If this is the way Danish Witnesses are reacting to the 'Worlds Apart' Movie then it's pathetic!
JoinedPosts by HowTheBibleWasInvented
Jehovah's Witnesses calling us "mentally diseased" hits Danish media
by Amelia Ashton inhttp://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/2013/07/25/151958.htm.
How exactly did Paul keep in touch with his network of churches across the empire...
by mP inthe bible presents him as humble with limit means.
i always wondered how a man with a travelling companion of two like timothy managed to knnow or hear about all his churches.
how exactly does the troubles of corinth manage to find paul when hes over in judea or maybe somewhere in what we call turkey ?
Let me back up a bit:
There were only 2 waves of persucution:
The mid-lates 60's (Nero and it was Jews who were persucuted. Christians got caught up with this sice they were Messianic-Jews or Jew loving Gentiles)
The 90's(Domitian)
Paul probably preached in the 40,50s and early 60s.So let's start with the 40's (A reading of Galatians 1 and 2 would answer all your questions btw)
in the 40's Paul and his companions worked through Galatia, Aisia Minor and Greece. (NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT FAR AN WIDE! It is all well connected and the sea crossing in minimal)
In the late 40's Paul had to adress the issue about beleivers having died before the end came. The letter likely reached Paul in Corinth. From here Paul responded with 1 Thessalonians likely using Silas or Timothy as bearer.
Now: How did they know where Paul was? Easy. If you read Paul's letters you will find that, contrary to Acts, Paul spent many months at a time in Corinth. Likely he left Macadonia for Asia Minor to winter that year.
Next came a major issue. The churches in Galatia. It would seem that after Paul's trip back to Jerusalem and his dispute with Peter that the Jerusalem church wanted to take control of Paul's churches and make them conform to the Mosaic Law.
Now:Word would have reached Paul in Corinth easily by well travelled roads. In return Paul wrote Galatians and likely sent it by the same disciple that informed him. (Barnabbas?)
Paul travelled now to Ephesus and gave birth to a network of messages back and forth to Corinth. Schoolars refer to this as the Corinthian coorspondance and it includes 1 Corinthians and Parts of 2 Corinthians.
At this point Paul sends 2 letters to Macedionia and Achaia (2 Crinthians 8,9) requesting money for the churches in Judea. We have now reached the 60s.
Paul now does something insanely stupid and aids a felon named Philemon. Since this short letter states Paul is in chains were can determine Paul sent this letter by means of Philemon back to Onesimus in Colossee (Not far from Ephesus) and asks to not only accept his formor slave back but also to send relief. Paul also bids the Philippian church arcoss the sea for money as they are his favorite church. (Phillipains 2,3) He names Timothy as the bearer.
Paul is released but no by any help from Onesimus! The church in Phillipi bails him out. In return Paul again sends a thank yoou letter to them (Phillipians 4)
Paul now sends ahead to Rome. The Roman churches were not founded by him and for all we know this is most likely his first trip there. But the Romans have heard about Paul the crazy guy. They think he hates the law and Israel. Paul in his letter (Romans) addreses this.
And guess what!
He ends up in Rome in the heart of Nero's persucution! Uh oh. Paul is jailed and sends one final letter* to Phillipi (Phillipains 1) where his indicates he might die but to die would be gain.
* If there is a historical core to 2 Timothy chapter 1 and 4 then Paul MIGHT have sent another letter after this one but 2 Timothy was reworked into a Pastorial around 100 years later)
Note in many cases Paul was NOT being persucuted and neither were his followers. aul usually stayed in the same area of Aisai Minor or on specific routes.
Paul used his own diciples to deliver letters.
This model I have just shown where Paul doesn't travel much, uses his own disciples and only undergoes persucution from Jews and Rome (when in Rome at the end) is NOT MY MODEL!
Rather this is a recent recontruction by historians and scholars.
A good read is:
The Authentic Letters of Paul
Did anyone ever notice just how many 30-40 year escapees there are?
by AK - Jeff ini know a lot of young people leave the 'truth'.
but i would never have thought that so many of us with 20, 30, 40 years in would be leaving.
what do you think accounts for that?
Actually it was never the WTS that bothered me.
It was a book:
"How to Read the Bible" - James Kugel.
The book was not put out to refute the bible. It was put of to show how modern schloors read the texts. Seeing for the first time for instance that part of Genesis 8 is WORD PER WORD the same as the Epic of Gilgamesh did me in.
If the bible is wrong evolution is true! I want 100% proof. I went on the internet that night to see if there was anything close.
