Samuel-King and Chronicles are parallel of course. Chronicles uses Genesis for geneology of course. Psalm 18/2 Samuel 22 also Psalm 14 and Pslam 53. There are other parallels in the Pslams. Proverbs had numerous parallels... some coming up 3 times! Isaiah 2 and Micah 4 have a parallel. Jeremiah and Obadiah have a Parallel. Of course the Synoptic gospels Matthew-Mark-Luke.... John 6 has a parallel to them with the 5000 miricle. Paul makes a Parallel between Romans and Galatians. Of course Jude and 2 Peter are parallels. Revelation is not original. It copies Ezekiel and Daniel alot. Most of this paralleling is copying later.
JoinedPosts by HowTheBibleWasInvented
The (ancient) globalised world - Ancient Israel imported cinnamon from India
by fulltimestudent inone of my specific interests (when i started at university) was the interconnectiveness of the ancient world.
and the more i've learned in the past 6 years, the more i've seen that the ancient euro/asian world was connected.
a network of trading routes and markets exchanged goods and wealth, and along with the traded items went traded ideas and concepts.
What time-frame? If you are at university you know Israel didn't become a Kingdom until Omri.... Before that they were under poor leaders or Egyptian vassels. (David-Solomon were Judean not Israelite... there never was a united kingdom) Futher before Jeroboam I (who came in after Shishak's invasion) there was Saul and previous leaders like Labaya (Abimelech of Judges 9 maybe) Unless these finds are from after 850BCE they were mostly likely Egyptian trade.
Is Jehovah a man that lived on a mountain?
by bytheirworks inwhen moses met jehovah, he was on a mountain.. .
"for i have not dwelt in an house since the days that i brought up israel.
" - i chronicles 17:5. .
Acheology shows Jehovah/Yahweh as having come from the Shashu tribe of Midian near a large mountain. The Song of Deborah n Judges 5 (Might be the oldest Hebrew in the bible) speaks of Yahweh marching of of Seir (Edom) just north of Midian. The other old work in the bible Exodus 15 (Song od the Sea) although in in the form of a Canaanite epic hym presents Yahweh as moving up from the south and over the Jordan.
Then of course is the whole Mt. Sinai story with Moses.
Another old part of the bible are 'The Acts of David's Mighty Men' in 2 Samuel 21 and 24 (I think ...) and they show Yahweh as being and idol David pours an offering of water out to. Since David in located in Bethleham of Judah (Kenite territory) this again shows Yahweh as originating from the south as a battle/war god.
What is with Jeremiah 5:8 in the NWT
by HowTheBibleWasInvented inas already posted im agnostic... but i find the texts of the bible the world's most famous book.. .
check jeremiah 5:8 out in the nwt.
while thismight now be shocking in the judean prophets what is shocking is this is a mojor addtion to the text to make it sound vile.
Wonderment. Thanks. I never tried the NET. I always used the JPS study bible for annotations and the WEB (copyright free when I posted on youtube) I guess there is a minor valid readion for the WT to translate it that way.
'Dungy idols' is anyone one I shake my head at (The Masoretic text simply has Idols. Never saw dungy)
Mp. Yes Ezekiel 23:20 comes to mind.
As for the 'Diety verses':
Zechariah is Yahweh/Jehovah speaking... the 'him' has no valid basis.
John 1:1 has been debunked by every greek schooloer.
Colossians 1: 15-17 is not a major problem. The NWT adds bracets (Not in the 2006 revisal though )
Hebrews 1:6 Was 'worship in the 1961 version. It was changed in the 1984 revisal. (The Kingdom Interlinier says worship ironicly)
Hebrews 1:8 has been so twisted and disorted in the NWT I wouldn't call it a translation
As an agnostic I don't believe Jesus is Jehovah eiter (Why would a wisdon teacher in the first century be the same as a Sahasu/Kenite god YHW (Jehovah) from probably before 1500BCE lol)
What is with Jeremiah 5:8 in the NWT
by HowTheBibleWasInvented inas already posted im agnostic... but i find the texts of the bible the world's most famous book.. .
check jeremiah 5:8 out in the nwt.
while thismight now be shocking in the judean prophets what is shocking is this is a mojor addtion to the text to make it sound vile.
