We've learned to frisk our cats before they come in, esp. at night. They have a thing for bringing home their live catches to play with.
Also, when they get all smoochy and sooky, they tend to dribble all over you.
by Stephanus 47 Replies latest jw friends
We've learned to frisk our cats before they come in, esp. at night. They have a thing for bringing home their live catches to play with.
Also, when they get all smoochy and sooky, they tend to dribble all over you.
Barking when someone comes to the door!!!
Sometimes when a dog finds something dead and smelly eg a dead fish on the beach it likes to roll in it thus acquiring a terrible smell. Obviously it then has to be bathed before coming into the house.
Sits right next to the dinner table and watches every bite I put in my mouth, begging with his sad look and eyes.
PS Also, wants to go outside at 4:00 AM every day!
Sometimes when a dog finds something dead and smelly eg a dead fish on the beach it likes to roll in it thus acquiring a terrible smell. Obviously it then has to be bathed before coming into the house.
Oh I hate this!! So gross, especially when they find themselves a nice dead bird to roll around on. Why do they do that? They have no manners whatsoever.
I also hate the barking at the vaccum cleaner and broom, and begging at the table.
When my Jack Russell farts while sitting on my lap.
Promtly at 6:30 am my two Dobes come into our bedroom and put their noses under the covers and FLIP off the blankets as hard as they can! So no matter what kind of evening you've had, the boys insist we get up. Some days we are up earlier, and somedays we need more sleep, but nothing doing with these dogs. They are like clock work. If we lollygag in bed we are treated to our noses being licked and as you slowly open your eyes you see big fat noses resting on the bed with hard wagging tales at the end.
As much as I hate this, I smile and love them for their devotion and love of us.
Definitely any leg humping grosses me out, and then of course mistaking the floor for the restroom since one of them is still being trained.
One of my kitties is about 4 months old and he likes to sit on my face at night--I don't mind him curling up on my head but when I wake up to his butt in my face it really grosses me out. I forgive him though, because he is such a character!
i dont like when my cat attends to her 'personal hygiene' issues while on my bed or while im hanging out w/her..when will cats ever learn that some things should be private????