behind. In a few months time I may have chilled out and be able to pity them all, because they're all saddos, but today I can't!


  • Sirona


    Many JWs are just weak, pure and simple. Don't hate them for being weak.


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