The JW concept of god is paradoxical. If he's angry and jealous, then he already did the worst he could to to humanity by taking away their immortaility at Eden. Why would he need to kill them all at once, when he's condemned them to death endlessly anyway.
JoinedPosts by gitasatsangha
by betty boop inthe more time that passes, the less i even think about it.
i dont really believe in it but now and again i get a nagging fear of "what if we're all wrong and it is true" and boom big lighting rods and earthquakes come and shatter us all and i think damn and i almost beat jah on this one .
its so silly i know im right about my decison to leave the dubs but they psychologicaly messed with us for so long sometimes your like woah what if theyre right!.
Kingdom Hall Destroyed By Fire
by Kenneson inthe denbigh, virginia kingdom hall was destroyed by an accidental fire begun by a member who was welding and soldering pipes in a bathroom.
the insulation ignited and although he tried to extinguish the blaze, he was unsuccessful.
3 congregations used the building; now they have nowhere to meet and will have to rebuild..,0,4261948
Allan Staros? Allan Torturesteak. Oh yeah that would bring on the Sisters! "I'd like you to meet my friend, Brothe Torturesteak from Denbeigh.."
Well I'm glad no one got hurt in the fire, anyway.
Everybody and their mother want to.....
by Doubtfully Yours income visit here in florida.
relatives, friends, all!!!
and of course they always want to go to the many parks and beaches here.
Here I am trying to eat right and diet, and you gotta bring up barbeque. Ok, now I'm going to Reandevous BBQ for dinner.
The Watchtower is Frightened ...of Biblical Flags!
by metatron inin the aug. 1 wt, in a secondary article on numbers, the following paragraph appears:.
"what were "the signs" around which the three-tribe divisions were to encamp in the wilderness?.
the bible does not give a description of what these signs were.
The watchtower society says clearly that saluting the flag is idolotry, ergo the flag IS an idol according to WTS dogma.
By the same token, imagine you decided to by a statue of the Virgin Mary. You put it on your shelf, but do not venorate it. You only have it because you find it pretty and it reminds you of Mary's good qualities. The Society would still regard it as an idol, and if you were a witness you would be told to get rid of it. They might even imply at it contained demons.
Flags are idols to the Watchtower. There is no way around it, barring "New Light"
23 yr old female teacher arrested for sex with 14 yr. old boys
by wednesday in
that is a link to the smoking gun.
the entire story is there.i read the arrest report.
"I think of all the education that I missed
But then my homework was never quite like this"
-David Lee Roth
WTS retro slogan t-shirt designs
by Pleasuredome in.
with the 80's coming back into fashion, design or give ideas for your own wts slogan t-shirt in the style that was all the rage back then.
it's a good piss take, and would look great at an apostofest.
heh, heavy metal didn't evolve, it got saved from itself by Soundgarde, Alice In Chains, and Jane's
Everybody and their mother want to.....
by Doubtfully Yours income visit here in florida.
relatives, friends, all!!!
and of course they always want to go to the many parks and beaches here.
Memphis gets a bit of tourism.. the Elvis freaks go to do whatever it is they do at Graceland, the folks that want to see blues to go Beale Street, but that's about it. There really isn't that much to do in this town, so tourism isn't a problem. The main problem, cost-wise, throughout Tennessee are the Yankees who move in to retire and buy cheap land. They STILL pay to much for land, and it's driven the costs up skyhigh. People have even stopped farming in a lot of cases. What's the point when you can sell your cow pasture and cornfields so that a developer can turn it into a golf course and retirement community with some made up name like Ashingtonbrook Meadows and you can make 10 times what your property is worth. The new people who move in typically have no interest in the local culture, especially in the east, up in the appalachians, and they really add nothing to it.
23 yr old female teacher arrested for sex with 14 yr. old boys
by wednesday in
that is a link to the smoking gun.
the entire story is there.i read the arrest report.
If I were to guess, It think that is because we see realize that there are emotional differences between boys and girls and we see it in two ways. One is the moral/legal way, and it is correct, because this woman abused her position and was in an unequal sexual relationship, which is why it is called statutory rape. Also we can't forget how hurt the newlywed husband of this creepy woman must feel.
But at the same time, we realize that for an heterosexual adolescent boy, he will almost certainly view any sexual contact with a female teacher as a conquest, or great achievement. And as conquests go, this was the freakin Roman Empire of Sex for the kid. Sadly, it may also tarnish his view of women as life goes on.
congrats on one thousand posts!
23 yr old female teacher arrested for sex with 14 yr. old boys
by wednesday in
that is a link to the smoking gun.
the entire story is there.i read the arrest report.
She will get a much gentler ride in the press then if it were a man who had done this to the boy, or if it were a man who had done it to a girl of the same age, but I am glad that they are handling this seriously.
(although, if I had been the 14 year old boy, I would have happily banged that broad all the way through high school. sorry)