WTLies, In order to become a Jedi Knight, you must have the greatest concentration and dilligence. You must not only feel the Force flowing in you, but you must also recognize that you ARE the force in that you are indistinct from the Force. You have to not only give quality posts, but also respond in inane question notes with a "Same Thought" or the sharp-witted "ROFL". You will then be ascertained to be a Senior Member. Once this is learned, the doors to using the Force will be open to you, and you can balance rocks on top of another, and also create inane question threads of your own. You will eventually feel an inner compulsion that compells you to add your own powers to help defeat a dread Troll. At that point you will have become a Master Member and the innocence of the Newbie acolyte period will be removed almost from your own personal memories. In the journey down the road of message-board esoteticism, there is no turning back, only subtle shades of cut-n-paste.
After that you have to prove to Simon you are a Jedi Knight by lifting an Auxillary Pioneer's car out of the Dagobah swamp just by raising your hands and looking extremely constipated, then posting your 1000th post. Once you hit 2000 posts you become Evil and stop using your posting powers for good.