devious logic
If it uses a prexisting example such as a mature Adam how is it devious? Im not saying I support a Young universe, I find the idea completely preposterous, but I don't see how the arguement was at all devious.
the latest issue of christianity today has the following article:.
a couple of excerpts:.
devious logic
If it uses a prexisting example such as a mature Adam how is it devious? Im not saying I support a Young universe, I find the idea completely preposterous, but I don't see how the arguement was at all devious.
hi guys...
i was wondering who in here is a jw and who's not??
i thought everyone was, but from some of the stuff i have read people aren't.
you signed off as megan when you asked,
and when you said you werent a JW you didnt sign off as megan so I didnt notice that you were the same person. heh
the latest issue of christianity today has the following article:.
a couple of excerpts:.
anyone motivated by power alone will resort to totalitarianism. religion has been a convenient vehicle for it but by no means the only one. In modern times secular socialism in the name of justice has been more successful. Religious totallitarianism is losing its monopoly because the luxuries of modern life can be delivered in the promise of social justice without having to die first. Secular Socialism is the newest form of religious totalitarianism and anyone who seeks power will campaign on Social Justice and the promise of prosperity and only loosely appeal to religiosity.
why did all of you guys get out?.
i have a friend who is a jw, and i don't think she is right at all.
do you guys have any convincing arguments on why jw is wrong?
everytime scientists are absolutely convinced something is true they are only minutes away from realizing they were completely wrong.
I think religious people tend to paint too specific of a picture of what God's original world looked like also. We know that death existed in the original world. It is pressumptuous to say how it SHOULD have been in order for it to have been made by God. The world was perfect for man and was made to support the perfect life of man. It would not last very long if animals did not die. They would multiply exponetially, consume absolutely everything, turn the surface of the world into a thin layer of guano and the skies would be so full of birds they would block the sun.
Death must have been a part of life from the beginning. So right from the beginning scavengers were needed to clean up the landscape. Bacteria and viruses were also needed to aid decomposition to convert feces and dead tissues into topsoil so the land can continue to support plant life. Microbiology can hardly be considered violent IMHO.
As for why did God give snakes fangs that inject poison? Maybe he thought they were cool.
why did all of you guys get out?.
i have a friend who is a jw, and i don't think she is right at all.
do you guys have any convincing arguments on why jw is wrong?
I understand your dilema. Im sure you care deeply for your friend. That is exactly what will prevent her from leaving. JWs are WELL trained to not pay attention to dissent. JWs are rigorously indoctrinated to believe that people that get emotional and try to pursuade them to believe something else are directly sent by the devil. Megan, your friend is in a cult. Like an addict she must first realize she has a problem. There is nothing much you can do but love her. If she is meant to leave the Watchtower it will happen.
When I was lost I had a teacher in college that loved me despite my disgust for Christianity and I loved her even though she was a Christian. But nothing we said to eachother would convince either of us that the other is right. Eventually God did his work and saved me. My advice is to simply love your friend and be prepared to have a defense for what you believe. Try not to attack her religion though. If she realized that you are a Christian and that your beliefs make sense then she will question the exclusiveness of her organization.
i dont mean to put down my cousin but if she and her boyfriend (now husband) have been loyal jws all their lives why is it that he was arrested for cocaine posession, (he was actually trafficking while a jw!!!!
)she got knocked up by him, and then they got married by a judge instead of an elder.
do these sound like jw kids or do they sound like the real jw kids that you dont see on the poster or cover of awake.
Believe it or not, there are JW kids who sincerely believe they have The Truth TM , and wholeheartedly want to please Jehovah.
that is exactly my point. I use my cousin and her husband as a PERFECT example becasue they fit that dynamic. My cousin and her sister are devout as are their parents their allegience to the Watchtower is absolute. They go in field service all the time and they believe without a doubt what the watchtower teaches. I did also for a very long time. I could never get over why someone needed to join a **insert ad hominem** club that says you can't have a beard in order to please God though.