I discovered Restroviruses... Chromosome #2 etc.
There it was. I spent tha next 2 years studying the bible along with acheology and other texts in the same region.
Then I spent a year putting my research on YouTube.
I guess the real answer for me is the internet however it was REALITY actually.
On a side note I appreciate the bible more now knowing its religious propaganda of the acient Judeans
Remarkably stupid point in this week's Jeremiah book study - Jehovah's loving kindness
by sir82 inthe whole jeremiah book is an abomination, but a point in this week's study exceeded even its usual standards of inanity.. from page 144, paragraph 10:.
in our day, god continues to show loving-kindness in ways that directly benefit his worshippers.
consider the matter of prayer.
The dreaded Jeremiah Book. The worst write up on this 7-6th century prophet and his (3 times edited) book.
Jehovah is not a god of loving-kindness in any chapter of Jeremiah. Neither for that Matter is Jeremiah but seemed to be the whiniest and most idiotic of the Judean prophets at the time.
We owe this book to Baruch the scribe actually and if you look behind the scenes....
1. Jeremiah is given a huge release along with Baruch
2. Political uprest (by an idiot called Ismael) causes many Judeans, including Jeremiah and Baruch to flee to Egypt
3. Jeremiah preaches hate to them in Egypt and suddenly his words end (Killed or Jailed maybe?)
4. Baruch in secret reconstucts Jeremiah's oracles along with his own notes.
5. After the exile the book of Jeremiah is arranged in topical order and this screwed up again
<<<<<<<<<<< Where is Jehovah's loving-kindness?
Oh yeah I forgot to mention Jerwemiah preached hate and vengence being feed just fine by his priestly family (or in prison) while many he was preaching to were starving so much they ate their children! A loving man indeed ... ugh
How exactly did Paul keep in touch with his network of churches across the empire...
by mP inthe bible presents him as humble with limit means.
i always wondered how a man with a travelling companion of two like timothy managed to knnow or hear about all his churches.
how exactly does the troubles of corinth manage to find paul when hes over in judea or maybe somewhere in what we call turkey ?
The Christians were persucuted in the first century ...BY JEWS. A large scale attack on Christians might have occured under Nero however throughout the rest of the empire it was not Romans vs Christians.
Almost all of Paul's authentic letters have the name of the bearer of the letter included. The letters were taken from Paul and his team (Often Silas and Timothy) and taken to the church by road or sea.
Christians were likely persucuted severly under Domitian as the 1st century was ending and thus we see John of Patmos in chains writing in HORRIBLE GREEK and socking and evil imagery. The Beast- Nero... Image of the Beast - Domitians etc.
However out of the 90s also likely spurned the Johannaine churches which seemed to be rich Gentiles who met in secret (Note the way Jesus washes his disciples feet in a secret room in the story of the Gospel of John). It is also likely at this time 2 Thessalonians was written in Paul's name portraying Domitian as 'the man of sin'!
It is likely that with ten years of Pauk's death (picking the traditional 64) Ephesians and Colossians were written in Paul's name expanding on his theology.
By th second century there was a huge relapse of persucution and this is when that hard hitting letters Hebreews, James (although a few verses in chapter 4 might date back to James) Jude, 1 Peter and Luke-Acts.
1 Timothy and Titus show an organized structure of overseers etc. (2 Timothy too however part of chapter 1 and 4 are likely a core going back to Paul)
2 Peter was last and ironically called Paul's letters 'scripture'
The Persucution did NOT stop the letters from travelling. However it did change Chrstian theology for decades and gave birth to the modern idea of 'The Antichrist'
DC "Jehovah's Witnesses have been banned"
by Separation of Powers inseveral weeks ago, i had the opportunity to attend one of the dc.
the final drama was quite interesting as it depicted a "ban" on the jehovah's witness religion without an explanation as to why?
i'm sure many in the audience pondered on what they had learned from their previous studies i.e that babylon the great would fall and then that gog of magog would eventually turn his attention to the organization.
The reason behind this is very clear.
The WTS is losing money very fast. It is also losing many members.
Thus you may notice the new target is children and teens who can still be brainwashed.
The 'ban' idea is propaganda however it might be a half truth. With recent real estate deals, flat out misquoting science journals, child sex cases, mind control problems the WTS knows eventually in the next few years a government of some country (maybe in europe) will shut them down.
Thus the goal is for a secret organnization behind what is seen to gevernments. Thus the drama.
In fact with the governing body at the top using branches via e-mail and printing being done in canada alot (for north america) the WTS is ready to go undercover as best they can.