As already posted im agnostic... But I find the texts of the bible the world's most famous book.
check Jeremiah 5:8 out in the NWT. While thismight now be shocking in the Judean prophets what is shocking is this is a mojor addtion to the text to make it sound vile. Was somebody in the NWT comittie into.... animals?
Sick verse and it's only in the NWT
Witnessing to athiests
by zound incan't seem to find anything about this in the reasoning book.
what do jehovah's witnesses usually say / instructed to say to try and get athiests interesteds in joining?.
I can disprove Jehovah in 5 minute.
Athiesm is a religion
I'm an agnostic for a reason. I'm logical and see both sides. I cannot disprove God. (I can disprove the Shashu god Jehovah!)
BTW Richard Dawkins is an agnostic!
Premarital sex--how prevalent?
by wafflesandpancakes inin my old congregation, everyone seems clean.
mostly chaste courtship, kingdom hall wedding, blah blah.. well there are lots of cases of fondling but they were soon forgotton.
when my husband and i confessed to sex before marriage, the elders were disgusted.
First somethng needs to be said:
NO ONE HAS AUTHORITY OVER YOUR SEX LIFE...other then your mate... not the elders...not the Shashu god (jehovah)
In the USA/Canada sex-life is free. By law!
F(((( the governign body and Paul in 1 thes. 4... he was a widower...
Anyone here use a tablet computer
by maksym injust curious here who uses the new tablet computers, whether they be android based or ipad ios from apple.
does anyone here use a phone to post and what is your experience with that?.
i'm curious as to how much more time there will be before these devices are the main computers for people.
I have a small android tablet. Since I still go to meetings I found luging a briefcase around tiresome. Since the NWT, Watchtower, Jeremiah Book and Song book arwe on the tablet I only carry the tablet to the hall.
It's yime for an introduction
by HowTheBibleWasInvented ini've been lurking a month or two and letting out a comment here and there.a few weeks ago someone asked if i had formally introduced myself.
i was born and raised a witness.
i always found meetings borning and family studies so bad.
Thanks all.
jhine: Yes but I was speaking from the perspective of THEN not now. Thanks
On the Way: Your suggestion of Both is quite valid. I take to position of the Jesus Seminar etc. Having checked the evidence from the sacanty sources I have decided Jesus existed but was merely a wisdom teaher and made a stupid mistake of invafing the temple on passobver and turning tables etc. He was thus executed and Peter, James and probably Mary had dreams of him after. As did Paul in 2 Cor. 12.
While Paul borrowed from earlier legends I believe he conected them to a 'resserected Jesus' being taught by Peter and James.
But to each their own.
has shunning been downplayed?
by chickpea inseveral times over the course of a year or so, jws from the kh i attended have been downright chatty during happenstance crossing of paths... .
wth is up with that?
i have no grudges against any of them, but it is confusing as all get out to have left the cult as an ardent supporter of my out, open, front page headlining transgender son, becoming vocally and decidely apostate knowing i was dead to them... now after at least a half decade out, to have them chummy-ing up to me in a check-out line.... frankly, i would rather they look the other way, you know, if none of them would ever genuinely want to know how my son is doing.
They took a "mouse in the corner" tone.
"Apostates say if we have truth we should see both sides of the picture. No we shouldn't."<<<< Words like this were said. It puts them in a defensive position that is a sign of failing. The elder reading this did not sound convinced. After all there is the Boreans
The society knows they WILL die. Thus in the time left they will milk the flock for money so the 8 members can retire to a tropical island. (BTW I plan to as well by but my wife owns lands in the Philippine so.. lol)