S&R Don't give up. People do pay attention to rational arguments. It is helpful to have people on the board who are willing to challange inaccurate information.
I have enjoyed your posts.
yesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
S&R Don't give up. People do pay attention to rational arguments. It is helpful to have people on the board who are willing to challange inaccurate information.
I have enjoyed your posts.
yesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Cofty: I have been following this thread from the start.
I was reminded of my reasoning as a JW.
I remember actually saying that our death doesn't matter because it is temporary. Death was always likened to sleep. The dead person would not even notice because when they woke up it would be in paradise. They would not have to experience any more pain.
I always felt it was harder on the survivors, but I was told that it was a test to prove to Satan that we will serve god no matter what. It was our job as J Ws to bring the hope to sufferers so they would experience paradise.
I after reading your summaries and rebuttals I find myself cringing at my glib responses. I sincerely believed it.
I never realised how callous and demeaning that reasoning was until you put a human face on it: the survivor of the tsunami.
i was always told that god did loads of stuff that was evidence of his existance.
ususally very brutal things too (b#st@rd).. jesus walked on water and raised the dead we are told.. it seems to me also that the older the story, the more exaggerated it is...y'know...talking snake......global flood.. there are those that claim god speaks to them now and they alone 'know' it.
Bohm: If you don't have enough faith your prayers won't be answered.
i was always told that god did loads of stuff that was evidence of his existance.
ususally very brutal things too (b#st@rd).. jesus walked on water and raised the dead we are told.. it seems to me also that the older the story, the more exaggerated it is...y'know...talking snake......global flood.. there are those that claim god speaks to them now and they alone 'know' it.
Cofty: I am starting to think faith is over rated. Do you think we might grovel better if we saw evidence of God's mighty power?
All: What kind of actions would you like to see? And do you think anyone would believe it was for real? Would it make a difference?
found today:.
a long-time favorite:.
Thanks.I found the sight helpful. I am trying to practice spotting and identifying them to improve my critical thinking.
i came across this concept a few days ago.. it is is the story of your life or some part of it told in just 6 words.. you can check it out here.
thought it might be interesting to connect with life as a witness.. my thoughts:.
Finally unlocking the chains of deception.
yesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Cofty: are you going to update your summary? Has anyone used the " it was their time to go" excuse?
I went to my inlaw's born again funeral, and the pastor said it was his time to go to his heavenly father for his reward.
Also I was wondering about the definition of love. I know JWs teach that God's love was the agape love....more principled and abstract then emotional love. Along the lines that a parent will discipline their child out love.
I hope you understand what i'm getting at. I might not have explained it clearly.
I am trying to get match the arguments and responses to the talking points I was taught to all my life. I found myself automatically responding with some of the numbered responses. Your responses have made me think and reexamine my first impulse answer. I now stop and think: is that what I really believe or know as a fact or is that answer one that I was conditioned to believe as a fact.
Thank you for your patience. I know it seems you are repeated yourself. But think of some of us as blind trying to undetstand the concept of colors. We know it exists but have a hard time concieving it.
reading thie information on the webpage has been a huge task, and impossible to accomplish.
but i am grateful for the expertise and kindness of those that have enabled me to do a indepth search on the organisation and in general re-evaluate my religiouse beliefs..
what is the best way to make freinds while fading.. i have no friends outside jws.
and if i tell a friendly jw how i feel, it would not be confidential.
i am thinking of joining a day time group, but what!
LOL.. Hi Jen 1, welcome.
Do you have classmates or workmates you could have lunch with?
How about volunteering or joining a health club?
Tell us a little about yourself.
Nice to "meet" you. When everyone wakes up i'm sure you will get more responses.
forever began at the day of my birth, but, it turns out that it was a lie,.
i am who i am when nobody's watching, then nothing is there to deny.. .