They do not swear, they do not fornicate, they don't drink or smoke or do drugs, they do not willfully hurt other people. Their parents do not have to demand obedience from them,
Well, As I have just demonstrated JW are no better than Christendom's or the World's because they actually do those things just like everyone else. Any one can claim that someone else's kids are simply an exception to the rule but why then claim to have better kids? That is just another way of saying "Hey, if you don't count our bad kids then our kids are better than your kids." Kids are kids and adults are sinners. Instead of boasting in the cross JWs boast in performance of their group as a whole minus the ones that they label as weak. It is ludicrous. Performance must be perfect or it is meaningless.
Even if their kids are better, which is simply false, it does not mean that they are right for making a point of it. By restricting their kids out of fear that they will love the world more than the Watchtower they are only encouraging rebellion. I know lots of JW kids that use drugs, swear, smoke, fornicate.... If they were allowed more normal social lives it probably wouldn't happen.
does god exist out side of our dimension of time?.
our view of time has changed over the centuries.
for the longest time,.
Does "Time" have very small increments that can be divided no further than say 10 to the -43 power seconds? Is time in these small increments what makes allowable the spooky action of subatomic particle that quantum physicist tells us happens?
I have wondered that myself but I also apply it to space. What is the smallest distance you can travel? Im sure it is in someway dependant on time.
does god exist out side of our dimension of time?.
our view of time has changed over the centuries.
for the longest time,.
If God does not exist outside of time then God is not God, God would merely a sideffect of the big bang.
None of which is true.
If you define God as the all powerful creator of everything then you have already placed him outside of time and not bound by relativity, thermodynamics or time.
if "time" is running backwards i dont see how that we would ever know, perhaps some clever physicist could devise an experiment to find out for sure.. some theoreticians have suggested the reason the arrow of time runs from past to future is tied intimately to the expansion of space.
since einstein special theory of relativity we have come to see that "time", space and speed are all relative.
we now more correctly speak of "space-time" instead of just space.
The purpose of physicists is to baffle everybody with their jargon thinking that it will make them sound intelligent.
you are so right.
but, I would have to agree with the latest model of a Universe in Accelerating Expansion. I think it has been conclusively proven.
I don't think that anti-gravity in 'dark energy' is a likely theory though, at least not as a remnant of the big-bang or dead stars. there is a lot of empty space beyond the galaxies, perhaps an infinite amount. If space has any properties beyond its dimensions I wouldn't be surprised if that were the reason for the accelerating force. If anti gravity existed within the galaxies on that vast of a scale then they would simply fly to pieces. I think there could be an anti gravity source at the center of the universe but more likely I think that space itself is expanding and pulling the galaxies with it, or that space itself has gravitational properties and the infinite amount beyond the galaxies is drawing them out to the void.
there's an understanding that is known by many people in various faiths the world over - and presented in scripture - to do with enlightenment - salvation.
even as many jws have read - salvation is to know god - realising goodness - trust in the universe - as buddhists would say, "it's ok" - the salvation of your soul, from judgement, condemnation - mean spiritedness separates a soul from the comfort of knowing / understanding everthing is ok - the fear that comes in guilt - as christ said, "i do not judge you - my word will be judge", that there is unkindness is witnessed and true - and it is in knowing that reality which brings your guilt, and for some a turning to delusive ways to dispell the fear - darkness.
you are a child of the universe, god, adventure.
Yes. Followers of Osiris used to symbolically eat his flesh in the form of wheat cakes ("the plant of truth") in order to become "a son of God".
God cast the demons into Tartarus, -Paul. Zeus cast the Titans into Tartarus, -Greek Mythology that everyone was aware of when Paul wrote it.
Passover: Jewish observation of the Angel of Death passing over the doorsteps with the blood. Consumption of unfermented bread and wine.
Last supper: the new passover of the Judgement of God passing over the blood of Christ on the believer.
just another example of the contrast of a carnal OT and a spiritual NT. another example
OT, A copper snake was suspended on a pole and the onlookers who believed were healed of their snake bites that afflicted their bodies.
NT, Christ was hung on a cross and the onlookers who believe are healed of the penalty for the sin on their souls.
Believe and be saved.
saved from what?
eternal separtion from God and the punishment for sin.
salvation is intrinsic if you are perfect.