Our mixed house is of a different kind. My husbands' ex-wife recently met a JW on the internet and married him 6 months later. Since this time we have endured endless lies and manipulation. The children are taken to Kingdom Halls every other weekend and have completely rejected the religion of JW's. In fact they have chosen to live with us full time due to the rigorous life of a Witness and the past abuse of their mother. This past year the ex-wife accused my husband of child abuse and took it to the fullest extent of the law. We lost custody of both children (even though only 1 child was in question over a spanking) The spanking left a small finger imprint on the side of her butt. We ended up with a restraining order, supervised visititaion and were 4 days away from a jury trial when the pictures taken in the Emergency Room revealed no bruising. During this time, she jacked with us every chance she could get. She even pulled them out of their schools and sent them to another school 30 miles away without telling us. This only lasted 3 days, until a court order put them back in their old school. It took 10 months to get the lawyers and courts behind us. Along with $17,000. She claims to be a good JW and was even baptized a year and a half ago. Is this how good JW's act? By lying to the courts, CPS, and the schools to get their children away from their non-believeing father? At the end of this saga and after $5,000 with a court pschcologist (who deemed the ex-wife unfit due to all of her child abuse in the past) we now have full custody and the kids are thriving!
JoinedPosts by rajah
Mixed households and worldly Witnesses
by Dogpatch infreeminds organization.
randy watters.
long time no talk to.