Thanks jgnat. I always appreciate your advice and comments. Hang in there with your hubby.
I hope he appreciates how lucky he is to have you.
i know there are some here that are going through some tough times.
some of you do not believe in god.
some are not sure.. i was told recently by a friend to pray to god for help and he would comfort me.. my first impulse is to pray.
Thanks jgnat. I always appreciate your advice and comments. Hang in there with your hubby.
I hope he appreciates how lucky he is to have you.
i never was a jw, and in many ways my interest was academic.
i have known, and know, some jws and ex-iws and know something of (but not personally) the effects that wtbts has on people.
the effects, imho, are not positive.
Welcome. I can tell you will be an interesting addition. I hope you'll stay awhile. Your wife is lucky to have you to watch her back.
easing nature is it for christians?
easing nature the very phrase itself brings to mind the odious product of this activity.
yet, many people have the understanding that this natural bodily function is a practice in which true christians may engage.
Bttt Because we need more laughs.
i know there are some here that are going through some tough times.
some of you do not believe in god.
some are not sure.. i was told recently by a friend to pray to god for help and he would comfort me.. my first impulse is to pray.
Thank you to everyone who encouraged me. I found out I can get strength and inspiration from you.
You guys are better than holy spirit. You answer back.
i read the cat baptisim article and i doubled over laughing.
one time when i was a kid i asked why my kitty couldn't go to the kh with us and my mom told me that animals were perfect and didn't need to go to the kh.. .
Just make sure you slam their feeding bowls so they know you dont approve of their actions.
I am going to eliminate Mondays. I hope my boss will understand.
life's not so great, i've been sulking after it was annouced, the annual meeting of directors is allowing everyone to view the event!
here comes the congregational corpes "john and jane does" to a meeting they should not be allowed to attend!
jehovah's witnesses enjoy their royalty just like americans do.
Aunt Connie,
I feel so bad for you. It looks like it is getting harder and harder for self righteous people to get the honor they think they deserve.
Too bad you didn't get a personal invitation to the live event in NY. Looks like they are trying to keep the riff raff out.
I'm ashamed of your selfishness . Do you really want to deprive them of this awesome opportunity ?Just think of all of the ordinary people there that can bask in your brilliance and obvious superior spirituality. Would you deprive them of getting a glimpse of your spiritual perfection? How will they know how unworthy they are if they don't have you to compare themselves to?
Miss Fit
forever began at the day of my birth, but, it turns out that it was a lie,.
i am who i am when nobody's watching, then nothing is there to deny.. .
Bttt... anyone else?
this morning i get a frantic call from my sister (who has been baptized 1 year and one month and never attends meetings anymore).
in tears she tells me that this morning my father picked her up in the car and told her that i was am apostate.
that i no longer loved jehovah and that i was going to be disfellowshipped.
Any updates?. How are you doing?
i know there are some here that are going through some tough times.
some of you do not believe in god.
some are not sure.. i was told recently by a friend to pray to god for help and he would comfort me.. my first impulse is to pray.
Thanks. Flipper that means a lot.
I m feeling not as overwhelmed as before but still a little numb.
The next few days will be hard. My boss from hellis coming back from vacation. He really stresses me out.
I am practicing thinking about the future.
i know there are some here that are going through some tough times.
some of you do not believe in god.
some are not sure.. i was told recently by a friend to pray to god for help and he would comfort me.. my first impulse is to pray.
I made it to the middle of the week. Yay.
Going in for some lab work today.
Still working on the finding strength in side me thing.
We were taught not to rely on ourselves.