JoinedTopics Started by starScream
Why did you get out of JW?
by WorldsEyeView inwhy did all of you guys get out?.
i have a friend who is a jw, and i don't think she is right at all.
do you guys have any convincing arguments on why jw is wrong?
Who Who's a JW?
by WorldsEyeView inhi guys...
i was wondering who in here is a jw and who's not??
i thought everyone was, but from some of the stuff i have read people aren't.
What does the WT fear the most?
by Gerard in.
i think it is wmi: weapons of mass instruction, such as the internet.
If Time were running in reverse would we know it?
by D wiltshire inif "time" is running backwards i dont see how that we would ever know, perhaps some clever physicist could devise an experiment to find out for sure.. some theoreticians have suggested the reason the arrow of time runs from past to future is tied intimately to the expansion of space.
since einstein special theory of relativity we have come to see that "time", space and speed are all relative.
we now more correctly speak of "space-time" instead of just space.
Saved from What?
by A Paduan inthere's an understanding that is known by many people in various faiths the world over - and presented in scripture - to do with enlightenment - salvation.
even as many jws have read - salvation is to know god - realising goodness - trust in the universe - as buddhists would say, "it's ok" - the salvation of your soul, from judgement, condemnation - mean spiritedness separates a soul from the comfort of knowing / understanding everthing is ok - the fear that comes in guilt - as christ said, "i do not judge you - my word will be judge", that there is unkindness is witnessed and true - and it is in knowing that reality which brings your guilt, and for some a turning to delusive ways to dispell the fear - darkness.
you are a child of the universe, god, adventure.
Does God exist outside of Time?
by D wiltshire indoes god exist out side of our dimension of time?.
our view of time has changed over the centuries.
for the longest time,.
what where you looking for from the JWS
by stephenw20 ini cant say i sought the jws out.
i had little choice , as my parents did the seeking, i hold them harmless, they did not investigate it beyond the wtbts pubs.. i did however at a point go it on my own, did the water dipping ore 1985 , so i feel, no allegiance to a group i vowed nothing to.. there was a point maybe 2 or 3 months when i felt i had a realtionship with god during my stint with the jws.
unfortuanately for me i lumped , god and them together and dismissed both together for a long time.. my question though to all here is this.
by RR inthe society has condemned just about everyone to second death, especially those who have been jusged in the past by jehovah [adam, sodom, flood victims, etc.
what do you friends say, does the society have an argument?
are those judged in the past to stay judged and dead?.