Jehovah's Witnesses is a rather inappropriate and presumptuous name, first of all, since they don't know the first thing about God.
I was raised in the "truth." Which actually wasn't the truth as was proved by the GB's inability to decide once for all what that truth actually is. I sold magazines that said the 20th century would see the final overthrow of all human governments and the destruction of all the wicked and the establishment of Christ's Earthly rule. Its 2003 and that one fall too. I was also told that some of the annointed or at least those born before 1914 would still be alive when armageddon came. There's another one they needed to quietly stop talking about.
The Watchtower claimed to be the Prophet of God in 1972 but by that claim the Watchtower should be put to death "without delay" as a false prophet as it says in Deut. Every condemnation the Watchtower makes of real Christians is one more it will have to answer to on Judgment day.
Since you are still blind as to how ridiculous the watchtower is you will obviously think we are devil worshipping idiots, but it is Jehovah's (false) Witnesses that dont like Jesus, and reject in their communion service, which should be called an excommunion service.
We actually love Jesus. We don't just pay lipservice to that. We love him more than anything, unlike JW's who love the watchtower more if they love Jesus at all, and that which is done to the Son is done to the Father.