Congratulations Confession . . . I'm very happy for you. I noticed you haven't been around here much and I'm happy to know why now.
Best Wishes to you both! :)
Posts by sandy
I'm in love...
by Confession inwhile i've never been a prolific contributor here at jwd, some may have noticed my dramatically curtailed participation.
that's because on the evening of saturday, may 19th, i shared a kiss with the woman in the below picture, and that kiss turned into a dramatic and passionate adventure.
one that we're still both enjoying, and that we've decided to continue.... she is the most exciting, loving, fun, smart, sexy and beautiful woman i have ever met.
Anyone for Magic Mountain in L.A. this Sunday ???
by What-A-Coincidence inwe will rename all the rides.
like..wathctower ... the escape.
raymond franz's revenge.
That sounds like fun WAC . . . I haven't been there in so long. But I'm afraid I've lost my nerve for those rides. I never thought that would happen. I'm going to giver it some serious consideration though, maybe even pray over the matter. LOL
Big Love - Disfellowshipped?
by unique1 indid anyone else see big love last night?
when nicky's mom found her with the runaway and denounced her and disowned her, it was so familiar to me and i am sure many others.
it showed the pain nicky felt when her mother turned her back on her even though she was just trying to do what she thought was right.
I think they really did do an excellent job showing the mother's pain. She was almost redeemable to me when she destroyed that tape.
I cannot say enough good things about this show. Each week leaves you wanting more. The wives are all great too. Margene is adorable. Nicki is a great actress . . . She is so mentally messed up from being raised on the compound and not to mention the daughter of the Prophet. I hate her one minute then feel for her the next.
Isn't he creepy, the Prophet Roman Grant? I don't know the actor's real name but I think he does an excellent job playing that character. -
The 2006 "updated" Rev Climax book still "denounces" the UN as the beast.
by booker-t ini was recently given a copy of the 2006 revelation climax book by a jw's pioneer woman that i see all the time in front of the bus stop.
we talked for a while and she just handed me a billion books and mags.
i brought up the un scandal to her and she right away went into defense mode.
I saw the new paper back copies as well at my family's house recently. I was wondering if it was a new edition as well. I wanted so badly to swipe one but it looked as though there were no extra copies.
FYI: Last week I noticed the bible is also paper back now. -
Who would still be a Jehovah's Witness if it wasn't for the INTERNET???
by What-A-Coincidence inraises hand.
i thank auldsoul/blodie for helping me out...they stick out in my mind when i first lurked on jwd.
wac - bethelite for 10 years and elder for 1.
Probably not but like mrk32208 said I'd still be an apologist.
Catholics on Big Love
by undercover inandre's thread on jws vs catholics reminded me for some reason of last night's episode of big love.. did anyone else relate to nikki's response to her son playing with a cross?
it was as if she was possessed by a jw demon or sumthin.
and her whole attitude toward the catholic faith reminded me of how jws react.
I think Margene will keep it to herself for awhile. Her character in the beginning may have went to the wives right away but she is a little more mature this season. I think she may go to Bill about it first.
This is (imo) one of the best shows in quite awhile. I have never looked forward to Mondays before this show.
OMG the way Nicki tried to comfort her son about freaking out over the cross . . . "Mommy isn't mad at you son. Mommy's mad at the necklace." LOL That is so like my sister at times when she goes nutty w/ j-dub superstitions. -
Catholics on Big Love
by undercover inandre's thread on jws vs catholics reminded me for some reason of last night's episode of big love.. did anyone else relate to nikki's response to her son playing with a cross?
it was as if she was possessed by a jw demon or sumthin.
and her whole attitude toward the catholic faith reminded me of how jws react.
The show is great. I liked Bill in the beginning I think enough to not judge these people for practicing polygamy. But somewhere along the way I started realizing he is selfish. He only thinks about himself and he wraps it up in "I'm doing this for my family."
I think this new storyline (potentially a fourth wife) of his is going to get pretty good. I loved the end when Margene goes to the restaurant to check the lady our.
It is true the wives do seem closer to each other than their husband. -
Is this story a JW Myth.....
by drew sagan ina co once told this story at a circuit assembly.
i never quite believed it, and now knowing how many false rumors spread in the jws it would be no suprise to me if this is fake.
the story goes that a non-jw husband didn't want his wife to joining the jws.
Do any of you remember the "Dear Barbara" story? I remember they read it at an assembly one year . . .
Supposedly some girl that a witness (Barbara) knew in high school wrote her a letter some years after HS. In the letter she apologizes to the witness for always teasing or picking on her for being wholesome. I forget the exact details now.
But the non-witness (she was promiscuous in HS) as it turned out contracted HIV/AIDS and she wrote this letter to tell the girl how much she admired her and wished that she could have been more like her. Something like that.
I just remember it being a very emotional experience for many J-dubs at that assembly. I wonder if that was a fake as well. -
Is this story a JW Myth.....
by drew sagan ina co once told this story at a circuit assembly.
i never quite believed it, and now knowing how many false rumors spread in the jws it would be no suprise to me if this is fake.
the story goes that a non-jw husband didn't want his wife to joining the jws.
"Yeah great story, btw this guy needs to either lay off the LSD or he needs to start taking his prozac."
LOL That is so funny! -
Catholics on Big Love
by undercover inandre's thread on jws vs catholics reminded me for some reason of last night's episode of big love.. did anyone else relate to nikki's response to her son playing with a cross?
it was as if she was possessed by a jw demon or sumthin.
and her whole attitude toward the catholic faith reminded me of how jws react.
Caligirl, the 1st season of Big Love is on DVD . . . Just in case you didn't know. :)