Yes, but their new light was dim ... they passed out 60 watt bulbs.
Cheap bastids. They better bring cigars if they want to convert me, and none of that cheap Dutch Masters crap, either. I dont want Jesus holdin out on me.
last night, around 6:00, a couple of well-dressed young men knocked at my door.
i didn't think they were jw's, as they weren't carrying bookbags and they didn't have the "stepford jw" look.
but, i made my hub answer the door anyway.
Yes, but their new light was dim ... they passed out 60 watt bulbs.
Cheap bastids. They better bring cigars if they want to convert me, and none of that cheap Dutch Masters crap, either. I dont want Jesus holdin out on me.
just got this email from a friend and had to share it with all.. incredible story and picture - little baby .
a picture began circulating in november.
it should be "the picture of the year," or perhaps, "picture of the decade.
HOlybejeeezus that looked like something outta Alien!
i thought i would take a moment to introduce myself to you all.
i?ve been reading your forum for a couple of weeks now and have gained a great deal of insight.
i do have a few questions i would like to ask, but i will do that a bit later.
Hi swamp thing. Welcome to JWD.
"god, save us from them!!".
that was the most profound moment in the must-see movie:.
fahrenheit 911. it was said by a wailing iraqi woman who had had her family's home bombed.
its sold out today but i aim to see it tomorrow.
One thing bothers me though. I hear that Moore did not ask Bradbury for permission to use that title, and Bradbury wants it changed because of that. I take exception to someone plagurising (sp?) like that.
last night, around 6:00, a couple of well-dressed young men knocked at my door.
i didn't think they were jw's, as they weren't carrying bookbags and they didn't have the "stepford jw" look.
but, i made my hub answer the door anyway.
Dan-O, was it "New Light"?
just got this email from a friend and had to share it with all.. incredible story and picture - little baby .
a picture began circulating in november.
it should be "the picture of the year," or perhaps, "picture of the decade.
The photo posting was just an abortive attempt.
Sorry, it was wrong.
without a doubt the most time-worn excuse of jw's when it comes to errors, omissions and failures of the jw parent organization goes something like this:i only ask that things be put in perspective and to also realize that the writers of the society are not inspired.. .
the statement above is certainly true.
the writers for the society certainly are not inspired.
Jesus is relatively unimportant at this point in Witness Mythological timeilne. He did some big things around 33AD, then puttered around for a couple of millenia, then won the war in heaven, and has basically been waiting for 90 years or so to finish off so he can be key in the story. Of course he's only one of 144001 king-priests.
last night, around 6:00, a couple of well-dressed young men knocked at my door.
i didn't think they were jw's, as they weren't carrying bookbags and they didn't have the "stepford jw" look.
but, i made my hub answer the door anyway.
It sounds like the Baptists had the best tactic for dealing with Jdubs.
the sept. 22, 2003 awake!
gives us 6 ways to stay or get healthy.
i figured i'd pass them on to you for your response....... #1--safely dispose of excrement #2--wash your hands #3--wash your face every day #4--use only clean water #5--protect food from germs #6 dispose of all houshold refuse---in conclusion the article says, "if you regularly apply these suggestions, you will soon find that they are part of your daily routine.
End yet the toilets at the Equador Bethel have a seperate trashcan for putting soiled toiletpaper in. The plumbing, you see, can't handle soggy used teepee, so they put it in foul stinking cans beside the toilet. I guess they should be practising what they preach.
okay, i'm not that excited about it, but i feel i've done my part today, albeit, with mixed emotion.. i happened into a clinic at the hospital and lo and behold amidst the peoples and newsweeks in the waiting area... hmmm... someone tucked a few magazines into the reading selections- big surprise, i know!
it just wouldn't be a waiting area without a "100 best dressed celebs", a dog-eared better housekeeping, a barely touched newsweek and of course, our best protection against satan- the ever-popular watchtower and awake magazines.. ugh.
now i'm miffed.
I saw one in a laundromat one time. It was on blood. I figured if I threw it away, the Jdubs would just think that someone was reading their "literature" (Ever the optomists) and put even more there, so I just used a shapie marker I had with me and marked on the cover.
Never saw JW mags back in that place again.