Shop Around The Corner Ms. Novak: "When I first came into this shop, I was full of life and enthusiasm . . . and now I'm nothing. You've taken my personality away." One of my favorite old movies.
Posts by sandy
Favourite quotes from films.....
by fifi40 ini love this quote and often find myself using it on the kids and my dog.
it is from cats and dogs and james earl jones doing the voice over.
"not for you young puppy, for you the war is over".
Are there any good WT books?
by PopeOfEruke inor are they all crap?.
what book published by the wts could be said to have some redeeming quality?
i think the book of james is not a totally bad one, is it?
The Revelation Book. J/k I was wondering though, did they actually print a new version w/ all the changes? I was at my sister's house and I noticed the have the book in paperback now. I wondered if that is a new edition?
Last Night Greys Anatomy *******Warning Spoiler*********
by BlackSwan of Memphis inok well if you haven't seen it, i'm giving you one last chance to click the close button, or back button, whichever you prefer........ .
ok, wtf?!
how does anyone stay under water for that long and live without brain damage?
LOL, that's why my fiance hates medical shows as well. He says the are so far from reality.
Least Favourite Thing Your Pet Does
by Stephanus inwe've learned to frisk our cats before they come in, esp.
at night.
they have a thing for bringing home their live catches to play with.. also, when they get all smoochy.
I hate when my monster dog jumps on me. Everyday, as soon as I get into the yard he comes running and jumps up on me almost knocking me down. He's a strong dog and I brace myself for him everyday. I could train him not to do it but I kind of like the attention.
One other thing I hateeven more is when I walk him and he finds a pile of dog crap he'll sniff it and then roll around in it.
Last Night Greys Anatomy *******Warning Spoiler*********
by BlackSwan of Memphis inok well if you haven't seen it, i'm giving you one last chance to click the close button, or back button, whichever you prefer........ .
ok, wtf?!
how does anyone stay under water for that long and live without brain damage?
The main character's "profound"/ "enlightened" narration over music meant to produce emotion is sooo irritating and over the top.
I couldn't agree more, but for some reason I keep watching. What does that say about me? I'm a glutton for punishment for one.
I've also been watching 7th Heaven ever since the show first aired 10 or so years ago. I hate that show as well.
Last Night Greys Anatomy *******Warning Spoiler*********
by BlackSwan of Memphis inok well if you haven't seen it, i'm giving you one last chance to click the close button, or back button, whichever you prefer........ .
ok, wtf?!
how does anyone stay under water for that long and live without brain damage?
Oh, talk about getting a life..You're talking to a person who watches Degrassi on Friday nights, lol. Hey, they have good story lines.
LOL Not too long ago, from netflix, I rented the older episodes of Degrassi from the 80s. I tried watching the New Degrassi but couldn't get into it.
Last Night Greys Anatomy *******Warning Spoiler*********
by BlackSwan of Memphis inok well if you haven't seen it, i'm giving you one last chance to click the close button, or back button, whichever you prefer........ .
ok, wtf?!
how does anyone stay under water for that long and live without brain damage?
okay, the end of the show got to me even though I really hate most of the characters. McDreamy . . . I felt bad for him. That would be daring if they killed off Meredith, but highly unlikely. I agree with the poster too, about her meeting her Mom in the afterlife and then fighting to live. As for Izzy, OH MY GOD! I am really starting not to like her or a single word that comes out of her mouth. I was so annoyed with that "I Believe" speach at the end. And how dare her tell George he made a mistake getting married to Kelli. OKAY, I'M GOING TO GO GET A LIFE NOW . . .
I walked out in the middle of the Watchtower Study yesterday............
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini'm down to 1 meeting per week and that is even becoming difficult to attend.i read blondie's excellent reviews of the weekly watchtower study and that keeps my sanity when reading the weekly study.
yesterday,i walked out in the middle of the study and went home because of some comments that were made after the reading of paragraph is blondie's study article and one comment that was made at the meeting.. .
clearly, jesus was concerned that his followers too could become distracted by satan's world, even to the point that they might "return to the things behind.
I remember (In the 80s) my father and uncle would argue, quite often, over who was at fault for the 1975 ordeal. My father to this day defends the WT and my uncle, still a witness, always blamed the org. I wonder why my uncle never left.
Last Night Greys Anatomy *******Warning Spoiler*********
by BlackSwan of Memphis inok well if you haven't seen it, i'm giving you one last chance to click the close button, or back button, whichever you prefer........ .
ok, wtf?!
how does anyone stay under water for that long and live without brain damage?
I haven't seen this week's show yet. I am hooked on the show. But I also hate the show! LOL
The writing is so irritating! I cannot think of the right words, trite I guess. So I'm mad at myself for watching it. I do like some of the characters. I hate McDreamy and Meridith.
Ok, don't hate me for saying that.
Let's Give AudeSapere a Great Big Hug
by FreeChick inas many of you know, audesapere (denise) had reconstructive knee surgery last wednesday.
the surgery ended up being quite a bit more involved then she originally anticipated.
she has approximately 5 more weeks walking with crutches and then i believe she will continue with physical therapy.. denise made it through the first several days post-op like a trooper!
Hi Denise,
I hope you got my pm. I'm keeping you in my thoughts. Free chick is right, you are very kind and generous.
Let me know whenever you are feeling well enough for a meetup and I'll post the information on
I hope you recover as fast as possible. Let me know if you need anything. And I truly mean that.