Technically all of language is socially constructed. Not just partitioned group usage. We are rewriting the dictionary every moment. The dictionary publishing world radically changed its approach to them in the late 50s. Companies realized that meanings are not dictated through some top down policed sysrem but rather meanings are worked out on the street so to speak. There is no authority on words or language though the rich and influential historically have had more than their share of influence on what is written. The dictionary is not the rock solid arbiter and protector of words you think it is. No word is safe from change and often words end up meaning the opposite of what they started out to mean. In fact I would go so far to say that it is not technically correct to say a certain word "means this or that" but rather "we are currently saying and agreeing that a certain word means this or that." Compliments of college linguistics and semantics.
JoinedPosts by friendaroonie
Rewriting the dictionary
by rebel8 ini got a really lengthy pm from a poster i don't know, scolding me for saying there is a difference between rape and religious abuse.
i recently had a conversation with someone who says eating oysters is vegetarian.
when i pointed out it isn't, the person said we all have different definitions of vegetarian.
Premarital sex--how prevalent?
by wafflesandpancakes inin my old congregation, everyone seems clean.
mostly chaste courtship, kingdom hall wedding, blah blah.. well there are lots of cases of fondling but they were soon forgotton.
when my husband and i confessed to sex before marriage, the elders were disgusted.
After extensive research on this very question using all the latest algorythms ive come to find that I was the only jw NOT having sex. Accordingly I would like to thank all you a $$ holes for not inviting me to the party. All those lonely nights studying thr watchtower while you all were having fun. I bet you all laughed at me behind my back didnt you? My only comfort now is the faint hope of making up for lost time with some 60 year old crack whore prostitute. Have sex while you are young dont pioneer is what my present self would tell my past self if I could go back in time. Sigh.
San Diego are you awake?
by nicsfreedom incurrently we need 50+ people to reserve a seat for the sd premier of "truth be told".
invite anyone you know and please inform them to go through the tugg site below to ensure the event will happen..
Euat is the remainijg tickers status now (?
If you were to protest an Assembly what would you put on your placard ?
by Finkelstein insince this topic of protesting assemblies recently came up, i was wondering .
what would be the some of the most proficient and perhaps strongest message.
to place on a placard to show as the people arrived at the venue.
Id dress up like a giant cartoon character tower with a clock in the front a foundatio block that sa 1914 and eyes from h r puffenstuff.g
Evolution, Biogeography VS. Experimental archaeology
by Brother of the Hawk ini thought of posting this on an ongoing thread regarding proof of noahs flood by poster *lost*, but i think a separate thread is needed.
this is why.. first my disclaimer.
this thread is a theory since so many people love the theory and so as not to hurt feelings and insult anyone, this is only a theory.. my personal observation is this, as long as you bash watchtower all is ok. as soon as you try to present any resemblance of christianity or any belief in the bible, such as the flood, you are personally bashed.
I am curious to know if b o t hawk is a christian bible believer and an inerrantist. I tnhiink I know the answer but I dont want to assume. And if so using sites that have a foregone conclsion of proving the bible accurate using modern western scientific meyhods to prove what you already .made up your mind is true is truly worth your time. Why not just accept the bible on faith and move on like the young earth creationist does? You will nev err r be able to prove the biibles accuracy. It is impossiblle. Such is not the nature of science. Besides real science does not have a religious dog in the fight. If you have any preference at all for how your research turns out you are a. Walking tainted researcher and your findings will never be valid. Sorry to tell you that. Inother words and this is not just for you but for all of us if you care too much one way or the other you must recuse yourself just like a biased judge in a trial might do.
Governing Body's new neuroscience program better than Cambridge University
by Dogpatch ini don't know what to make of this.
i assume this is a real lecture given in cyprus, apparently recently (original jw email dated dec. 1st).
anyone know this guy?
Linguistics was a major part of my ba inn language and literacy. I am not even tempted to read what they are saying. If the watchtower wss a recognized authority id have heard of them in my studies. Csse closed. On a even more humorous note a classic example of n l p was a s n l character by kevin nealon back in the 80
S. It was subliminal man who worked in words like mets tickets or sex with me into his conversation. Very hilarious.
Encounter at McDonalds
by jws inso i was helping some friends move and it came time for a break, i took my kids to mcdonalds.
we're sitting there and there's a family across from us, man, wife, 2 kids under 4. in the next booth is this older guy, maybe late 60's.. i'm not really paying attention, but then this older guy says something to the family about everybody being "me-first" these days.
so that caught my ear.
Remin ds me of the recent post on self deception
cant find nov article on obey gb pn
by friendaroonie incan u describe how to nav to mag on jworg.
Well yhe mag doesnt have page numbers online so p20 doesnt help. I just read the whole srticlle on obey shepherds. I didnt see the quote. How about the article title and the parsgraph number.
cant find nov article on obey gb pn
by friendaroonie incan u describe how to nav to mag on jworg.
I was talking to a dub on the street n couldnt see my screen. It is my first smart phone.
cant find nov article on obey gb pn
by friendaroonie incan u describe how to nav to mag on jworg.
If domeone voulf jusy psste yhe yhing here yhat eould be gr ed at but the article nsme title is needrd too.