It's not the distination, it's the journey. Everyone has to get there their own way. Some take longer than others.
JoinedPosts by Miss.Fit
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Higher Education
by thedog1 inmy wife told me today that during a conversation with a relative on the phone recently, the relative said that someone in their congregation had been invited to take part in a branch extension in a foreign country.
this young woman who had been asked to take part is a solid witness, though not a pioneer, but guess what?
she is an architect!
I thought the main point of the counsel about higher education was to keep the kingdom's interest first.
So it would be okay to use a college education to help promote the kingdom message.
After all many corporations invest in educating their employees if it benefits them.
The society just doesn't want people going if it is for personal gain.
so rule of thumb....good for them yes....good for you no.
Watchtower Observer site goes down
by Norm inhey folks,.
an era in the ex-jw history is over.
kent steinhaug's site is being shut down.. it was the first of it's kind, and to this day probably still the largest anti wt site on the net.
Active JW's, can you defend "THE TRUTH?"
by DATA-DOG inas of yet, no member of the jehovah's witness faith can defend their unique beliefs.
when the dust settles, it all comes down to blind faith in men's ever-changing ideas.
this "unique belief" was not a "true teaching of the bible.
CW study: you might consider starting your own thread. You might get more responses. You can still use the original guidelines for Truth in your discussion.
Those are good questions and would make a great discussion.
Cosmos: a spacetime odyssey tonight
by yalbmert99 incosmos: a spacetime odyssey : with neil degrasse tyson.
remake of carl sagan's cosmos a personnal voyage of 1980. presented by fox sun 9/8c and national geographic mon 10/9c.
I watched it. I really enjoyed it. I would be interested in what others thought about it.
It really made me realize how insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things.
When it's your time to go...............
by Night Owl inif you believe "when it's your time to go, it's your time to go" then cause of death does not matter.
plane crash, school shooting, accident, war, or anything else.. if you have this mind set, then any event resulting in a human death is just fulfilling a pre-determined destiny for that human.. you also cannot pick and choose as to which event, or rather, death, is in the "when it's your time to go, it's your time to go" scheme of things or not.. nightowl.
EOM Glad to hear you have a plan B worked out. Maybe you should go the cryogenic route in case the god thing doesn't turn out.
Making the site responsive
by will-be-apostate inhi admins.. i'm working as a part time web designer and developer.
i would like to let you know that i'd gladly make this site responsive.
that means it would fit any screen sizes properly.
When it's your time to go...............
by Night Owl inif you believe "when it's your time to go, it's your time to go" then cause of death does not matter.
plane crash, school shooting, accident, war, or anything else.. if you have this mind set, then any event resulting in a human death is just fulfilling a pre-determined destiny for that human.. you also cannot pick and choose as to which event, or rather, death, is in the "when it's your time to go, it's your time to go" scheme of things or not.. nightowl.
Night Owl : It sounds like you are pointing out how unreasonable it is to believe that "it was his time to go".
I have had people tell me that when someone they knows dies.
They act like it was already determined. So IF that is the case that person didn't have a say or could not have made a difference.
I personally don't believe that we have a set time to go.
But I do understand your point that people that have that view point render themselves helpless because that means they don't think they can change the out come.
Why do JWs stay despite doubts & discoveries about JW Beliefs?
by ProfCNJ inif we are going to create a pie chart with the following categories, what could be the main components-reasons and their respective percentages for just staying in the organization in spite of the doubts, discoveries about the jw doctrines/beliefs?
i doubt if the topmost reason is because of love of jehovah god and his son jesus christ.
your inputs dear friends and fellow brothers will be most appreciated.. a. below 40 years old.
Bttt for new comers who might like to share.
I don't care what you say anymore.....
by wearewatchingyouman ina litle inspirational love from one of the greats for those who still allow their lives to be controlled by the watchtards - have the courage to say, "keep it to yourself.
it's my life.
That was my favorite song when I was a teen. I remember singing it to myself when I got frustrated with trying to please everyone except for myself.
I just never had the courage to say it.
I think I will make it my theme song.
I also liked " I am an innocent man".