Welcome deathb4dishonour,
WT stands for Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, which is the corporate arm of the religion known as Jehovahs Witnesses, it set's all dogma and appoints all the elders (clergy) of the various congregations. They publish the only materials which Jehovahs Witnesses are allowed to use in the practise of their peculiar form of worship. On this forum you may see it also called WT, the Org, the Organization, Bethel, Brooklynn, the Borg, Borganization, the Tower, etc.
Jehovahs Witnesses are against gay and lesbian relationships, being of the opinion the actual acts of sexual activity between persons of the same sex are a biblical sin, moreso then the fact that the homosexual couples are not betrothed in a union of marriage. The Witnesses stipulate that marriage is to be between one man and one wife, and will require and other union (such as a man with many wives) to end such arrangements before joining the religion.
The subject of Witnnesses and blood is rather complex right now. I would recommend you look at www.ajwrb.org to get a good idea of where the Witnesses stand on the subject right now.
Hope this helps.