I just got off the phone with my mom. Talk about depressing. She is In her 80s and thinks the end is near and she hopes she will make it through to paradise so she can see her dad and sisters. She would like all of us to be there together but she doubts my 2 UB sisters will make it. But other children will be resurected that will need to be taken care of.
I never realised how easily we wrote people off as worthy to die. We dont stop and think about what we were really saying. That they deserve to die.
I didn't have the energy to discuss it with her. I just made my excuses and hung up. The sad thing is a year ago I probably would have agreed with her and mourned their impending death.
So now im trying not to invision my mom in paradise raising someone elses kids as if hers never existed.
Im so glad I started my meds.