Not dangerous as Biological or Chemical weapons, do yourself a favor and lay of the the crack pipe.
Do yourself a favor and pull your head out of your rectum. Biological and chemical weapons kill on contact. Mere exposure to these substances is lethal very quickly. It is a fact, DU is not as dangerous as bio or chem weapons, not a crack induced hallucination. DU can be handled without harm. The decontaminations are also done for lead, another type of heavy metal ordinance. Are you saying we shouldn't use lead? Do you know what the half life of lead is? It is a lot longer than that of DU. Lead has been well documented to cause environmental and health problems. DU is new and therefore controversial. DU is a heavy metal. It is dangerous like other heavy metals such as lead. There is no evidence that is it as dangerous as mercury. Putting DU in the same category as bio and chem weapons downplays the danger of bio and chem weapons. Terrorists are not scowering the earth for DU, mercury or lead. They want bio, chem and nuke weapons.