I agree. It is amazing the double standard we lived by. Jws always viewed "worldly' people with suspicion and felt like scriptures only applied to those " in the truth" since "worldly " people were condemed. The only reason to interact was to try to "witness" and to try to convert them.
JoinedPosts by Miss.Fit
James 3:9 - Why can't we all just get along?
by objectivetruth inonce you start viewing "worldly" people as people, just like yourself and everyone else, you can't help but to be filled with love and appreciation.. i read this scripture today and liked it :.
james 3:7-9 - for every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, 8 but no human being can tame the tongue.
it is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
by mellojello inhey everyone i'm new here.
i'm not baptised but i've been qoute on qoute 'studying' for the past 4-5 years.
i'm almost 20. i've been lurking and i've seen a lot of posts about elderettes.
Villagegirl you go girl!!! You're "preaching to the choir"!!!
Questions and observations from my non JW s is. (3rd attempt for some reason I'm having trouble posting this)
1. Why don't JWs stand up when the bride enters during the ceremony?
?? Anyone? Idk
2. Why did the whole wedding party sit down during the ceremony?
Hello...sermon....oh yeah to make sure no one falls down when they nod off.
3. Headship???Submission???WTF???
(Drunk JW says.. they just meant to show respect to each other)nephew says WTF???
4. Speaker forgot to pronounce them hubby & wife...(too eager to introduce a brother for announcements and prayer)
.....so we were wondering if they were really married?
( sis says yes they signed the paper work.)
5. Sis was amused at the color choice of the guests, white...no, bright red....no, don't get her started on wearing black to a wedding( both mother of the bride & sister of the groom wore black ( black was part of the wedding colors )
Sis says: black is for funerals.
.I said: and your point is.......?
She said JWs do things so weird.
I said: you'all have to excuse them they don't t get out much. They don't know any better.
Here have another drink.
Hello all: still recovering from our good time. I really enjoyed reconecting with my sisLS.
My other sister LL- the mom of the bride was a nervous wreck and stressed out but she is pretty cool. She drinks when she is stressed....a lot. I got the impression that she wasn't as involved with the wedding as she wanted to be. She looked left out. Her daughter pretty much ignored her.
Though my sis did not hide the fact she thought the reception was boring. She wanted to start the dancing sooner. She was much happier when the dancing started. People were drifting out before the dancing started.
Most people stayed at their tables and didn't mingle. The people that I knew from the hall that I saw kept asking me if I was doing ok.
Btw when niece planned wedding date she didn't realize that the next day was the areas Assembly. The wedding was an hour drive from the brides home town.
Sarah & L2Bworldly: Re: JW with beard: JW had an interesting background.
He talked about having to under go oral surgery that sounded pretty painful. He also used to have a very bad case of acne and had aggressive treatments. He mentioned how his face used to look pretty bad. ( my daughter hastened to reassure him that he looked very good now.)
About being 22 and bored: I think it helped that he was from another city and hardly knew anyone so he didn't have to look over his shoulder. His mom and dad were really nice and laid back. I really didn't see much of the other relatives interacting with them.
Sarah: I have no idea what happened after the 2 guys stumbled off into the sunset. All I know is he seemed more interested in interacting with my nephew instead of the girls but he might be shy.
His dad bought our drinks.
This partying was quite a family affair....W with his parents, my little sis with my nephew, my self with my 2 daughters.
My Mother-in-law's half JW and Half Apostate funeral
by Roberta804 inher funeral was at 1pm today.
they held it at a vfw hall where the service was upstairs and a meal downstairs.
we all brought dishes to pass, so much food!
I'm sorry for your loss. It sound like you had a good relationship with her.
Her MIL passed away. She wrote a thread about the funeral. I don't know how to post the link to the thread.
I thought this thread was a tribute to her.
Roberta and spouse: I'm so sorry for your loss.
Going to a meeting for the first time in a while- love bombing expected
by DuvanMuvan inlong story short, i have to go to the kh on tuesday with my mum and i havent been in at least a month now.
the reaon im going is because when i got my mum to finally let me make my own decision about whether or not i want to be a jw she made me promise that i'd go to the memorial, assemblies and if she had a talk.
she's already told me that people have been asking for me and only a few people in my cong know that i dont think it's the truth.. when i was trying to leave a couple brothers really piled on the "encouragement" and i dread to think about what it will be like when they see me again.
My reasons came from a place of love. We try to do the best we can. My children came out of respect for me. Also I always tried to turn it into a fun time. As you know there is very little celebrations and special occasions sanctioned by the org.
I really appreciated the conscessions my children made. So at the conventions I would put my daughter in charge of finding something fun for us to do.
Could you talk to your mom about turning the convention time into a mini holiday?
As for the love bombing: my children were polite and respectful. If people said how nice to see you here. They would smile and say thank you.
Is there 1 or 2 people there you can relate to and be able to make small talk with? After saying hi could you wait outside or in the bathroom for awhile?
