I was very inexperienced but was determined to keep my virtue. You didn't know this but I had arranged for my friend to stop by the DD to check you out. We wanted to make sure you weren t an axe murderer.
She gave you a thumbs up. I arranged for her to meet me later.
We had a great time. I was trying to bury my guilt about breaking the rules. But you were so sweet and considerate. I could not see how it could be wrong to spend time with you.
Remember how fast I jumped out of your car when you got to my car? You leaned over and I was already out the door.
I figured that I had blown it. But the next day you sent over a dozen roses with a note that said" same time same place"and then called me at work to see if I got them. How could I resist? After the second date you asked if I trusted you enough to let you see where I live so you could pick me up f or our next date.
Sweetheart you will never know how much courage it took for me to tell you I was a JW. Do you remember the talk I had with you. I was trying to live in 2 worlds. I wanted to be honest with you. I didn
. we laughed about how fast I jumped out of your car after you. Broght me back to my car. Remember how you leaned over toward me......and how fast