You have clearly demonstrated with your posts here that you are ignorant of evolutionary theory and science in general.
Well, i do not agree with this statement. Ithink i know very well what science is all about I major in chemistry at university. All my studies in college were in pure sciences.
Reality is Sciences don't have all solutions, they don't know everything. Facts are studying in sciences had shown me how ignorant we are. We are debating in the existence of God we are not all agree about him, well scientist are also debating on curent discovery, formulate theories, but on many instances don't agree with each other as for the final results. Very often their works get published and accepted in a strange way or the connections you have or the money that can be result of this, fame etc..
So just to say there are good sciences out there and bad one as well, often enough it seems like the bad one that people hear about (evolution for instance), the scientists that talk about the silyness of such theories are not welcome to do so, their carreer could take a major set back. The norme is don't go against the popular theory.