You were right in standing up to your boss. Good for you! Your boss has no business calling you on your vacation to ask you about work.
What was the emergency?
Posts by sandy
Does your boss have a right to call you on vacation?
by TresHappy intwo weeks ago, i went on a family vacation.
there was a voice mail on my cell phone from my boss.
i didn't respond to it.
Last night's BIG LOVE
by sandy inok, so i thought it was good but not quite as good as the other episodes.
last night seemed a little slow like a filler episode or something.
ya know what i mean?
OMG last night's episode was so good! It more than made up for last week's sleeper. I like the way Barb is sticking up for herself. She should. I love her character but I love to see her eventually leave.
"Big Love"...did anybody see it last night?
by Dagney inanyone?.
barb is "inactive" in her local church.. is selma green a he/she??.
very good show last night.
Last night was soooo good! The sex scenes I have to say were pretty hot too . . . LOL
I'm really not liking Bill so much as I said before. He is so selfish! But it dies make for good television drama.
Selma is a woman at least that is what she/he looks like to me. I was totally thrown when they killed off Roman. He is dead, right? I guess we'll know for sure next week. I can't wait. -
Last night's BIG LOVE
by sandy inok, so i thought it was good but not quite as good as the other episodes.
last night seemed a little slow like a filler episode or something.
ya know what i mean?
I think Barb wants out too. It's pretty interesting the way she accepted his lifestyle just because she didn't want to lose him. I thought that episode where she told Bill that was so honest. I hope and kind of expect the show dig deeper into her character's past.
Unique, I'm sorry the show was painful for you this week. -
Last night's BIG LOVE
by sandy inok, so i thought it was good but not quite as good as the other episodes.
last night seemed a little slow like a filler episode or something.
ya know what i mean?
Ok, so I thought it was good but not quite as good as the other episodes. Last night seemed a little slow like a filler episode or something. Ya know what I mean?
It looks like this Monday's episode will be good. I can't wait!
What did you think of Margene's mom? I thought she was funny but I never cared for Bonnie Bedilia . . . -
How many Jehovah's Witnesses in So. California?
by sandy indoes anybody know or have any idea?
my niece told me that they've reduced the district conventions (english speaking as far as i know) by two this year.
is there already a post on this somewhere?
Thanks Wilber for that info. Do you remember the reason for the org. gave for moving the convention location from Dodger Stadium to Long Beach?
Anyone for Magic Mountain in L.A. this Sunday ???
by What-A-Coincidence inwe will rename all the rides.
like..wathctower ... the escape.
raymond franz's revenge.
Watchtower Society New Video "Organized To Share The Good News"
by new_account infound this on this is the society's new version of the old "organzation behind the name" video.... if for some reason any one wants.... part 1 -
part 2 -
part 3 -
I want to know more about this program they said they designed to translate their literature. Are they perhaps selling it to other businesses?
Neps? Nepps? Anyone know about this? I'm searching google . . . Is this a new video? -
How many Jehovah's Witnesses in So. California?
by sandy indoes anybody know or have any idea?
my niece told me that they've reduced the district conventions (english speaking as far as i know) by two this year.
is there already a post on this somewhere?
Does anybody know or have any idea? My niece told me that they've reduced the District Conventions (English Speaking as far as I know) by two this year. Is there already a post on this somewhere? Does anybody have accurate numbers of just how many witnesses there are here in So. CA?
Apparently the convention was very packed today down in Long Beach . . . possibly more people than before b/c JW membership reduced. -
Did You EVER Enjoy Going To Meetings Or Out In Service?
by minimus ini can say that i don't thinki ever really looked forward to going to a 2 hour meeting or a 2 hour ride around in the "ministry.
I looked forward to the meetings and field service for the social aspect of it as well. Once I started making friends on the "Outside" the meetings and F/S was quite a burden.