Fernando: no my nephew J is not a jw. The jw. with the beard is. I could be very wrong but there seemed like some chemistry going on. But jw with a beard is very funny and I had a hard time telling when he was serious or just pulling our leg. He let nephew know he could tell that my nephew was gay.
Band: I remember when I was a preteen assuming that when you hit 18 it meant marraige time. There were several girls who got married at 18. We had a young couple move next door. My elder dad would be constantly refereeing them because they were having trouble adjusting to marriage.
My niece however is 26 when she got married and her husband was married before.
Obliette: thanks for the link. I know as a born in we were taught to do put the org. first and take every opportunity to "witness" that our whole life should bring honor and a witness to Jehovah. I always accepted it as normal way to bring "honor " to Jehovah. It is just recently that I realized how unnatural it really is. My nephew also mentioned the memorial service for the bride's brother a year ago. He said it really upset him the way jws used it to promote their religon instead of focasing on his life.
Vidiot: lol.. I was posting with my tougue firmly in my cheek."logic".
PaintedTN : that was the exact reaction my little nonjw sister and nephew reacted. The drunk jw tried to explain that submission really only meant respect. Nephew was not buying it. I was just sitting back watching the train wreck. The jw was really out of his element. I really liked him though. It ddnr seem like the typical jw but I couldn' t tell if that was because he wasn' t sober.
My daughters and my sisters really liked him. My nephew was totally flabergasted...he didn't know what to make of him. One minute he was defending the jws and the next minute he was telling us outlandish tales that had my nephew shaking his head in disbelief.
He was telling us how he would just go up to strangers and interact with them:
JW W " this guy pulled Spencer aside and asked if he had some" product " .
Nephew:wait- is Spenser one of the wedding guests?
JW: no he was with a group of kids I met playing hacky sack.
Nephew: you approached complete strangers ? Why?
JW: I wanted to play hacky sack.
Nephew : Who was the guy with Spenser? Did you know him?
JW:( shrug). Nope , he told Spencer to meet him in the alley behind the motel. He said he would be wearing a trench coat.
Nephew: well did you leave?
JW: no, I wanted to play hacky sac.
Nephew: ( face palm). You approached a bunch of guys you did not know, witnessed a drug deal and stayed around to play hakey sac?
JW: * shrug* sure I really like hacky sac.
Nephew shaking his head and laughing: you are something else man.
So the interesting was watching jw logic in action.
Now I don't know if W(aka good looking 22 yo nurse student with great beard ...my daughters' opinion) was pulling our leg, but he was telling us how he had already been in several motel rooms drinking. Apparently since you couldn't bring drinks into the reception room, some of the wedding guests moved the party to the motel rooms...I guess they brought their own liquor?
Anyway he mentioned that he just turned 22 the previous day.
My nephew told him happy birthday let me buy you some shots. My Nonjw sister kept hissing a cross the table: J they don't celebrate birthdays!! The birthday boy looked up like oh yeah I forgot. I told my sis.. he's already half assed drunk I'm sure accepting 1 happy birthday wish will be the least of his sins tonight.
So he accepted the shot. Then nephew clinked his shot glass in a toast. W the bearded JW - said something about toasting being a pagan costum. little sis and son looked at him in disbelief. My smart daughter said if you want to talk pagan what about the wedding ring?
The bearded jw laughed and said I know right..I always wondered about that.
Here is a hilarious mental picture: a drunk off his ass jw attempting to witness and defend the wedding talk about submission,( something my nephew mentioned he found offensive)
We closed the bar down. Of course we all were witty and clever.
I am interested to see how interesting and funny bearded jw is sober.
Last I saw of him he and my nephew were looking for another bar to close down. Bearded jw had told my nephew that this is the most he had ever drank. And nephew told him he wanted to really get him fd up.
I was a little concerned because nephew is 26 and had more exprerince getting f up ed and can handle it. I took jw aside told him to be safe and to remember its okay to say no if he felt he had enough. He accused me of being incredably patronising. Then I felt bad.
Going to a meeting for the first time in a while- love bombing expected
by DuvanMuvan inlong story short, i have to go to the kh on tuesday with my mum and i havent been in at least a month now.
the reaon im going is because when i got my mum to finally let me make my own decision about whether or not i want to be a jw she made me promise that i'd go to the memorial, assemblies and if she had a talk.
she's already told me that people have been asking for me and only a few people in my cong know that i dont think it's the truth.. when i was trying to leave a couple brothers really piled on the "encouragement" and i dread to think about what it will be like when they see me again.
My children were in the same situation as you are. I stopped asking them to come to meetings but did have them come to memorial and assemblies.
Part of the reason was because I did not want to go alone....my husband is not jw.
Another reason was it made me feel less like I was failing my kids. Remember we are taught that as parents we are responsible for our minor childrens lives. It was our responsibility to teach our children or they would DIE!!
So I would hope that something they heard would plant a seed.
Ironically the opposite happened. My daughter started asking questions and making respectful observations that made ME start to think.
So hang in there, and help your mother out.