Bizarre JW stories of enduring hardship
by Vormek2.8 ini remember hearing of a faithful older brother who was attacked by vicious dogs while in service.
even though his clothes were shredded and he was bleeding he continued walking door to door to finish his assigned territory for that day.
Once upon a time a sister was out in the ministry and was working alone.
She was in a bad part of the city working apartment doors in a rundown apartment.
She knocked on a door and a weird guy answered and took the magazines in a hurry.
As the sister left the police arrived and quickly hauled the guy out of the room. He had murdered a whole family.
They found the magazines on him and asked why he didn't kill the Jehovah Witness at the door.
He answered:
"I couldn't do anything to her. There were two big men standing on both sides of her!"
@ angels
What use is God?
by punkofnice in.....it seems like the human race is in the process of solving it's own problems......isn't it?
god is doing what exactly?
god seems rather want to show his boat race about this planet any more.
The are many different religions with many different gods. Some religions like Buddism, Jedism,Taoism,Kopimism and Pana-wave do not need a God or Gods.
It is a big fluke that the God of Israel (Yahweh/Jehovah) ended up becoming the god of more then 1/2 the world. We have Ezra to thank for enforcing monotheism and Paul for evangelizing Messinic-Judism to the Roman empire
Did anyone notice this?? Think: Noah's Arc
by Bloody Hotdogs! in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:punctuationkerning /> <w:validateagainstschemas /> <w:saveifxmlinvalid>false</w:saveifxmlinvalid> <w:ignoremixedcontent>false</w:ignoremixedcontent> <w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext>false</w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext> <w:compatibility> <w:breakwrappedtables /> <w:snaptogridincell /> <w:wraptextwithpunct /> <w:useasianbreakrules /> <w:dontgrowautofit /> </w:compatibility> <w:browserlevel>microsoftinternetexplorer4</w:browserlevel> </w:worddocument> </xml><!
[endif]the september 2013 awake has this to say about the length of zheng he's treasure ships:.
"historical records from the ming dynasty say that zheng hes treasure ships were amazingly large447 feet (136 m) long and 183 feet (56 m) wide.
I noticed that article. They shot themself in the foot.
The size and shape of noahs ark as described in Genesis was probably written in the 500s or even 400s BCE. However is was copied from an earlier babylonian work (The Epic of Gilgemesh) which dates back into the 2000-1000BCE range and has traditions going back even futher possible to the Caspian sea flooding around 6000 BCE.
As pointed out since it is a boat designed in a river valley and is a story ade up by people who might have never seen the ocean we cannot expect any possible understanding of ocean vessals to shine through in this text. The exiled Judeans in Babylon (who used the Epic and made their hero Noah (Ezekiel 14:14) the new savior also have probably never seen the ocean and copied the story easily.
In fact with the exception of parts of the New Testament (Acts 27) the bible is extremly inaccurate as to ocean travel. They simply had no idea!
How exactly did Paul keep in touch with his network of churches across the empire...
by mP inthe bible presents him as humble with limit means.
i always wondered how a man with a travelling companion of two like timothy managed to knnow or hear about all his churches.
how exactly does the troubles of corinth manage to find paul when hes over in judea or maybe somewhere in what we call turkey ?
I dealt with this topic on my youtube channel. (HowTheBibleWasMade)
Roman roads were quite we established in the mid first century. However Paul mentions in 2 Corinthians highwaymen. The marine roautes were freed of pirates earlier for the mst part and thus the main danger was shipwreck (Also mentioned in 2 Corinthians)
In most of his letters Paul wrote with others and sent the letter by someone else. In fact Paul probably didn't travel very far outside the Asia Minor/Macedonian churches.. (Jerusalem and Rome being the exceptions)
Also Paul's letter are one-sided<<< Meaning we don't have the letters sent to Paul.
One thing we know is that Paul seemed to be absent too much. He probably lost the churches in Galatia. His churches in Corinth decended into moral degradation as seen in 1 Corinthians 5 and 6. Later Corinth was taken over by powerful preachers who Paul condemns in 2 Corinthinians 11 and 12.
Thessolonica was a joke. Paul made up the idea of heavenly life in 1 Tessolonians 4. (Expanded later in 1 Corinthins 15)
The Roman churches didn't think much of Paul's law-bashing. Romans is an apologetic.
Philippi is the exception. They seemed to have a better relationship to Paul.
Interesting after Paul's death.... John of Patmos and Clement took over and if you read Revelation and 1 Clement you will find they didn't like Paul much lol.