Alan f : Thank you for the offer but i must politely decline your kind invitation, i know you are a busy man and have many pressing engagements, so feel it would be unfair of me to distract you with my nonsense a moment longer.
alan feuerbacher has written an excellent expose' to the jw position which maintains that since 1914 the frequency and resulting deaths due to earthquakes exceed all previous years.
it is well written and worth your while to peruse.
the title of the article is "watchtower society backpedals on earthquakes or how magicians write essays.
here's an interesting article which shows the arrogance of certain evangelical christian groups who will certainly (imo) exacerbate poor relations between america and the iraqis post war.
an excerpt:graham didnt seem concerned that the public presence in iraq of samaritans pursewhich has put out a press release about its activitiescould prompt already-skeptical muslims worldwide to view the war as a crusade against islam.
alan feuerbacher has written an excellent expose' to the jw position which maintains that since 1914 the frequency and resulting deaths due to earthquakes exceed all previous years.
it is well written and worth your while to peruse.
the title of the article is "watchtower society backpedals on earthquakes or how magicians write essays.
This generation will by no means pass away until these things occur. These "things" are the sign of the last days, not all these signs came to pass at the exact same time, rather as we head into the last days each individual sign comes together to form the bigger picture, the composite sign as jesus taught, a period of time will occur when these signs are all occuring and reoccuring time and time again together. Since 1914 these signs have occured at various times, eg: wars, earthquakes but not all the signs at the same time. These are the beginings of the pangs of distress and they will be fufilled when they occur in such an undeniable together.
These signs represet the beginings of the pangs of distress and not the end of this system, so the generation of 1914 can pass away as these signs occur and in the fufillment of these. These signs only provide evidence that jesus is near, so there will be a period of time after these and the wtbs is not reliant on armagedon taking place in respect of these scriptures.
are witnesses really zealous?
they certainly claim to be.
they "turn in" field service reports month by month claiming.
Maverick: wherever this zealousness is " directed" from it is still zealousness which was the whole point of this thread.
You also say the true god is forgiving and the wtbs keeps records, what do you think the true god does? jehovah keeps a record of all humankind, as will be in the reserection. keeping a record does not mean not forgiving.
alan feuerbacher has written an excellent expose' to the jw position which maintains that since 1914 the frequency and resulting deaths due to earthquakes exceed all previous years.
it is well written and worth your while to peruse.
the title of the article is "watchtower society backpedals on earthquakes or how magicians write essays.
Francios: i just knew u would say NO .
As the wtbts points out there is no need for an increase, true there have always been these "signs" but jesus meant that in the last days people would be able to see these signs clearly, in the age we live in, with 24 hr news coverage and internet access people are able to see these things taking place. There would be no point in these signs happening even a century ago because not everybody would be able to wittness these things, the world is a smaller place, hence jesus words You will see earthquakes etc.
the official watchtower-site does feature a story about the masai.
the article doesn't talk about one of the most talked about customs of the masai: the drinking of cow blood!
compare this description from an encyclopedia with the article.
just wondering if anyone thinks this war has any implications for the future?
does anyone know what will happen next?.
are witnesses really zealous?
they certainly claim to be.
they "turn in" field service reports month by month claiming.
Outlaw: so by your reasoning the jws arent wrong or evil just some of the people in it, the use of the word world is descriptive, of course not everyone is wicked dont act dumb.....jesus said he would destroy this wicked system of things(world) he is not really destroying the entire world is he? The world we live in is wicked!.
are witnesses really zealous?
they certainly claim to be.
they "turn in" field service reports month by month claiming.
Outlaw: So you are saying that this world we live in today is not wicked are you? We claim we have the truth so of course want people to come and join us in our fellowship, we want to make disciples as jesus taught us to do. We claim we are the only people doing gods will on earth, not that we will only be saved that is down to jehovah to read hearts. Jesus when hanging on the tree promised the criminal that he would be in paradise, yet he was not a believer.......of course we want people to join us as we are encouraged to also certainly does not mean that every jw will be saved, in the same manner jehovah reads is yours?